1、Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte,Content,AuthorIntroduction of Jane EyreSentence Appreciation,2023/7/6,AuthorCharlotte Bronte(1816-1855),An English novelist and poet,2023/7/6,Life&Education,Born in Thornton,Yorkshire in 1816,the third of six children,She had three sisters and a brother.Charlottes mother d
2、ied of cancer in 1821.In August 1824,Charlotte was sent with three of her sisters,Emily,Maria,and Elizabeth,to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire.Two elder sisters,Maria(born 1814)and Elizabeth(born 1815),who died of tuberculosis 肺结核 in June 1825.,2023/7/6,Soon after their fat
3、her removed them from the school.She and the other surviving children created their own literary fictional world,which prepared them for their literary vocations in adulthood.Charlotte continued her education at Roe Head,Mirfield,from 1831 to 32.Charlotte returned to Roe Head as a teacher from 1835
4、to 1838.In 1839,she took up the first of many positions as governess to various families in Yorkshire,a career she pursued until 1841.1846 Completed The Professor,which was rejected for publication.1847 Published the novel Jane Eyre-an immediate success.In 1848 Charlotte and Anne visited their publi
5、shers in London and revealed the true identities of the“Bells.”(女性作家认可偏见适合判断 议论猜测舆论),Life&Education,2023/7/6,Life&Education,In 1848 Branwell Bront,who was an alcoholic and a drug addict,died.In 1848 Emily died.In 1849 Anne died.1849 Published the novel Shirley.1853 Published the novel Villette which
6、 was based on her experiences in Brussels(布鲁塞尔)In June 1854,Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls,her fathers curate(助理牧师)and she became pregnant soon after the marriage.Her health declined rapidly during this time.She died,along with her unborn child,on 31 March 1855,at the young age of 39.,Novels
7、AndPoetry,Novels:1.Jane Eyre,18472.Shirley,1849 3.Villette,1853 4.The Professor教师,published posthumously in 1857,Poetry:In May 1846,Charlotte,Emily,and Anne self-financed the publication of a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer,Ellis and Acton Bell.,2023/7/6,The Bronte Siste
8、rs,The Works of Bronte Sisters,Charlotte Bronte,1816-1855,Emily Bronte,1818-1848,Anne Bronte,1820-1849,Jane Eyre简爱,Wuthering heights呼啸山庄,Agnes Grey艾格尼斯格雷,2023/7/6,Jane Eyre,Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies,Historical background of Jane Eyre,Victorian Age(Queen Victorias reign,1837-1901):Industr
9、ial Revolution=social upheaval(动乱)Farm workers migrating into cities causes mass unemployment,poverty,women and children working in factories for very low wages.New class distinctions and rise of middle class(shop-keepers,merchants,village parson)新的阶级差别和中产阶级的崛起(店人员,商人,村里的牧师),Vincent Pan School of Fo
10、reign Studies,Victorian Middle Class,Adhered to social conventions of domesticity and religionCharacterized by public moralizing,stifling religious outlook,private hypocrisy(伪善)(Victorian gentleman publicly preached morality(公开的道德说教)but patroned brothels.(妓院的老顾主)Propriety(得体)and prudence(节俭)were acc
11、epted valuesMany families living in factory slumsMany orphaned children(孤儿)experiencing extreme suffering All of this existed outside official notice of Victorian worship of family life,domesticity(家庭生活),and the hearth,Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies,Middle Class Women,Expected to marry,produc
12、e large families,and tend to their childrenUnmarried women were limited to respectable work as a governess or teacherThe poor women worked in factoriesWomens restrictions were evident from their clothing,and they were expected to act with utmost propriety(得体),Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies,Pl
13、ot Summary,Jane Eyre is a famous and influential novel by English writer Charlotte Bronte.It was published in London,England in 1847.Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character,a small,plain-faced,intelligent and honest English orphan.The novel goes through five distinct stages:1.)J
14、anes childhood at Gateshead,where she is emotionally abused by her aunt and cousins;2.)Her education at Lowood School,where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations;3.)Her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor,where she falls in love with her Byronic employer,Edward Roche
15、ster;4.)Her time with the Rivers family at Marshs End(or Moor House)and Morton,where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her;5.)Her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean.,Plot SummaryChapter14:Janes childhood at Gateshead Chapter510:Janes educat
16、ion at Lowood SchoolChapter1126:Janes time as the governess of Thornfield Hall Chapter2735:Janes time with the Rivers family Chapter3638:Janes reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester,Jane Eyre-The Story,Jane lives with her aunt who is rude and unjust to her and sends her to a charity scho
17、ol for poor girls,where she lives an intolerable life and stays for eight years.Then Jane becomes a governess to a little girl in the family of a squire(乡绅)called Mr.Rochester.The squire falls in love with her.While they are about to hold their wedding ceremony in the church,Jane learns that Rochest
18、er has got a wife who is mad.,Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies,Jane Eyre-The Story,Shocked by the news,Jane flees from the house.She goes through many hardships.Finally helped by a parson(牧师),she gets the job of a teacher in a village school.Meanwhile,a great misfortune befalls Mr.Rochester and
19、 he becomes blind.Hearing that Mr.Rochester has become penniless and disabled,Jane Eyre hurries back to him and becomes his wife.,Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies,main characters,Jane Eyre-the heroine,a strong personality,simple,firmness and flexibility,independent,aggressive women.Her contempt
20、 for the arrogance of the rich and powerful,and laugh at their stupid show the personality and beautiful ideals of self-reliance.She has great vitality,never bow to fate.Have their own longing for a better life.,Jane Eyre,Edward Fairfax Rochester-Teenfeide manor,with wealth and a strong physique,a y
21、oung man he lived Unconventional life,later determined to seriously life,like Jane Eyre and her to marry him.Lost an arm and an eye in his later years when his first wife crazy arson.Eventually became the husband of Jane Eyre.,Edward Rochester,Bullock Jorge Lancaster-Lowood charity school Explorer,h
22、ypocritical and mean.,St.John Reeves-Janes cousin,handsome,high faith.Jane to marry him,but the simple reason that Jane Eyre is suitable to do a missionarys wife to be his assistant,and later a missionary to India.,Mr.Brocklehurst,St John Rivers,Daughter of Adela-Rochester former lover(a French danc
23、er),indulge in an extravagant life style,like beautiful clothes and accessories.Change in the British school education.(Rochester is her guardian,Jane Eyre students)Ingram.,Adle,Alice Fairfax-Rochesters housekeeper.,Mrs Fairfax,Miss Blanche-looks beautiful aristocratic lady,Mr.Rochesters pursuit,but
24、 not for love,but money.,Lady Ingram,Mrs.Reed-Jane Eyres aunt,who against their promised husband adoption of Jane Eyre,Jane Eyre is not fair.Son committed suicide so that her stroke,dying conscience,telling Jane Eyre she had relatives living truth.,Jane Eyre,Edward Rochester,Adle,Mrs Fairfax,St John
25、 Rivers,Lady Ingram,elder male cousin,wooer,Mr.Brocklehurst,the schools financial manager,Mrs.Reed,The novel merges elements of three distinct genres(流派,类型).It has the form of a Bildungsroman,a story about a childs maturation,focusing on the emotions and experiences that accompany growth to adulthoo
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