1、文學的 寫實主義 與 自然主義Realism and Naturalism in Literature,董 崇 選中山醫大應用外語系教授懂更懂學習英文網站負責人網址:http:/dgdel.nchu.edu.tw,I.何謂 Realism?,Portrayal of life with fidelity(逼真描寫人生)or truthful representation of reality(忠實再現實体)Depiction(描寫)of subjects as they appear in everyday life,without embellishment(修飾)or interpreta
2、tion(詮釋),and without personal bias(偏見).A mid-19th Century movement following Romanticism.Champfleurys“Le Ralisme”,II.何謂 Naturalism?,原哲學術語指 materialism,Epicureanism(享樂主義),secularism(世俗主義),etc.後指 belief that every existing thing is a part of nature and thus can be explained by natural and material cau
3、ses.An extreme form of Realism.Zolas Le Roman exprimental(The Experimental Novel),III.兩主義之同與異:,1.Method:inductive,observational,and hence objective(歸納、觀察、客觀)觀察分析 a slice of life(人生的切片)2.Implications:a.material determinism(物質決定論)b.all-inclusiveness of subject matter(題材全包)強調 heredity(遺傳)&environment(環
4、境)認為 Nothing is unclean:什麼都可寫。,III.兩主義之同與異:,3.Interest:contemporary(當代的),real life 要 the everyday,the normal,the observable,the pragmatic(實用的),etc.不要 the historical,the remote(遙遠的),the imaginary,the fantastic,the idyllic(田園的),the idealistic,the unsullied(不污染的),etc.4.Reaction:against classicism,Roman
5、ticism,“art for art sake”5.Difference:More than Realism,Naturalism is preoccupied with“ugliness”:喜歡寫 slums(貧民區),poverty,disease,dirt,sex,etc.,IV.影響兩主義之背景:,The invention of photography in 1839Comtes application of scientific ideas to the study of society.Taines application of deterministic(決定的)theori
6、es to literatureDarwins evolutionary(進化)theoriesEnglish utilitarianism(功利主義):Bentham and MillThe realistic or naturalistic paintings of Courbet,Burial at Ornans by Courbet,V.一些名言:,“A novel is a mirror walking along the road.”-Stendhal“My book is an analytical labor on two living bodies like that of
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- 文学 写实主义 自然主义 RealismandNaturalismin
