1、词汇是构成句子和文章的最基本要素。因此对词义的理解正确与否,直接关系到句子和篇章译文的正确性。另外,能否对词义做正确选取与表述,是构成好译文的基础。但是在文章中,一词多义、一义多词和一词多类的现象很多,选取词汇释义,既靠能力,又靠鉴赏力。,4.1 词义的选择(Choice of Word-meanings),4.1.1 词义选择,立足三“意”,文化浸透在语言中,社会文化环境变了,语言形式和词义也会同时变化。每一个词汇都有:基本意义(basic meaning)衍生意义(derivative meaning)搭配意义(collocative meaning),如汉语中的“打”:又如英语中的“ma
2、ke”:打渔make paper打柴make a fire打球make a promise打喷嚏make trouble打酱油make money,例1:kill1)They killed a bottle of whisky between them.【译文】他们几人喝完了一瓶威士忌酒。2)He killed ten good years on that job.【译文】他在那件工作上浪费了整整10年。3)Her bright red hat killed the quiet color of her dress.【译文】她戴着一顶红色的帽子,这和她一身的素装很不相称。4)These flo
3、wers could be killed easily.【译文】这些花很容易枯死。5)The funny play nearly killed me.【译文】这出有趣的戏几乎把我笑死。,6)That bus ride every day kills off all of my energy.【译文】每天坐那趟公共汽车使我筋疲力尽。7)This carpet kills the sound of footsteps.【译文】这条地毯隐匿了脚步声。8)The bill was killed in the House.【译文】议案在议会被否决了。9)It has killed her affecti
4、on.【译文】那件事使她的感情变淡了。10)Care killed a cat.谚语【译文】忧虑伤身。,例2:sight1)It costs him a sight of trouble.【译文】那给他招来一大堆麻烦。2)I know him only by sight.【译文】我跟他只是面熟。3)He fell in love with her at first sight.【译文】他对她一见钟情。4)The next election was already in sight.【译文】下届选举已经临近。5)Take a careful sight before firing.【译文】瞄准之
5、后再射击。,6)I have lost sight of my old friend for many years.【译文】我已多年未得到老友的音讯。7)The Great Wall in China is one of the sights of the world.【译文】中国长城是世界名胜之一。8)This jewelry is worth a long sight more than that one.【译文】这个珠宝比那个价值高的多。9)Do what is right in your own sight.【译文】做你认为对的事。,4.1.2 词义选择,瞻前顾后,观察派生词的词义要学
6、会“瞻前顾后”。“瞻前”指看词的前缀,“顾后”指看词的后缀。派生词由词根、前缀、后缀组成,这是扩大词汇的重要方法。,例1:pure1)Pure water is useful.【译文】纯净水有用。2)This is purely water.【译文】这仅仅是水。3)Purify the water before drinking it.【译文】请将水净化后饮用。4)Purified water is useful.【译文】净化了的水有用。5)Purifying water is useful.【译文】净化用水有用。,例2:like1)All music is alike to Tom.【译文】
7、啥音乐在汤姆听来全都一样。2)That,I think,is hardly likely.【译文】我想,那不大可能。3)Mans life is often likened to sea voyage.【译文】人生常被比作海上航行。4)His likeness to his brother was remarkable(引人注目的).【译文】他长像酷似他兄弟。5)Things cannot be always to ones liking.【译文】事情不会总是称心如意的。6)Like likes like.【译文】物以类聚。,4.1.3 词义选择,看词在句中的位置,词义选择要看词在句子中的位置
8、,前后的“邻居”等,位置改变,意思随之而改变,邻居不同,词义不同。,例1:only 1)The French only love arts.【译文】法国人只爱艺术。2)The French love arts only.【译文】法国人爱的只是艺术。3)Only the French love arts.【译文】只有法国人爱好艺术。,例2:naturally1)They are behaving naturally.【译文】他们举止自然。(naturally是副词,修饰behaving)2)Naturally,they are behaving well.【译文】当然,他们表现很好。(natur
9、ally是副词,修饰全句)3)She is naturally gentle.【译文】她天生就温柔。(naturally是副词,修饰gentle),例3:present I want to present everyone present a present.【译文】我想给在场的每个人赠送一份礼物。,例1:Did you hear that voice?【译文】你听到刚才的声音了吗?例2:That brings me to this question:What is a nation?【译文】那使我想起了下面这个问题:什么是民族?,4.1.4 词义选择,看时间、空间、距离方位,例3:Alber
10、t Einstein,who developed the theory of relativity,arrived at this theory through mathematics.【译文】爱因斯坦创立了相对论,他是通过数学获得这一理论的。(时间最早),例4:A few minutes later,Zoe sat sipping coffee and watching the girl eagerly attacking a large pizza,buttered breads and a cup of milk.【译文】几分钟后,左伊坐下来,一边啜饮着咖啡,一边看着女孩迫不及待地向一大
11、块披萨、好几块黄油面包和一杯牛奶发起进攻。(伴随状语),课堂互动:翻译下列句子,注意词汇的基本意义、衍生意义、搭配意义,1)The sales of the book went deeply into the millions.【译文】那本书销售达好几百万册。2)He is four going on five.【译文】他(四岁)快五岁了。,3)A pound does not go far these days.【译文】现在一英镑买不到多少东西了。4)Ill give you 50,but I cant go any further.【译文】我可以给你50英镑,但不能再多了。5)This w
12、ill go a long way toward world peace.【译文】这对世界和平将起很大作用。,6)A fine appearance and capability do not usually go together.【译文】中看并不一定中用。7)She has the qualities which go to a good teacher.【译文】她具有一个优秀教师所必需的素质。,8)A foreign language will go far towards widening our horizon.【译文】外语会大大帮助我们开阔视野。9)What he says goe
13、s.【译文】他说话算数。10)He made a promise and then went back on it.【译文】他许下了诺言,但没有践行。,1)The house is over against the university.【译文】那幢房子就在学校的对面。2)Were up against all sorts of difficulties.【译文】我们勇于面对种种困难。3)The factory has produced 85 tons of sugar this year,against the 60 tons of last year.【译文】这个厂今年生产了85吨糖,而去
14、年只生产了60吨。(形成“对照”)4)He saves money against the rainy day.【译文】他存钱以备不时之用。5)Charge it against my account.【译文】把这笔钱记在我的账上。(表示“用抵付”),综合练习,1翻译下列句子,注意词义选择,6)She drew a check against her bank balance(余额).【译文】她开了一张支票提取银行存款的余额。(表示“抵消”)7)We must not cross the street against the light.【译文】我们不能不顾交通信号灯就横穿马路。(表示“违反”
15、)8)His appearance is against him.【译文】他的外表与他不符。(表示“不一样”)9)He was helpless against such forces.【译文】在这种暴力面前,他感到无助。(表示“在面前,在情况下”),4.2 词义的引申(Extension of Word-meanings),英译汉时,有时会遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义,如任意硬套或逐词死译,会使译文生硬晦涩,不能确切的表达原意,甚至造成误解。这时应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本意义出发,加以引申,选择比较恰当的汉语词来表达。引申是指在不脱离原文的基础上,运用延续或扩展的方法,将
16、具体意义引向抽象进行翻译,就是指一个单词、一个词组、或者整个句子由原义产生一种新义。,4.2.1 词义引申三层次:近似、深化、升华,词义引申三个层次:近似 接近本义,又不为本义所限制;深化 赋予新义、与本义在字面上尚有一定的联系;升华 出自本义而在字面上又远离本义。,例1:Its not a good habit for a child to water anywhere.【译文】小孩随地小便可不是一个好习惯。(近似),例2:Suddenly,something inside me turned.(The Day Mother Cried)【译文】突然,我心里一酸。(升华),例3:You ma
17、y remember,my dear friend,that when we lately spent that happy day in the delightful garden and sweet society of the Moulin Joly,I stopped a little in one of our walks,and stayed some time behind the company.【译文】我亲爱的朋友,上次在芍丽磨坊举行游园会那天,我们玩得很痛快。那天是良辰美景,到会者皆风雅仕女,可是你也许记得,有一次我们散步的时候,我曾经在路上停留了一会儿,落在了大家的后面。
18、(深化),课堂互动:翻译句子,注意词义的近似、深化、升华,1The custom had its spring in another country.【译文】这种风俗起源于别的国家。(近似)2David is swollen(肿胀的,骄傲的)in everything,in body and in mind.【译文】大卫真是虚有其表,身体虚胖,头脑空空如也。(近似),3How they bow to Chris because of her hundreds of thousands of pounds!【译文】瞧她们对那个克里斯奉承讨好的样儿,还不是看她有成千上万的财产吗!(深化),4and
19、 she held honora cheque for twenty thousand pounds with his signature quite firmly in her hands.【译文】她把她的战利品一张签了名字的两万英镑的支票紧紧地攥在手中。(深化),4.2.2 把具体的词义抽象化,由于两种语言的习惯不同,英语中表示具体意义的词汇,有时需要用一个表示抽象概念的汉语来表达。如pen and sword,汉译为“文武”。这种引申在任何语言中都有,在不同的语言里引申的场合和方式不同,原语中表示具体意义的词汇,在译入语中往往需要转换成抽象概念的词来表达,这样才能使意思更加明确,更合乎表
20、达习惯。,例1:Every life has its roses and thorns.【译文】生活有苦也有甜。例2:Watch out for Marlow,hes full of Mickey mouse ideas.【译文】要提防着点马洛,他满脑子的歪门邪道。,例3:It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.【译文】遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。,例4:There is a mixture of the lion and the lamb in his character.【译文】他的性格既刚强又柔弱。例5:See
21、-sawing between partly good and ominous(不吉利的),the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.【译文】在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。,例1:He is a nice enough young fellow,you know,nothing upstairs.【译文】小伙子人长得是年轻英俊,脑子里却是白纸一张。,4.2.3 把抽象的词义具体化,例2:It was as if he were reading me,absorbi
22、ng all the information I provided,and adding details from his own experience and imagination to create a truer understanding of my words【译文】他似乎在琢磨我的心思,吸收我提供的所有信息,加进他自己的经历和想象,对我的话语做出更为真实贴切的理解。,1The newspaper claims to be the mirror of the public opinion.【译文】该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。2Application of laser in med
23、icine is still in its infancy(婴儿期).【译文】激光在医学中的应用仍处于发展的初期。,课堂互动:翻译句子,注意具体词义抽象化和抽象词义具体化,3But no one forces you to go to sea.It gets in your blood.【译文】但是谁也没有强迫你出海,是你心甘情愿嘛。4She was,to be sure,a girl who excited the emotions,but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.【译文】她确实是一个易动情的姑娘,不过我不是一个让感情支配理智的人
24、。,5But,if public dissatisfaction continues to grow,or appears to do so,politicians may conclude that they have to do something,usually in the name of reform.【译文】但是,如果公众的不满情绪继续上升,或者似乎将要上升,政客们可能就会得出结论,认为必须采取行动,而且这种行动通常以改革为名。,6He gave up the sword for the plough.【译文】他解甲归田了。7Behind him I see the long gr
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