1、太阳系中的八大行星 Eight major planets in the solar system,目录,木星金星地球火星木星土星天王星海王星总结,水星 Mercury,水星介绍:Mercury introduced:水星距太阳五千八百万公里,是太阳系中和太阳最近的行星。水星没有卫星,它的体积在太阳系中列倒数第二位,仅比冥王星大。因为水星与太阳非常接近,所以它的白昼地表温度可高达摄氏四百二十七度;而到晚上又骤降至摄氏零下一百七十三度。Mercury 58 million kilometers from the sun is the solar system planets and the su
2、n.Mercury is not satellite,it is the size of our solar system listed in the penultimate position,only Pluto large.Because Mercury is very close to the Sun,its surface temperature can be as high as the daytime temperature of 427 degrees;and also a sharp fall in the evening to minus 173 degrees Celsiu
3、s 返回目录 Return to directory,金星 Golden Star,:金星介绍:Venus Introduction:金星,中国古代称之为太白或太白金星。它有时是晨星,黎明前出现在东方天空,被称为“启明”;有时是昏星,黄昏后出现在西方天空,被称为“长庚”。金星是全天中除太阳和月亮外最亮的星,犹如一颗耀眼的钻石,于是古希腊人称它为阿佛洛狄忒-爱与美的女神,而罗马人则称它为维纳斯-美神。天文上金星符号,即美神梳装打扮时用的宝镜。Venus,the ancient Chinese called Taibai or太白金星.It is sometimes Morningstar,the
4、re pre-dawn sky in the east,known as the Venus;sometimes evening,after dusk in the western sky,is called Venus.Venus is the day in addition to the sun and the moon outside the brightest stars,like a dazzling diamond,so the ancient Greeks called it Aphrodite-goddess of love and beauty,while others ca
5、ll it the Victoria Rome nass-United States and God.Astronomical symbols on Venus,that is,loaded up the United States when God Salisbury Hokyo used.返回目录 Return to directory,地球介绍:Earth Introduction:太阳系八大行星之一,地球自西向东自转,同时又围绕太阳公转。地球自转与公转运动的结合使其产生了地球上的昼夜交替和四季变化(地球自转和公转的速度是不均匀的)。同时,由于受到太阳、月球、和附近行星的引力作用以及地球
6、大气、海洋和地球内部物质的等各种因素的影响,地球自转轴在空间和地球本体内的方向都要产生变化。地球自转产生的惯性离心力使得球形的地球由两极向赤道逐渐膨胀,成为目前的略扁的旋转椭球体,极半径比赤道半径短约21千米。One of the solar system eight planets,Earths rotation from west to east,and at the same time around the sun.Earths rotation and revolution movements combined to produce an alternating day and nig
7、ht on earth and the seasons change(the Earths rotation and the speed of revolution is uneven).At the same time,due to the sun,moon,and the nearby planets and the gravitational effect of Earths atmosphere,oceans and the Earths interior and other material factors,the Earth and the Earth in space自转轴the
8、 body must change direction.Earths rotation makes the centrifugal force generated by the inertia of the Earths spherical poles to the equator by a gradual expansion of the current rotation of the slightly flat ellipsoid,the equatorial radius of more than a very short radius of about 21 km。返回目录 Retur
9、n to directory,地球 Earth,火星 Mars,火星介绍:Mars description:因为它在夜空中看起来是血红色的,所以在西方,以罗马神话中的战神玛尔斯(或希腊神话对应的阿瑞斯)命名它。在古代中国,因为它荧荧如火,故称“荧惑”。火星有两颗小型天然卫星:火卫一和火卫二(阿瑞斯儿子们的名字)。两颗卫星都很小而且形状奇特,可能是被引力捕获的小行星。英文里前缀-指的就是火星。In the night sky as it appears to be blood red,so in the West,to the Roman god of war Mars(or the corre
10、sponding Greek mythology,Ares)named it.In ancient China,because it is fiery Yingying,it referred to as the 荧惑.Mars has two small natural satellites:Phobos and Phobos 2(the names of the sons of Ares).Two satellites are very small and peculiar shape,may be captured asteroids gravity.English prefix-ref
11、ers to Mars.返回目录 Return to directory,木星 Jupiter,木星介绍:Jupiter Introduction:木星是太阳系九大行星中最大的一颗,按离太阳由近到远的次序,它排第五。木星是夜空中最亮的几颗星之一,仅次于金星,通常比火星亮(除火星冲日时以外),有时比最亮的恒星天狼星还亮。中国古代称木星为岁星,并用它来纪年。当时人们认识到木星约十二年运行一周天,便把周天分为十二分,称为十二次,木星每年行经一次,就用木星所在星次来纪年,这种纪年法被称为岁星纪年法。木星的赤道半径为71400公里,为地球的11.2倍;体积超过地球的1500多倍;质量是地球的318倍,是
12、太阳系所有其他行星总质量的两倍半。如此庞大的木星平均密度却相当低,只有1.33克/立方厘米。Jupiter is the largest of the nine planets of the solar system 1,according to from the sun is far from near to the order,it ranked fifth.Jupiter is the brightest night sky,one of several stars,second only to Venus,Mars than light(in addition to Mars day
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- 太阳系 中的 八大 行星 Eightmajorplanetsinthesolarsystem
