1、,GVDP v5.0 UpdateDon Smith,22MAY06,This document is for internal GM use only.Not to be duplicated or disclosed outside GM without approval of Don Smith 586-986-1983,GVDP Post DSI v5.0 Released 06April06(for more information go to:gvdp/asiapacific/index.html),GVDP Pre-VPI Process Documentation v1.0Re
2、leased 06MAR06(for more information go to:),GVDP Pre-VPI GVDP version 5.0,Outline,Pre-VPI and Post-VPIGlobal GVDP 5.0 BackgroundHigh level frameworkProcess AgreementsProcess Agreement detail 5.0 contentProgram FrameworkArchitecture&Program Work StructureGVDP 5.0 Assumptions&EnablersProcess Documenta
3、tion,Pre-VPI and Post DSI GVDP,pre-VPI GVDP“bolts-on”to the beginning of the rest of the GVDP for individual programs and supplies needed deliverables at DSI,Program Development,ArchitectureFraming,ArchitectureEngineering,ArchitectureRefinement,Program Framing/ArchitectureDevelopment,Portfolio Plan
4、Development,Program Execution,Current Arch?,VPI,VDR,SORP,PFI,AFI,to ensure quality execution.,ASSI,AA,DSI,AC,Architecture Framing Initiated,Architecture Statement of Strategic Intent,Program Framing Initiation,Architecture Approval,Document of Strategic Intent,Architecture Confirmation,Vehicle Progr
5、am Initation,Verified Data Release,Start Of Regular Production,What is pre-VPI GVDP?,pre-VPI GVDP is GMs integration of architecture development and program development,pre-VPI GVPDIs GlobalIs a documented processAccommodates multi-market architectural development similar to Global EpsilonAccommodat
6、es the newly defined Global Portfolio ProcessProvides timing guidance for architecture and program development(start and end points)Defines required decision points and approval forums(governance),Pre-VPI GVDP Overview,Architectural Approval,Documentof Strategic Intent,Architecture Statement of Stra
7、tegic Intent,Vehicle Program Initiation,PFI,Yes,No,Arch.Framing Initiation,AFI,VPI,1 mth,Arch.Mods?,Program Framing Initiation,Portfolio Development,ProgramFraming,ArchitectureFraming,Engineering&Execution,ArchitectureRefinement,Program Development,5-6 Mo.,6-7 Mo.,6-7 Mo.,6 Mo.,6 Mo.,Ongoing,ASSI,AA
8、,AC,DSI,Architectural Confirmation,PFI,VPI,1 mth,ProgramFraming,Program Development,5-6 Mo.,6-7 Mo.,DSI,Lead Program(e.g.Vectra),Derivative Program(s)(e.g.GMX 353,GMX 354),No ArchitectureModifications(outside of bandwidth)(e.g.GMX211,GMX272,GMX386),New/Modified Architecture(e.g.Epsilon,Gamma,Delta),
9、AFI-AC Key Program Deliverables,ArchitectureFraming,Engineering&Execution,ArchitectureRefinement,AFI,Global Market&Arch.RequirementsBandwidth of physical dimensions/proportionsArch.Boundary Conditions(Material Cost&Investment)Body StylesMainstream Architecture Configuration/PackagingLoad path Strate
10、gyKey Architectural BOM Rows SelectedBaseline Powertrain Plan(Engine/Trans.Families,Drive Types)Proportional Model(s)Sourcing StrategyManufacturing Strategy,Virtual Performance AssessmentVirtual Package AssessmentUnderbody 3D Math ModelGlobal ADV PlanAllowable Costs SOR Development Sourcing Activiti
11、es,ASSI,AA,AC,Architecture Imperatives Architecture Cost Status Virtual Architecture Assessment Proportions/Integrated Packaging Systems&Component Concept Solutions Proportional Model Early Supplier Involvement Manufacturing Concept,Capability of arch.&bandwidths defined,ArchitectureCapability confi
12、rmed virtually,Architecturesolutiondefined,Initial Participating Regions and ProgramsInitial Engineering Requirements Regulatory Performance Etc.,Initial arch.objectives identified,Program Framing,The purpose of Program Framing:Develop common program vision and objectives with Leadership Translate c
13、ustomer and corporate requirements into technical requirements Understand the engineering solutions within the existing architecture Modifications as required within existing bandwidths Develop the compatible boundary conditions captured in the DSI,Program Planning/Architecture Adaptation,Program Fr
14、aming,Portfolio Development,Target Exploration Workshop,Program Framing Kickoff,Document of Strategic Intent,Program Framing Complete,Program Definition Complete,Ongoing,Program Framing Initiation,PFI,DD,DSI Direction,GVDP,PFC,PDC,5-6 months,DSI,Approves“kick-off”of program DSI developmentConfirms P
15、FI inputs:“Big Idea”and Strategic Role in PortfolioArchitectureProgram scope and timeline Body Style and Brand Assumptions Potential Powertrain Families and Drive ConfigurationsInitial capital and engineering Workload assumptions Primary Region(s)of salePotential issuesAuthorizes resources(Core PET)
16、,Regional AVDLT or GPDC(if required),DSIPrep,Program Framing,Program Framing Kickoff,Document of Strategic Intent,Program Framing Complete,Program Framing,Program Definition Complete,Ongoing,Program Framing Initiated,PFI,DSI Direction,PFC,PDC,DD,Target Exploration Workshop,GVDP,5-6 months,DSI,Portfo
17、lio Development,Create and assess program alternativesDevelop organizational alignment concerning scope,vision,and key objectives(key wins,price of entry items)Establish program targets and boundary conditionsProgram positioning Preliminary Content(including powertain,key technologies)Financial Boun
18、dary ConditionsDesign enablersManufacturing footprintDevelop&verify high level engineering solutions that will meet existing Bill of Architecture(BOA),DSIPrep,GlobalPortfolio Planning,Global VDP 5.0 Background,Product development leadership direction to shorten time between VPI and SORPReduction bas
19、ed on GELT led studies of GMDAT and Toyota lead time advantages.Study concluded:GMs global VDP lead times lag Toyotas by several monthsToyotas enablers:decoupled development,overlapping functional work and fast functional processes DSI to SORP advantage of about 4 monthsGMDAT Lean VDP faster for in-
20、country productsActual GVDP 5.0 reduction is 15 weeks(37/20 to 33/20)for New and Major vehicle programs.Reduction moves single theme math 15 weeks closer to the market.GVDP 5.0 was released for programs with a Document of Strategic Intent(DSI)on or after June 1,2006,and for select programs earlierEx
21、isting 4.1 programs will not be updated to 5.0 logic or timing.Additional studies are being conducted to develop shorter templates for derivative programsGVDP Pre-VPI Released for use on 06MAR06 creates deliverables important to executing GVDP 5.0,GVDP 5.0 Release Announcement 07April 06,All,Followi
22、ng an initiative sanctioned by the Global Product Development Council(GPDC),Global Engineering Leadership Team(GELT)and Global Joint Engineering and Manufacturing Staff(GJEMS)to shorten product development lead time,we are pleased to announce the release of the Global Vehicle Development Process(GVD
23、P)5.0.This release improves VPI-SORP timing,for new and major programs,from 37 months to 33 months,and moves styling 15 weeks closer to market introduction.GVDP 5.0 is directed at programs with Document of Strategic Intent(DSI)dates after June 1,2006,and several select(slightly earlier)programs wher
24、e partial implementation will occur.Regards,Rick SpinaExecutive DirectorGlobal Program Management,GVDP 5.0 Framework 33/20,Theme Development,IDR,VDR,-112,Design ARM,Sourcing,SOR,B,CT,Procure Parts,FG,CV Design Solution,FG,SV Design Solution,Process/Formability,Construct/Verify Dies,B,CT,Procure Part
25、s,IV Design Solution,FG,DTA,-163,AD,-155,Design Dies,MVBs,MVBns,PPV,Design BodyShop Tools,Construct/VerifyBody Shop Tools,-15,Ped Pro Mule,Mules,VPI-SORP 15 week reduction from GVDP 4.1,-148,STD,DSI-SORP Overall leadtime is within 6 weeks of Toyota,Functional processes have been adjusted,added,or re
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