1、第二十四讲:植物的逆境生理,所有对植物生命活动不利的环境条件统称为逆境(Stress)。,24-1:逆境与植物的抗逆性概述,逆境与植物一、逆境、胁迫(强)与胁变,逆境的种类,物理的,如旱、涝、冷、热等;,化学的,如盐、碱、空气污染等;,生物的,如病、虫害等。,逆境生理(Stress physiology):研究逆境对植物的伤害以及植物对逆境的适应与抵抗能力的科学。,胁迫(强)与胁变,随着胁迫的强度不同,胁变的程度有差异。,弹性胁变:程度轻,解除胁迫以后又能恢复的胁变称弹性胁变;,塑性胁变:程度重,解除胁迫以后不能恢复的胁变称塑性胁变。,塑性胁变严重时会成为永久性伤害,甚至导致死亡。,胁迫(强)
2、,借助物理学上的概念,任何一种使植物体产生有害变化的环境因子称为胁迫(Stress),如温度胁迫、水分胁迫、盐分胁迫等。,在胁迫下植物体发生的生理生化变化称为胁变(Strain)。,胁变,A flooded maize field.Flooding in the US Midwest in 1993 resulted in an estimated 33%reduction in yield compared with 1992.,Many factors determine how plants respond to environmental stress:the genotype and
3、 development circumstances of the plant,the duration and severity of the stress,the number of times the plant is subjected to stress,and any additive or synergistic effects of multiple stresses.Plants response to stress through a variety of mechanisms.Failure to compensate for a severe stress can re
4、sult in plant death.,二、逆境伤害的性质(补),1.直接伤害(direct stress injury),2.间接伤害(indirect stress injury),严重的逆境,短时间作用产生的对植物生命结构(蛋白质、膜、核酸等)的不可逆伤害。这时植物还来不及发生代谢上的改变。如高温烫伤、冰冻等。,较弱的逆境,长时间作用,可以把原来的弹性胁变转化为塑性胁变,造成伤害。主要是代谢紊乱。,Plants respond to both as collections of cells and as whole organisms.Stress constitute environ
5、mental signal is communicated within cells and throughout the plants.Transduction of environmental signals typically results in altered gene expression at in the cellular level,which in turn influence metabolism and development of the whole plant.,三、植物对逆境的适应与抵抗,抗性=胁强/胁变,植物对逆境的适应与抵抗能力,称为抗逆性(hardiness
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- 关 键 词:
- 植物 抗性 生理 基础
