1、第一单元 商务翻译概论,商务翻译概论,本章概要,剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试大纲中有这样一段描述:Business English is for business people who need to,or will soon need to,use English in their work.It may also be used by adult students who will be entering the world of business at the end of their course of studies.(商务英语是从事或将要从事商务活动的人所使用的语言;也是行将毕业、即
2、将进入商界的大学生们将要使用的语言。)商务英语(Business English)就其语言本质而言,是在商务领域内经常使用的反映这一领域专业活动的英语词汇、句型、文体等的有机总和,是专门针对商务和商务活动的专业英语。(李太志,2006:78),“商务”指商务工作人员所从事的商务活动和商务环节的总称;“英语”是进行此类商务活动时交流沟通的媒介。从整体上来说,商务英语不仅包括英语语音、语法、词汇、语篇和跨文化知识等通用英语(English for General Purpose,EGP)所包含的基础知识,还包括与商务有关的国际货物贸易、国际服务贸易、国际技术贸易、国际投资融资、国际合作等商务知识,
3、是一种专门用途英语(English for Special Purpose,ESP)。(贺雪娟,2007:9)它是在商务活动环境中使用的功能性很强的专业英语。本单元主要介绍商务英语的语言特征及商务翻译的有关标准。,商务翻译概论,本章重点,教学重点:1.掌握商务英语的语言特点;2.掌握商务英语的翻译标准;3.掌握商务英语与通用英语的区别。,本章难点,教学难点:商务英语中专业术语的翻译。,PART ONE 认识商务英语及商务翻译,Task I 阅读下列商务英语的有关段落,体会商务英语(Business English)与通用英语(English for General Purposes)的区别。,
4、1.Through in-depth analysis of advertising industrys scale,chain,competitors and other comprehensive economic information,we are able to provide our clients with important information for decision making,this may include market size and growth;market demand;PEST analysis;analysis of advertising indu
5、stry trends;appraisal of advertising industry chain;and assessment of the industrial potentiality etc.(An Introduction to Starmass Dream Company Introduction),【解析】商务英语与通用英语的本质区别在于其专门性,体现在词汇的专业性,语言的严谨性和简洁性,商务英语专门用于解决商务活动中出现的各种问题。本部分参考译文如下:1.通过对广告产业的规模、产业链、竞争对手和其他综合经济信息的深入分析,我们为客户提供有助于决策的重要信息,包括市场规模与市
6、场发展、市场需求,PEST(政治、经济、社会和技术)分析、广告产业发展趋势分析,广告产业链评估和广告产业发展潜能评估。,2.The Buyer hereby entrusts the Seller to insure the goods against W.P.A.and T.P.N.D.for 110%of the invoice value.The insurance premium should be borne by the Buyer.3.The kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex,a mixture of
7、visible and invisible trade.Most nations are more dependent on exports than on any other activity.The earnings from exports pay for the imports that they need and want.A nations balance of payment is a record of these complex transactions.By reflecting all of these transactions in monetary terms,a n
8、ation is able to combine the income it receives,for example,from exports,tourists expenditures,and immigrant remittances.This combined income is then spent on such items as manufactured goods from other countries,travel for its citizens to other countries,and the hiring of construction engineers.,2.
9、买方委托卖方按发票全额的110%投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险,保险费由买方承担。3.世界各国从事的贸易千差万别,错综复杂,有形贸易和无形贸易并存。大多数国家对出口的依赖,都大于对其他活动的依赖。出口所赚取的外汇用来支付进口货物需要的费用。一个国家的收支平衡就是这些错综复杂的交易记录。通过用货币形式来反映所有这些交易,一个国家能够把比如出口、外国游客的花费和移民汇款的收入汇总在一起。这些收入汇总起来,便可以支付诸如购买其他国家的制成品、本国居民到其他国家旅游和雇佣建筑工程师的费用等。,PART TWO 商务翻译热身练习,1.CBD 2.WTO 3.CIF 4.FOB 5.FDI,Cash Befo
10、re Delivery 付款后交单/Central Business District 中央商务区2.World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织3.Cost,Insurance and Freight 成本、保险加运费价4.Free on Board 船上交货价5.Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资,Task I 把下列缩略语的全称及译文填写在横线上。,6.Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间7.Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数8.Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值9.Bunk
11、er Surcharge 燃油附加费(国内许多地方如出租车上的翻译“additional fuel fee”并非地道翻译)10.Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises 外资独资企业,6.GMT 7.CPI 8.GDP 9.BSC 10.WFOE,Task II 把下列句子翻译成汉语。1.We are sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive,but we are still interested in doing business with you if you can bring
12、 down your price to be in line with the international market price.我们很遗憾地通知贵方,你方价格无竞争力。若贵方能将价格降至国际市场价格,我们仍对交易感兴趣。,2.After thorough investigation of the damages,we found out that the B/L showed that when the shipping company received the goods,they were in apparent good condition.The liability is cer
13、tainly not on our side.经过对货物损害的全面调查,我方发现货运提单显示船公司收到货物时,外表良好。因此,该损害我方并无责任。,3.As the marketplace becomes truly global,as barriers of distance,time,language and regulation diminish through the new communication technologies,the level of competition among market participants has never been higher.随着市场的真
14、正全球化以及距离、时间、语言和法规等方面的障碍变得越来越小,市场参与者之间的竞争达到前所未有的激烈程度。,5.At Wal-mart,we understand how critical education is to the lives and well-being of all Americans.In 2009,Wal-mart and its Foundation gave more than$53 million to fund educational programs in communities across the country.Through our scholarship
15、 programs alone,the Wal-mart Foundation awarded more than$9 million in academic scholarships to help students afford higher education in the 2010-2011 school year.By supporting education,the Wal-mart Foundation ensures that the leaders of tomorrow have access to the quality education opportunities t
16、hey need to be successful today.在沃尔玛,我们理解教育对全体美国人民的生活和幸福的重要性。2009年,沃尔玛及其基金会拔出5300万美元支持美国社区教育项目。20102011学年,仅奖学金项目,沃尔玛基金会提供的学术奖学金超过900万美元,帮助学生支付高等教育学费。通过支持教育,沃尔玛基金会确保明天的领袖今天能够得到未来获得成功的素质教育的机会。,Task I 阅读下列短语,体会其语言特点。1.Clean bills of lading 清洁提单:清洁提单是指没有在提单上对货物的表面状况作出货损或包装不良之类批注的提单,它表明承运人在接收或者装船时,该货物的表面
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