1、音标教学 by Miss Qiu,u:,音标特征:后元音 高音 圆唇 长元音发音要诀:双唇成圆形,双唇向前突出,牙床近于半合。舌尖不 触下齿,发长音。注意长度,不要发的太短,口腔肌肉要始终保持紧张状态,自然而有力。发音组合:oo o ou u代表单词:food fool cool pool shoot tomb group blue clue rule,u,音标特征:后元音 高音 圆唇 短元音发音要诀:双唇成圆形,稍向前突出,牙床近于半合。舌尖不触下齿,舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。舌尖离开下齿自然而不用力,发短促音。发音组合:oo u ou 代表单词:foot good cook took p
2、ull full should,音标对比:u:u food foot boot book cool couldwho knows the truth?Tom choose a pair of blue shoes.The wolf is looking for its food.I will choose blue shoes to take to school to use.,音标特征:后元音 半低音 圆唇 长元音发音要诀:双唇向外突出成圆形,稍稍收圆,介 于开闭,圆唇之间。舌后升起,舌尖不触下齿。注意:双唇收得要更圆更小,并用力向前突出。注意长度,不要发得太短。发音组合:a oo aw o
3、u ore au or ar 代表单词:talk ball hall call door floor law saw bought fought thought before ignore caught force born warn,:,音标特征:后元音 低音 圆唇 短元音发音要诀:口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。双唇稍稍收圆,不要突出。发音组合:o 代表单词:ox on not hot lot,音标对比::sort dog short shop(1)All of the children in this classroom want to be a lawyer.(2)There are a
4、lot of hotdogs in the paper box.(3)The boss took out five dollars from his pocket.,后元音小结:英语中一共由六个后元音,即:a:u:u:发后元音时必须注意:1)舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚部分 抬起。2)除了a:,其余都是圆唇音。3)注意a:,u:,:三个音的长度,不要发的太短。,双元音的一般特点是:1)由两个成分组成,发音时由一个元音 向另一个元音滑动,发音过程口形有变化.2)前重后轻,第一个成分发音响亮清澈,第二个成分较轻弱模糊.3)前长后短,第一个成分发音较长,第 二个成分发音较短.,双元音,e发音
5、要诀:舌尖抵住下齿,牙床半开半合。双唇扁平,口形由e向i滑动。ei 发这个音的字母和字母组合ei a ai ay a:cake make name game snake gate lazy ai:rain train wait ay:day May play taday way 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。1.face wave sheep tail 2.grape plane name coat 3.time tape train snake 4.rain soap cake train,音标对比:e e at eight bed lab late pen sand sam
6、e hen The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.,a发音要诀:将口张开略圆,舌后微升,舌尖向后收 缩,由a:平稳过渡到i音。ai 发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy i:kite bike nice tiger write knife y:by cry fly my sky try why ie:tie pie uy:buy根据发音规则,找出每组中发ai的2个单词.1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse 3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small te
7、nnis kite,音标对比:a bat bite back bike lamp line There is pie in my eye.Will I cry?Will I die?Though I am shy.I will not lie.It might cause a sty,but I deny that I will die or cry from the pie in my eye.,发音要诀:双唇外突成圆形,发音,逐渐过渡为双唇扁平分开,发短音。由圆唇变成扁唇。发音组合:oy oi 代表单词:toy boy noise voice point coin oil boil根据发音
8、规则,找出每组中发i的2个单词.1.soil hear soy cold 2.rabbit bed boy noise 3.walk voise boil word 4.tea enjoy toy milk,音标对比:boy boss toy topThe little boy is playing with his new toy.The joyful girl is counting her coins.Put some oil in the car.,au发音要诀:将口张开略圆,逐渐合拢,双唇逐渐成圆形,不要一开始就把双唇收圆。由a:平稳过渡到u音。滑动时双唇逐渐收成圆形,并把舌后部稍稍
9、抬起。发音组合:ou ow代表单词:house sound out town now tower根据发音规则,选出不发au的单词。1mouse cloud arm clown 2.teacher trousers cow mouth 3.town dance flower house 4.tower blouse now baby,音标对比:au a now night cow kite sound side Our house has a brown mouse.It is cloudy now.It is raining now.,au 发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou:house
10、 mouse mouth trousers ow:flower cow how now down根据发音规则,选出不发au的单词。1mouse cloud arm clown 2.teacher trousers cow mouth 3.town dance flower house 4.tower blouse now baby,音标ei ai i au练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。ei:ai:i:au:_ 二.选出下列没有发相同发音的词()1.cake egg rain May()2.kite cry broom fly()3.boy joy cat noise()4.blouse sun
11、 cow house()5.tower flower mouth arm三.读音标,将下列单词补充完整或写出字母,单 词的音标。klaud set kin kr:s c_ _ _d s_ _ c_ _n cr_ _s flg trein desk smail f_ _g tr_ _n d_ _ _ s_ _leAa Kk Ii Yy hi boy cow nowtoy bike house mycake face how nice,四.把下列单词下正确的音标连接起来 bow bau gate pai tray geit pie trei poison pizn五.看图、填空、标号h_t s_n
12、 e_ _s_ r r_l_ _ c_k_ m_ _th,Lesson 5,元音音标u i e u的练习,音标u i e u的练习,u发音要诀:口半开半圆,舌后微微上升,过 渡成双唇成圆形,发英语字母”O”的长音。由出发,然后把双唇收圆,滑向u。发音组合:o ow oa代表单词:host nose tone hole note know low own boat coat 音标对比:au u how hole loud load,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的2个单词。1coat goat tree river 2.make window knife road 3.your white row
13、 coat 4.boat hen nose lampplease show me the coat over there.Throw those old photos out of the window.The road is covered with white snow.,发音要诀:双唇张开,牙床由窄至半开,从i音过渡到音。发音组合:eer ear ere 音标对比:i il代表单词:beer deer here hill hear near fear fear feel here dear deal Dont sit near the door.A little deer appears
14、 in the woods.Please give me a glass of beer.根据发音规则,圈出每组中发i的1个单词。1.bear beer fair tail 2.noodles pair near come 3.horse near tower air 4.ring king here three,e发音要诀:双唇张开后略圆,牙床张开一定宽度。发音组合:air ear are ere代表单词:hair fair air chair bear pear dare there 音标对比:e ai hair hire fare fireA bear is eating a pear.
15、You must care the pears on the chair.,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发e的一个单词。1.bear idea pineapple tail 2.noodles pair climb come 3.horse house tower air 4.ring king hare three,u发音要诀:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,由u音很快向滑动。发音组合:oor ure our 代表单词:poor 音标对比:u u sure poor post tour sure sold I am sure that he is a very poor manHe lu
16、red the poor to lure the poorer.根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的1个单词。1.clear tourist pineapple tail 2.noodles pair climb fury 3.beard cure tower air 4.voice king pure engineer,音标u i e u的练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。u:i:e:u:_ 二.选出下列没有相同发音的词。()1.mouth coat goat window()2.dear beer cake teacher()3.pair boy air hare()4.poor tour Euro
17、pe cry()5.boat bike side fly三.写出单词或音标。nuz said i kau pe pu bt wu:d go ear photo deer near nose hear五.把下列单词与音标用线连起来。ruz theater it rose skwe tour tu square pleisiz places,Practice,辅音(28)Consonant,什么是辅音?What is consonant?,发音时不论声带震动与否,呼出的气流在通过口腔或鼻腔时,受到一定的阻碍,这样形成的音标称为辅音。,发音时,声带不震动的辅音,称为清辅音;,发音时,声带震动的辅音,
18、称为浊辅音。,课程内容Course Content,爆破音(6):p b t d k g 摩擦音(10):f v s z h r 破擦音(6):tr dr ts dz 鼻辅音(3):m n 舌边音(1):l 半元音(2):w j,10对成家,清 浊p bt d k gf v s z,清 浊 3 ts dztr dr,t d3,爆破音 发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。爆破音:p b t d k g,爆破音,pit pay happy Proper,爆破音,发音要领:发音时,双唇紧闭,气流突然冲开双唇,冲出口腔。/p/是清辅音,声带不振动,/b/是浊辅音,声带振动。,bit
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