1、汇报议程Agenda,项目定位Project Orientation,项目研究Project Research,案例研究Case Study,建筑设计概念方案Concept Scheme,项目定位Project Orientation,市场定位Market Orientation,豪华商务及城市度假酒店 Luxury Business+City Holiday Hotel,功能Function,5星级客房/套间/总统套间5-star room/suit/presidential suit公寓式酒店apartment-style hotel商业配套/零售/影院commercial facilit
2、ies/retail/cinema会务/宴会/会议conference/banquet/meeting room五星餐饮/地方娱乐5-star dining/local entertainmentspa/休闲/室内游泳池 spa/leisure facilities/indoor pool,目标客户群Target Customers,国内和国际商务人士 national+international business travelers 国内和国际旅客 national+international tourists 湖北省武汉市商务及会务市场 Wuhan/Hubei business+confe
3、rence market 周边社区居民 surrounding community residents,项目研究Project Research,项目背景研究(1)Background Research(1),本项目位于武汉。武汉是湖北省省会,中国历史文化名城,华中地区和长江中游的经济、文化、信息中心。全市现辖13个城区、3个国家级开发区,常住人口约858万人。土地面积8494平方公里。经过58年的建设,武汉已成为中国腹地一座多功能的综合型特大城市。,The site is located in Wuhan,which is the capital of Hubei Province;it i
4、s one of the ancient city in China,as well as the economic,cultural and information center.The whole Wuhan city includes 13 districts and 3 national class development zones,with the total population of 8,580,000.The land area is 8,494 square kilometers.,项目背景研究(2)Background Research(2),本项目用地位于武汉未来的中央
5、商务区王家墩CBD内。王家墩CBD位于武汉市汉口主城区中心,规划面积7.41平方公里。区位优势突出,交通便利,是城市快速干道、轨道交通及机场高速路的结合点。建成后的王家墩CBD将成为集商务办公、商业、文化、博览、居住等多功能于一体的华中现代服务业中心。,The site area is located inside Wuhan Wangjiadun CBD,and the planning area of the CBD is 7.41 square kilometers.The CBD has advantageous geographic location and convenient t
6、ransportation.After its construction,Wangjiadun CBD may become modern service center in Central China,integrated with the functions of business,office,culture,exhibition and residence.,项目背景研究(3)Background Research(3),项目用地位于王家墩CBD内。毗邻地铁二号线的进出口和会展中心,并地处CBD东北角的入口位置,地理位置相当优越。,The site is located inside
7、Wangjiadun CBD,adhere to Metro No.2 and the exhibition&convention center,and its close to North-east entrance of the CBD.Therefore,the site has advantageous geographic location.,基地位置分析Site Location Analysis,项目概况(1)Project Overview(1),基地概述项目位于武汉市汉口常青路与青年路交叉口。东北面青年路是连接地铁二号线的接驳口;西北面是未来的会展中心;西面是公共停车场及绿化
8、广场;南面是高档的住宅用地。规划用地范围为27600平方米。,Site OverviewThe site is located at the intersection of Changqing road and Qingnian road,among which the north-east Qingnian road links to Metro No.2;north-west side is supposed to be the future exhibition center;the west will allocate public parking lot and green squa
9、re;and the south area is for residential use.The total planning area is 27,600 square meters.,项目概况(2)Project Overview(2),基地现状基地现状为商业与住宅混合用地及空地,地势平坦。许多房屋已经开始拆迁。,Site StatusThe site area is flat and smooth,mainly for commercial and residential use now.Removal work has been started.,SWOT分析(1)SWOT Analy
10、sis(1),优势 Strength1.位于王家墩CBD内以及地铁的出入口位置,具有显赫的地理位置,能够为酒店带来充 分的发展机会 Advantage of Location 2.周边住宅区及CBD正在开发的商务项目(例如会展)带来对城市商务及度假酒店的强烈需 求 Advantage of Surrounding3.青年路通向汉口火车站,常青路通向天河国际机场,交通便捷,Convenient Transportation4.酒店房间空间的舒适度、超前的空间设计概念、良好的商业娱乐配置,与传统老酒店的个 性化差异 Outstanding Design5.阿特金斯与嘉峪的品牌,嘉峪成熟的酒店商务客
11、网络 Good Reputation of Atkins and Jiayu机会 Opportunity1.是通向城市及CBD的门户 Gate way to the city and CBD2.为青年路沿线及城市提供地标景观 Create landmark development visible from Qingnian Road and the city,SWOT分析(2)SWOT Analysis(2),劣势 Weakness&挑战 Threats1.汉口火车站5星级东方大酒店的价格和位置竞争 Competition from the 5 star Eastern Hotel 2.传统金
12、融区内酒店群的价格和位置竞争(新华诺富特酒店、锦江大酒店、香格里拉、最佳 西方喜邦可、新世界酒店)Competition from the hotels in the traditional Financial District3.嘉峪酒店的项目建成时间与CBD其他项目的开工和完工时间差异影响客源及人气 Completion time different from other projects in CBD influence the sources of customers,案例研究Case Study,Moscow Expo Centre,Moscow,Russia(by Zaha Had
13、id),Closely located to the Moscow International Business Center(MIBC),this new landmark will expand the current usage as a business zone,into a 24 hour living and events space.The project realizes the possibility of integrating the vertical urban space with the existing horizontal urban fabric of th
14、e site.The main function of the horizontal space is to house the exposition and conference halls.The residential tower is designed as an elegant continuation of the Moscow City skyline,with a large vertical volume divided into two smaller shapes.The hotel rises to the 26th floor of the Western tower
15、,with beautiful views to the Moscow City.,紧邻莫斯科国际商务中心(MIBC),莫斯科展览中心以其新地标的位置,扩展了商务区的用途,使之成为一个24小时不夜城。该项目实现了结合城市竖向空间与基地横向肌理的设计手法。该中心的水平空间主要设置展览馆和会议厅。住宅楼的设计在造型上延续了莫斯科城市的天际线,大型竖向建筑体块分隔为两个小体块。西侧塔楼直至26层为酒店,莫斯科城市的美景尽收眼底。,Aarhus Harbor,Denmark(by UNStudio&3XN Architects),New harbour front Aarhus creates a b
16、eautiful and versatile urban area and comprises the tallest building in Denmark.The proposal offers a new harbour promenade with evening sun and public access to the unique view of the bay from the top floor of the constructions.The residential facilities of this district vary with cafe environments
17、,restaurants and open squares which enable common free-time activities.The area will have few cars most will be parked in an underground parking facility,giving optimum conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.A very special characteristic of the area will be the mix of owner-occupied and rental hous
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- 008 武汉 王家墩 CBD 五星级酒店 概念 方案 阿特金斯 55
