1、iBT TOEFL Reading(Basic Level),Introduction,iBT TOEFL托福阅读简介iBT TOEFL基础阅读课程设置简介攻克iBT TOEFL阅读的基本要求iBT TOEFL托福Direction讲解托福真题测试总结iBT TOEFL考试的特点和做题原则讲解句子的结构,iBT 托福阅读V.S.笔试托福阅读,iBT TOEFL 特点1.新托福所有的文章都加了标题main idea题型取消,取而代之的是文章内容小结题2.文章明显加长 老托福 350 新托福 700老托福 11分/篇 新托福 20分/篇 注意加试:第1部分若3篇,则听力为9个段落或篇幅的文章第1部
2、分若5篇,则听力为6个段落或篇幅的文章,iBT TOEFL 特点3.新托福的生词明显增多高中:3500个单词;四级:4000多;新托福:8000(质的突破)词汇题占1/4的分数4.题目大多都是具有客观无争性(混淆题不多)5.顺序原则出题的顺序和文章议论的顺序基本一致的第1题,一般在前3行;第2题,4-6行,iBT TOEFL 特点6.明显增加了对句子和篇章的考察 体现在新增题型中7.新增题型句子简化题:句子结构的理解句子插入题:考查逻辑文章内容小结题目:6选3(2分);7选5(3分)图表题:从文字到表格,TOEFL iBT Reading Question Types Basic Inform
3、ation&Inference questions Factual Information questions Negative Factual Information questionsInference questions Rhetorical Purpose questions Vocabulary questions,TOEFL iBT Reading Question Types5.Sentence Simplification questions 6.Insert Text questionsReading to Learn questions 7.Prose Summary 8.
4、Fill in a Table,iBT 托福阅读的考察重点(1)主题:辨析文章的主要观点,并与局部小观点区分;辨析段落主题。(2)细节:概括性信息的把握并判别具体信息的真伪。(3)词汇:辨析词汇和短语的含义,并通过上下文推断某些词汇和短语的含义。(4)推断:根据上下文推断出隐藏的信息。(5)态度:根据文章描述判断作者意图和态度。(6)结构:判断句子和句子之间的逻辑关系,并确定段落的结构。,3攻克iBT 托福的基本要求词汇是基础:如何有效地记忆词汇?四级词汇开始,6000 9000 词汇书如何看:最难的:s,t,c,d,e,l,p最易得:q,u,v,w.x,y,z词汇书的选择,TOEFL词汇 王
5、玉梅编著 适合高中生,词汇基础比较差的同学 收录词汇比较多而全 网络价:¥21.1,TOEFL词汇,词以类记张红岩编著前面的题材分类词汇不错,但后面的分类词汇总结一般 适合有一定基础的同学 网络价¥23.8,TOEFL词汇精选 张红岩编著 收录了比较多的常考的中高级托福词汇比较适合过了4级的同学网络价¥17.3,TOEFL核心词汇21天突破李笑来编著此书比较有成就感和规划感,并且每个单词都配备了托福考试的真题的原句 适合有一定基础,特别是看得懂单词可看不懂句子的同学 网络价:¥21.8,词典的选择,¥22.5,¥77.0,词汇记忆方法 零散时间背诵 15天内必须重复 背单词+阅读 一词多义E.
6、g.freshman freshwoman,句子是关键:如何快速高效地读懂句子?句子的结构,背景是补充:老真题 的阅读理解 National Geography Discovery 原版专业教材 美国历史文化书籍美国风情录、美加概况、美国介绍 比较原始的,中英文对照的,涵盖地理、历史、自然风光、社会人文,几个重要的网站(寄托天下)(寄托天下论坛)(太傻网),(4)信心是保障 Once you make up your mind to succeed,failure will never defeat you To do much is to be much To do little is to
7、 be little,阅读能力薄弱的原因 词汇量不够 词汇量足够,但是没掌握一词多义 无法在文中快速定位找答案 单词看得懂也能定位,但是放到句子就看不懂 想要看懂每一句话,没看懂不放心,Read iBT TOEFL Directions TPO(TOEFL Practice Online)Sample Test:Passage 22 on your handout,Answer to Passage 22 1-5 C D B B D 6-10 A B D D A,托福考试三大原则 不要通读全文 先读段落首末句,然后带着题目回原文找答案 阅读考试题目具有很强的客观性 原文必有出处,不能靠猜测在速
8、度与准确率无法兼得的情况下,一定以准确率为主 不可以边做题边查字典,标点符号的用法:句号 分隔句子逗号 逗号之间可以不用看冒号 抽象到具体的过程,表示解释分号 并列(语义上和结构上的并列)破折号 之间是说明成分,可以不看引号 引用别人的观点,表讽刺括号 解释作用,阅读的方法,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法1.简单句:S+V+O 2.复合句:主句+从句3.三大从句:泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读1.快速阅读方法2.阅读中需要详略结合 3.理解单位扩大,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,简单句:S+V+O 谓动单一性原则:在一个句子中,有且只有一个 谓语动词I am a student study econo
9、mics.()I am a student studying economics()非谓语动词:现在分词 V-ing 过去分词 V-ed(P.P.)不定式 to do,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,2.复合句:主句+从句主句单一性原则:在一个句子中,有且只有一个主句(从句 可以有若干个)S+V+O,S+V+O()SVO,and/but SVO SVO,引导词+SVO,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,3.三大从句:名词性从句:主语从句、同位语从句、强调句型形容词性从句:定语从句 副词性从句:状语从句,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,名词性从句(1)主语从句 引导词:what,that,how,why
10、,whether 结构:That+S.+V.+O.=n what/whatever+S.+V.=n,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,Example What you said is right That the ancestors of birds are dinosaurs is known 改写:It is known that the ancestors of birds are dinosaurs.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,名词性从句(2).同位语从句:同位语:n1,n2 n1=n2 同位语从句 S,n,V.O.S,that+SVO,VO e.g.The fact,that the
11、 ancestor of birds are dinosaurs,is known.可接同位语的名词多为抽象名词,如:view,idea,suggestion,fact,reason,conclusion,doubt.e.g.There is no doubt that he was a fine scholar,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,Test:Analyze the sentence structure(1)Though the actual boundaries and sizes and shapes of the plates are not known for sure,it
12、 has been postulated that there are six major plates.(2)It is generally accepted that the single super continent known as Pangaea indeed existed,that Panagaea subsequently broke apart into two giant pieces,Gondwanaland in the south and Laurasia in the north,and that the continents attached to the va
13、rious crystal plates separated and drifted in various directions.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,强调句型:It is.that+SV/+VO.注意强调句型的结构“Itis/was+被强调部分+who/that+其它部分”,此结构常译为“是;正是”。其特点是:去掉强调结构“Itis/waswho/that”原句仍成立Itwasabout600yearsago_thefirstclock withafaceandanhourhandwasmade.A.that B.until C.before D.when,精读 句子结构分析和解析
14、方法,强调句型:It is.that+SV/+VO.注意who和that的选用:在强调句型中,若被强调部分是主语,且指人时,可用who代替that;若被强调部分是宾语,且指人时,可用whom代替that;但若被强调部分是状语时,则只能用that,即使指时间、地点、原因等,也不能用when,where或because等替代。如:,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,ItwasmysisterwhomImetinthestreetyesterday.ItwasonlywhenIrereadhispoemsrecentlythatI begantoappreciatetheirbeauty.Itwasfo
15、rthisreasonthatherunclemovedoutof NewYorkandsettleddowninasmalltown,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,强调句型:It is.that+SV/+VO 强调句型通常强调主语、宾语和状语,一般不强调谓语。需强调谓语时,要在谓语动词原形前面加上助动词do,does或did,尤其是在祈使句或肯定句中,用来加强语气。如:Dotellmewhereonearthyouarenow!Boysandgirls,letmetellyousomethingthat doessoundstrange.Tomysurprise,hedidcomehereo
16、ntimelast night.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,形容性从句:定语从句 引导词::that,which,who,whom:when,where,whose结构:第类引导词 第类引导词+VO=a+SVO=a+SV=a,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,举例 第I类引导词 This is the pig that/which is very fat This is the pig that/which I ate This is the pig from which I make fun This is the pig,which is very fat This is the pig,
17、which I ate This is the pig,from which I make fun,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,第II 类:whose,when,where+SVOThe book,whose cover is red,is quite interesting.This is the place where I grew up.=in which I grew up.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,形容词性从句的省略 当that/which/whom在定于从句中充当宾语时,可以将它们省略:This is the movie I love.当that/which 在定语从句中充
18、当主语时,并且从句中的谓语动词为be动词时可将它们省略 n.that/which+be n,The house,which was built in 1919,was destroyed.The house,built in 1919,was destroyed.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,个别情况下,which或as在引导定语从句时,也指代前面整个一句 As the plates drifted,they may have diverged,which was associated with the spread of the seafloor,or they may have conv
19、erged,which resulted in collision,seduction and mountain building,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,(III)副词性从句:省略引导词when,though,while,although,if结构When+s*+v*+adj/V-ing/V-ed,S+V+O省略条件:s*=S v*=be 则:从句的主语和谓语一起省略。举例:When he was young,he was always beaten by his father.When young,he was always beaten by his father,精读 句子结构分
20、析和解析方法,测试1:写出省略句If you are in doubt,you could ask at your local library.If in doubt,you could ask at your local libraryThe room was a little shabby,though it is large.The room was a little shabby,though large.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,测试2:找出该句子中的省略 Other possible chemical defenses,while not directly toxic to
21、the parasite,may inhibit some essential step in the establishment of parasitic relationship.For example,glycol-protein in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that degrade cell walls.,精读 句子结构分析和解析方法,7 比较结构:比较的形式要一致:The United States is larger than UK/UK is/is UK 比较的对象要泛指:Your car is much more exp
22、ensive than the one I have.比较的对象要一致:The temperature in Alaska is much lower than that of Texas.,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,1快速阅读方法(I)句子简读法:所有的句子都先读主干,再看引导句(1)n+that+V=定语从句(2)V.+that=宾语从句(3)S+V,O“”省略不读(4)S,V+O“”省略不读,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,(II)n1,n2,n3(名词并列,则找一个自己认识的读)e.g.Aggressive behavior is intended to cause injury,p
23、ain,suffering,damage or destruction.,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,(III)n1 of n2,n1是中心词、核心词 n1 of n2 of n3,n1是中心词、核心词 e.gAn understanding of the derivation of the word competition supports that.翻译的方式:从后向前翻译依次加“的”,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,(IV)n1 or n2,n1 and n2(n1、n2认识一个就行)e.g.Based-20 or Vigesimal system are less used.,二、泛读
24、 快速阅读与有效阅读,(V)A such as B.C.D 或者 such A as B.C.D.只要认识当中的一个就可以 Verbal attacks such as screaming and shouting or belittling and humiliating comments can also be a type of aggression.,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,(VI)看到一下词组,只读逗号后面的内容 In addition to,In addition,Rather than,While/though/even if/even though,.,二、泛读 快速阅读
25、与有效阅读,(VII)more A than B Than以后的内容不读(VIII)as well as=and 同IV,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,2.阅读中需要详略结合 skimming but not skip.I 需要详细阅读的内容 结构主体(段落首末句)非举例性质的概括、描述 题目定位返回原文的内容 II 可以快速浏览的内容 大量数据堆积 明显举例 对比、类比、让步、转折只读一半,二、泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读,3.理解单位扩大 I 阅读中的恶习 指读、声读、回读、视角过窄、二次阅读 II 理解单位扩大 理解单位 变单词为意群组合进行阅读理解焦点训练法:Example,二、泛读 快速
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