1、,商务英语翻译 之 句法翻译,否定句式比较句式被动句式定语从句难句长句,英语和汉语在表示比较的结构形式和使用方法上有较大的差别,从文化差异方面来看,英美人一般不作绝对的肯定或否定,总是作相对的比较,而汉语则习惯于使用最高级形式。此外,还有一些比较句式在汉语中反映不出来。常见的比较句式结构有以下几个方面:,句法翻译之二:比较句式,1)各种比较句式的替换 2)等比句式 3)差比句式 4)极比句式 5)比例句式 6)择比句式 7)介词表示比较8)其他表达方法,比较句式(1):各种比较句式的替换,从形式上看,英语中表示比较时有三种格式:原级(A is as as B),比较级(A is more th
2、an B)和最高级(A is most),但实际上这些结构形式可以替换使用,翻译时可以灵活处理。Never has China made better economic developments than now.,中国从未取得像现在这样好的经济成就!,A is more than B(A比B)这个结构可以替换成B is not as as A(B不像A那么),意义上没有区别,因此在翻译时可以采用原级形式来处理比较级。,比较句式(1):各种比较句式的替换,Even though the United States produces more automobiles than any other
3、 country,it still imports large numbers of autos from Germany,Japan and Sweden,primarily because there is a market for them in the United States.,尽管美国的汽车产量居世界首位,但它仍然从德国、日本和瑞典进口大量汽车,重要原因是美国市场有这种需求。,原级和比较级按最高级翻译,比较句式(2):等比句式,等比句式表示两个相比较的事物处于同样情况,翻译时可按原级处理。有以下几种形式:,We have kept business relationship wi
4、th the company for years as it was as creditable as ever.Containerization is an efficient mode of shipment as it is as simple as time-saving.The problems are as numerous as trivial问题既多又繁琐。,asas结构除了表示单纯的比较(“同一样”)以外,还可以用来比较一个事物或人的两个不同特征(的同时存在),可译为“既又”。,我们与那家公司保持多年的商业关系,理由是该公司一贯讲信用。集装箱化是一种高效运货法,这种方法既省时
5、又简单。,注意:并非所有的由as.as引导的句子,都能直接译出;它还可用来比较两个不同事物或人的两个不同特征,表示二者的状况处于同等程度或两个事物之间具有连带关系。译成汉语时,以“而/但”连接两个事物。如:Life here is as cheap as taxis are expensive.(这里的生活支出费用挺低,但乘出租车却贵得要命。)The prisons are as over-crowded as the farmlands are empty(监狱里人满为患,而农田却无人耕种。),3.A home without love is no more a home than a bo
6、dy without a soul is a man.,没有爱的家不称其为家,正如没有灵魂的躯体不称其为人一样。,no more than和no morethan 这两种结构都表示前者与后者一样,通常翻译成“同一样(不)”(注意顺利)。再比如:,4.Science and religion no more contradict each other than light and electricity.,科学与宗教,就像光与电一样,并不互相矛盾。,比较句式(2):等比句式,有头脑的人不会指望广告里说的都是真的,同样也不会指望申请工作的人会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。,Nobody with an
7、y sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and more serious faults.,比较句式(2):等比句式,例外的情况:用于there be和to have这类动词之后,作“同一样”解。He has no more money than you have.他的钱和你一样多。Second-hand smoke is no more harmful than b
8、ad diet,industrial pollution or stress.(间接吸烟与劣质饮食、工业污染和生活紧张同样对人体有害。Ted got no more of the votes than he needed.(特德得到了他所需要的票数。),6.Fertilizers are to the plant what food is to men.,肥料对植物来说,如同食物对于人一样(重要)。,A is to B what C is to D 这种结构通常翻译成汉语的“A对于B,如同C对于D”,并在形式上略有变化。,7.The talented are to the company as
9、 capital is to the company.,人才对于公司来说如同资本对于公司一样重要。,比较句式(2):等比句式,注:Reading is to the mind what food is to the body读书之于思维犹如粮食之于身体。该句型常见的变体有“A is to B as C is to D”,“What C is to D,A is to B”;“As C is to Dso is A to B.”等。,One may as well make business transactions via the Internet at home as do business
10、 with the other party in person.,人们在家里通过因特网进行交易,如同亲自与对方做生意一般。,You may as well go to her place as let her come to your place.,你去她那里,如同让她到你这里来一样。,比较句式(2):等比句式,比较句式(2):等比句式,10.You may as well go as not,if you wish to do so.去留均可,悉听尊便。解释:“may/might as wellas”是一种比较结构,意为“犹如”、“做与做一样”,也可以说成是“mayas well as”。本
11、句与You may go as well as not,if you wish to do so.意思一样。又如:11.You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.猫可以称为小老虎,犹如老虎可以称为大猫一样。(既可称猫为小老虎,也可称老虎为大猫。),比较句式(2):等比句式,One may as well watch TV at home as go to cinema.人们在家看电视,如同到电影院看电影一样。One might as well expect the leopard to change
12、its spots as expect him to change his hot temper.不要指望他改掉火暴脾气,如同不可指望豹子去掉身上的斑点一样。12.You might as well expect the beasts of prey to refrain from eating men as expect the imperialists to give up aggression.要希望帝国主义放弃侵略,犹如希望野兽不吃人一样。但要注意与“may as well”(不妨、不如)的区别。例如:Since it s a fine day,you might as well wa
13、lk.may as wellas“如同一样”;might as wellas“不可同样不可”;“犹如”。,13.It is in business as in any other field that people must abide by the law.,在商业和在其他任何领域一样,人们必须遵守纪守法。,It is in(with)as in(with)这种结构通常翻译成汉语的“同一样”“好比”,“犹如”等。,14.It is in studying as in eating;he who does it gets the benefits,and not he who sees it
14、done.,读书和吃饭一样,得益的是吃饭的人,而不是旁观者。,比较句式(2):等比句式,15.Sufficient funding is no less necessary than good management to the normal operation of a firm.,充足的资金和良好的管理对公司的正常运转同样重要。,no lessthan和no less than:某些no lessthan结构相当于asas,通常翻译成“同样”,“既也”。no less than是no more than的反义词,no more than 可翻译成“只不过”,而no less than可翻译
15、成“多达”,“无异于”。,16.The Chinese government decided to make a purchase of no less than 30 civilian aircrafts from the Boeing Company.,中国政府决定从波音公司购买多达30架民用飞机。,比较句式(2):等比句式,17.Drunken driving is no less than suicide and killing.,酒后驾车无异于自杀和杀人。,例:China insists always on the need for self-reliance,no less in
16、economic policies than in making revolution.,18.We hoped things would go better,but as it is they are getting worse.,我们原指望事态会变好,可事实上却变得更糟。,as it is:接在假设句之后一句的句首,表示实际情况与假设正相反,可译成“而实际上”,“可是现在”等。当as it is放在句尾或名词、代词后时,表示“按现状,如实地”,可有复数形式和变化形式。再如:,19.If I had been rich at that time,I would have gone to Ja
17、pan.As it is,I missed the chance.,如果当时有钱的话,我就会去了日本,可实际上我没有钱,因而失去了机会。,比较句式(2):等比句式,He finds fault with me as I am without having anything better to suggest.他只是对我现在的一切加以指责,而没有提出什么良策。,You have to take things as they are.你必须接受事物的现状。,比较句式(2):等比句式,过去犯的政治错误并没有使他变得更聪明。,The political blunders he committed in
18、 the past made him none the wiser.,nonethe比较级:这种结构含有“同以前一样(不)”的意思,可翻译成“没有更”或“一点儿也不”。,比较句式(2):等比句式,23.After the treatment,he is none the better.,治疗后,他并没有因此见好(一点儿也不见好)。,The skirt hung in the cupboard is no longer fashionable nowadays,but I treasure it none the less.,挂在壁橱里的那条裙子现在已不再流行了,而我还是珍惜它。,比较句式(3)
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