1、1,广东省普通高考“英语听说”考试形式、试卷结构和题型,2,高三英语老师如何帮助学生高考英语听说得高分?,(一)点拨考试技巧:1.录音不宜太心急 到录音时间就开始录音 Is James interested in music like you?2.大声说英语从阅卷经验看,在每一部分的考试中,考生只要能说出相关的英语,回答的不管是一个词、一个短语,还是一个并不是很完整的句子,都会给分。以2011真题Part B 为例。,3,Q3.What did the man do in most of his spare time?He spent most of his spare time learni
2、ng to play the piano and violin.(得满分2 分)Play the piano and violin.(得满分2 分)Piano and violin.(至少得1-1.5 分)Play piano/violin.(起码有1 分)Piano/violin(起码有0.5 分),4,有把握时,请把句子说完整;把握不大时,说出句子的部分甚至一个关键的词也是很好的。不能“沉默是金”,考生的沉默等于主动叫评卷老师不要给分给考生。,5,当然考生的“Sorry,I dont know”也是告诉老师,你不要给分给我了,因为我不懂。所以,与其有礼貌的说“Sorry,I dont kn
3、ow.”倒不如争取说出相关的哪怕是一两个单词,也好让评卷老师找到给你分的理由。无论什么考试,能给分的题老师绝对不会不给的,因为你的争取不放弃会感动你的评卷老师的。,6,特别提醒:哪怕说不好或不懂说也不要笑,碰到容易的题更不要偷笑,因为考生的笑会让评卷老师觉得考生的态度不好,不够严谨。当然,更不要说一些与本话题不相关的英语,普通话或方言等。全过程当然杜绝不文明用语。,7,3.说好前几句 担任多年英语人机对话改卷组长发现,第一印象很重要。“秒杀”给分是常有的事。用较好语音和语调,自信地把开头说出来,你会马上赢得老师的好评,给你高分是不足为奇的。尤其体现在Part A的模仿朗读和Part C 的故事
4、复述部分里。,8,4.善于自然纠正 在Part B 的三问五答里,有些考生明知自己回答错了,不敢再说,呆呆地等着时间过去。其实,当考生在录音的过程中,发现自己回答错了,只要时间允许,考生又能自然纠正过来,评卷老师是会以考生最后纠正过来的答案给分的。,9,5.巧练自信的声音宏亮的声音更具有穿透力,给人精神饱满自信的感觉。相反,懒洋洋的声音对人有催眠作用,会让本来已经有倦意的老师感觉更累。然而,声音也不宜时大时小。保持自信,字正腔圆的表达一定能打动评卷老师,得分就会高一些。,10,特别提醒:嘴巴不能太靠近microphone,否则,连不该录进去的呼吸声或喘气声也听得清清楚楚。整个过程更不要随意动m
5、icrophone,如摘下等,这样很容易导致录音不成功而出现零分现象。今年广州一模听说考试就Part A,抽查了6804 份录音,其中有7 人因录音不成功而得0 分,实在可惜。,11,6.活用“Thats all.Thank you!”在Part C的复述故事中,尽自己能力多说,如果能说上80 秒或稍多点的时间为最好。复述的故事要完整,用好一些过渡词,如,开始时可用 One day/morning/afternoon/evening;The other day;Many years ago;Long long ago;Once upon a time等;,12,发展故事时可用Then/Afte
6、r that/One day later/But/However/Suddenly/Therefore/Unfortunately/To my surprise 等等;结束故事时可用Finally/At last/Eventually 等。故事复述完了,别忘了有礼貌地说一声“Thats all.Thank you!”,13,特别提醒:说的时候,不妨看看右下角的时间去调整自己的速度,太快吧,不像在复述,而且很快就讲完;太慢吧,评卷老师听起来会烦;如果停顿的时间太长再继续就更加不提倡(因为评卷老师可能误以为你说完了,而不继续往下听了),因此,千万不能停顿太久!,14,如何在高考英语听说(PartA
7、/B/C)得高分?,模仿朗读,语音语调不能只是将文字读完就完了,16,Skill 1:Dealing with pause 讲英语或读英语时,尤其是遇到长句时,适当的停顿很重要。停顿并非随心所欲读累了就停,而要根据意群来停。英语以意群的形式来表达观点和看法。意群是意思联系紧密的短语或从句。一个句子可以按照意义和语法结构分成几个部分,每一个部分成为一个意群。一般来说,段与段之间的停顿时间最长,其次是句与句之间的停顿,最后才是句子内部意群之间的停顿,例如:主语与分句或从句之间的停顿。句子内部意群之间的停顿,在下列情况下尤其突出:(9种),十 意群停顿,句子意群的划分主要由以下三个因素决定:意思联系
8、的紧密程度:一般来说,一个短语或一个简短的从句就是一个意群。在意思联系紧密的短语或从句之后,应该有一个短暂的停顿。停顿符号常用“/”表示。例:I see animals/in the zoo.,十 意群停顿,2.语速:语速快的时候,意群可长些;语速慢的时候,意群可短些。如:Most of us dont like playing football.语速较快时,这句话可以划分为一个意群。语速较慢时,可以划分为两个意群。如:Most of us/dont like playing football.,19,1主句与从句(定语从句、宾语从句等)之间 a.These are the robots of
9、 our dreams,intelligent machines that live to serve.b.And,the FBI confronts the most heavily armed militia that US law enforcement has ever faced.c.James Bond,the ultimate survivor knows very well that there are many ways to kill.,长句一般要划分成两个或两个以上的意群,具体原则如下:,20,2.条件状语、时间状语等分句与主句之间a.All would be lost
10、if not for the strength of one woman.b.When you arrive here youll find a million secrets and as you explore it,youll find a million more.3.当后置定语较长时,其与所修饰的核心词之间As we reveal the secret strategies of an FBI crisis negotiator,these stories are straight ahead on Best Kept Secrets.But for their variety of
11、 appearance,all dogs are simply mutations of their closet ancestral relative,the wolf.c.How does the FBI solve cases like the Oklahoma City Bombing?,21,4.表时间、地点、距离、方式等的介词短语与句 子其他成分之间a.The four hundred-year-old Hapsburg dynasty still commands most of Europe to the envy of her neighbours.b.Wolves had
12、competed for prey with another group of hunters,complex communicators not unlike themselves.c.Her crew is plotting a course to one of the most notorious points in the north Atlantic,the site of Titanic disaster.,22,5.表目的、伴随动作、原因、或结果的分词短语与句子其他成分之间a.Perhaps the wolves were drawn in by the smell of mea
13、t cooking cover a fire,and into contract into their rivals.b.Tucked high in the canyon hills are aristocratic retreats over-looking some of the most expensive real estate in the United States.c.But for the Russian people born to this giant land,Europe is distant horizon beyond their imagination.,23,
14、6.不定式短语与句子其他成分之间a.What exactly happened on that terrible night to cause the death of one thousand of five hundred and twenty-three men,women and children?b.Science is taking us back in time to witness the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic.c.She is the first woman to inherit the Hasburg thrown,and fe
15、w believe she can keep it.,24,7.以and或or分隔的较长的句子成分之间But youre not in the jungle of Bali or even a hidden sanctuary somewhere in Thailand.He drags millions out of the Dark Ages and forges a new nation.c.It defies definition and can only be described as unbelievable,capricious and dreamlike.,25,8.同位语与句
16、子其他成分之间The one exception:her devoted husband Francis,duke of Lorraine.9.插入语与句子其他成分之间a.At times,dogs appears to move and react like wild animals,yet they are by definition,domesticated.b.The instruments of death have pushed technology to the limits in what has become the Deadly Game.,Copyright,26,Ski
17、ll 2:Dealing with rising tone1.英语中的升调一般用于:(5种)a.一般疑问句,如:Do you come here a lot?Have you been to any foreign countries?b.选择疑问句的前半部分,如:Is she an English teacher or Chinese teacher?Are you here for the tickets or books?,Copyright,27,c.若干相同类目的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,如:I want low fat yogurt,tuna salad,chocolate c
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