1、Chapter 6.Integrated Flip-Flops,本章任务(学习内容),1.用NAND门构成的基本锁(Latch);2.能解释SR锁(Latch)和D锁(Latch)的区别;3.能区分Latch和Flip-Flop的区别;4.解释SR、D和JK F.F.之间的不同;5.解释边沿和主-从F.F.之间有什么不同;6.F.F.的基本应用;7.几个重要参数;,Flip-Flops classify:SEC.6.1 触发器的分类:,1.按电路结构分类:Basic R-S F.F(Latch)Synchronous R-S F.FMaster-Slave F.FTransparent D-F
2、.F.The pulse Edge-Triggered D F.F.2.按逻辑功能的分类:R-S F.FD-FFJ-K FFT-F.F.(T-F.F),一.基本R-S触发器的性质:,S,R,特点:有记忆功能(保持功能),1.NAND gate S-R Latch.,R S Qn Qn+11 1 0 0 状态不变 1 1 1 0 0 1 置1(SET 1)1 1 0 1 0 0 置0(SET 0)1 0 0 0 0 x 状态不定 1 x,S,R,Q,Q,Qn:初始状态,INPUT,OUTPUT,初态,(补)2.S-R(NAND)Latch(锁的特性方程)characteristic equati
3、on,Qn+1,Qn,01,00 01 11 10,SR,X 1X 1,1 1,(S),RQn,Qn+1=(S)+RQn S+RQn S R 1(约束条件),SR Latch.波形描述,SDRDQnQn+1,状态不定,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,【例6.9.1.】用VHDL语言描述基本的S-R锁。解:LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY SR_latch1 IS port(S,R:in std _logic;Q,Q:buffer std _logic);-输出为缓冲方式 End Entity SR_latch1;Archit
4、ecture dataflow of SR_latch1 IS Begin Q=1when R=0else 0when S=0else Q;Q=1when S=0else 0when R=0elseQ;End Architecture dataflow;,2.NOR R-S Flip-Flop,Sd Rd Qn Q n+1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 x 1 x,Sec 6.2 同步式R-S触发器,Synchronous R-S Flip-Flop,1.The gate Set-Reset Flip-Flop,Characteri
5、stic Equation:Qn+1=S+RQn RS=0,Q,Q,1,2,思路:引入 cp(clock pulse)做控制信号,cp,set,Reset,2.The gate Set-Reset Flip-Flop(Latch)true table,Cp SET RESET Qn Qn+1 0 x x Q Q 1 0 0 Q Q 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1,Unchangedstate,Unused state,.Set-Reset Flip-Flop Characteristic equation,Cp SET RESET Q n Qn+1 1 0 0 0
6、0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1,Q-Unchanged,0,1,Unused,1,2,3,4,.Synchronous SR F.F.Characteristic Equation,Qn,SR,00 01 11 10,01,S,R Qn,Qn+1=S+RQn;S R=0;(约束条件),补,(4).State Transition diagram,0,1,R=0,S=1,S=0,R=1,R=0S=X,S=0R=X,1,2,3,4,激励表,Qn Q n1,S R,0 00 11 01 1,0 00 11 01 1,0 x1 00 1x
7、 0,补,通常很容易将基本的S-R锁和触发器概念相混淆,下面给出明确的定义。基本S-R触发器又叫门锁电路,它是对电平灵敏的记忆元件,是基于交叉耦合的门组成的。触发器指的是时钟脉冲或边沿触发的记忆元件。用VHDL建模时,可以有多种方法,下面仅讨论两种设计方法。【例6.9.2.】基本S-R触发器设计。解:Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.All;Entity SR_latch2 IS Port(S,R:in std_logic;-logic为初始值 Q,Q:out std_logic);End Entity SR_latch2;,Architecture b
8、ehavior of SR_latch2 IS Begin p0:process(R,S)IS Begin Case std_logic_vector(R,S)is when“00”=Q Q Q Null;End Case;End Process P0;End Architecture behavior;,第二种设计方法首先在实体说明中说明了Q和Q为输出方式。因为在模型的内部不读它们。如果S或R有一个为零,或两者全为零,Q和Q只是被反复求值,如果S和R两者全为1,输出保持不变。注意在描述行为的结构体中,case语句是必要的,case语句的一般格式为:Case 条件表达式 is When 条件表
9、达式的值=顺序处理语句;End case;Case语句是无序的,所有表达式的值都并行处理。Case语句中的条件表达式的值必须全部表述出来,且不能重复。不能全部表述的条件表达式的值用others表示。,Chapter 4.IC.F.F.第一讲小结,基本SR Latch逻辑电路图,状态转换表,特性(征)方程,状态转换图,状态激励表,波形图描述,分析,K-图化简,图6.2.1.S-R锁电路及符号,SR,RDSD,QQ,SDRD,QQ,1,1,RDSD,QQ,(a),(b),(c),SR,SDRD,QQ,(d),(a).NOR锁电路符号;(b).NOR门组成的S-R锁电路;(c).NAND锁电路符号;
10、(d).NAND门组成的S-R锁电路;,表6.2.1 S-R锁电路功能表,NAND 锁,NOR 锁,Qn,Qn,Qn+1,Qn+1,SD RD,SD RD,0 00 00 10 11 01 01 11 1,1 1 1 1 0 10 11 01 00 00 0,01010101,01010101,01110011,01110000,图6.3.1.有引导门的S-R锁,S,R,Enable,G1,G2,Q,Q,S,R,图6.3.2(a)Enable作控制信号,EN,S,R,Q,图6.3.2(b)Enable作为同步信号,CLK=EN,S,R,Q,Sec.6.3 D-F.F.,The transpar
11、ent data flip-flop,1.Gated D-latch,Graphical symbol,Data,s,R,D QClk Q,思路:禁止出现S=R=1,使 Q(状态不定),Q,Q,CLK,D,R,Enable,G1,G2,Q,Q,S,R,D QEn Q,(a)(b)图6.3.5(a).门控D锁(b).门控D-锁的电路符号,门控D锁和D触发器,2.The transparent D-f.f.Characteristic,Clk D Qn Qn+1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1,D-f.f.state Transition diagram,0,1,D=1,D=0,D
12、=0,D=1,Synchronous D F.F.Characteristic Equation,01,0 1,Qn,D,D,Qn+1=D,Qn+1,(3).D-F.F.State Transition diagram,1,0,D=1,D=1,D=0,D=0,3.强调Enable行为的D锁设计 如果D锁存器要求强调在enable信号控制下工作,D的输入才被传送到输出。图6.9.5中D表示出它的输入,D取决于控制信号 Enable(C)。下面是描述D锁的行为模型。,【例6.9.3】.用进程语句描述一个D锁的行为。-d_latch_vhdl.vhd-D latch with activeHIGH
13、levelsensitive enable ENTITY d_latch_vhdl IS PORT(d,ena:IN BIT;q:OUT BIT);END d_latch_vhdl;ARCHITECTURE act OF d_latch_vhdl IS BEGIN PROCESS(d,ena)BEGIN IF(ena=1)THEN Q=d;End IF;End PROCESS End act;,图6.9.3 d_latch_vhdl的仿真波形图,【例6.9.4】用例示元件程序包设计一位D锁存器。-latch_primitive.vhd-D latch with active-HIGH leve
14、l sensitive enable LIBRARY ieee;要求std_logic类型;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;LIBRARY altera;要使用的锁元件 USE altera.maxplus2.ALL;ENTITY latch_primitive IS PORT(d_in,enable:IN STD_LOGIC;q_out:OUT_ LOGIC);END latch_primitive;ARCHITECTURE act OF latch_primitive IS BEGIN-Instantiate act latch from a primitive l
15、atch_prim:latch PORT MAP(d=d_in,ena=enable,q=q_out);END act;,2.用生成语句产生4_位锁存器【例6.9.7】使用生成(GENERATE)语句设计4_位锁存器。-latch_primitive.vhd-D latch with active-HIGH level sensitive enable LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;LIBRARY altera;USE altera.Maxplus2.ALL;ENTITY latch4_primitive IS PORT(d_in:IN ST
16、D_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);enable:IN STD_LOGIC;q_out:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);END latch4_ primitive ARCHITECTURE act OF latch4_ primitive IS BEGIN-Instantiate a latch primitive from maxplus2 package latch4:G1:FOR i IN 3 downto 0 GENERATE latch_ primitive:latch PORT MAP(d=d_in(i),ena=enable,q
17、=q_out(i));END GENERATE G1;END act;,Sec.6.4.主-从式触发器,The Master-Slave F.F,1.The Master-Slave D-F.F.,D,CL K,QS,QS,QM,QM,Master-F.F.,Slave-F.F.,1,0,0,1,(1).Negative edge triggered Master-slave D-F.F.Timing waveform diagram,master-clk,Slave-clk,DQm,Qs,1,2,3,4,M-dir-on,M-tr.S-close,S-dir-on,M-tr.S-close,
18、干扰信号,Negative edge-triggered Master-Slave D-F.F.Simplified configuration,Q,QS,Sec.6.5.主从结构RS触发器,6.主从结构RS触发器(a)电路结构(b)图形符号,返回,Preset,CLR,Master-Slave S-R F.F.Truth Table,cp,Qn,Qn+1,S R,x x0 00 01 01 00 10 11 11 1,x 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1,0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1,x,Qn,QnUn-changed,QnSet-1,QnSet-0,QnUn-used,Timing wav
19、eform diagrams,图4.2.9 例4.2.8 的电压波形图,返回,Negative edge-triggeredMaster-slave R-S F.F.,PLD integration p.398,MasterF.F空翻.,slaverF.F波形图.,1.注意主F.F.和从F.F.翻转的时刻;2.解释第个时钟脉冲产生空翻。,7.Positive edge triggered master-slave D-F.F.,Clear,preset,Q,Q,触发器异步置位和复位的完整程序文件如下:LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;ENTITY
20、 d_ff_r IS Port(D,Clock,Reset:in std_logic;Q:out std_logic);End ENTITY d_ff_r;Architecture behavioural of d_ff_r IS BEGIN p0:PROCESS(Clock,Reset)IS BEGIN IF(Reset=0)then Q=0;elsif(clock event and clk=1)then-等待clk激活,clk是clk的次态;Q=D;-当clk=1条件成立时.End IF;END PROCESS p0;End Architecture behavioural;,Sec6.
21、6.The J-K master-slave F.F.,The J-K master-slave F.F.,The way of thinking:,DT,Digital-2.p.50,DF.F.JK.FF.JK.FF.TF.F.,Master-Slave JK F.F.,Preset,Clear,J,K,CLK,Q,Q,Master-Slave JK F.F.Truth Table,Preset clear J K clk Qn Qn+1 0 1 X X X 1 0 1 0 X X X 0 1 0 0 X X X 1 1 Unsed state 1 1 0 1 x 0 1 1 1 0 x 1
22、 1 1 0 0 Q Q Unchanged 1 1 1 1 Toggle,JKF.F.特征方程:Qn+1=J Qn+K Qn,Toggle,Q,JK F.F.,Qn,JK,00 01 11 10,01,JQn,KQn,Qn+1,Qn+1=JQ+KQ,Output waveforms for a J-K f.f.,CLK,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 1,1 0 0 1 0 0,J,K,Clear,preset,Q,Q,0,0,1,0,Master-slave J-K F.F.State conversion diagram,0,1,J=1 K=X,J=X K=1,J=0K=X,J=
23、XK=0,JK触发器和T触发器的设计也能用上述的方法把状态看成信号或变量来处理。【例6.9.13】J_K.触发器的设计。Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_1164.All;Entity jk_ff IS port(j,k,CLK,Reset:in std_logic;Q1,Q2:out std_logic);End Entity jk_ff;Architecture sig OF jk_ff IS Signal state:std_logic Begin p0:Process(clk,Reset)IS Begin If(Reset=0)thenstate=0;El
24、sif rising_edge(clk)then Case std_logic_vector(j,k)ISWhen“11”=state=not state;,When“10”=state=1;When“01”=state=0;When Others=Null;End Case;End If;End Process p0;Q1=state;Q2=not state;End Architecture sig;,【例6.9.14】T.触发器设计Library ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.All;Entity T_FF IS port(T,CLK,Reset:in std
25、_logic;Q1,Q2:out std_logic);End Entity T_FF;Architecture var of T_FF Is Begin p0:Process(clk,Reset)IS Variable State:std_logic;Begin If(Reset0)Then state:=0;Elsif rising_edge(clk)Then If T=1 then state:=not state;End If;End If;Q1=state;Q2=not state;End Process p0;End Architecture var;,Chapter 4.IC.F
26、.F.第2讲小结,基本SRLatch同步S RLatch,DLatch,主从式DF.F.,Toggling,主从式RS F.F.,主从式JK F.F.,(状态不定),RSCLK=1,空翻,Qn R Qn+1 S 引反馈线,主从式JK F.F.,仍然:存在一次翻转现象,D-F.F.防止空翻的措施引反馈线,D,CLK,Qm,Qm,Qn,反馈线,Qn,Toggling a master-Slave D-F.F.timing diagram,clk,1,2,3,4,D,Qm,Qm,Qs,Qs,0,0,0,t CLK,T MS=2 t CLK,Sec4.6.边沿式触发器,The principle of
27、 edge Triggering,Pulse edgedetector,S,R,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,A type of pulse positive transition detector,This gate is enabled.,The principle of edge Triggering,Pulse edgedetector,S=1,R=0,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,This spike sets f.f.=1,This gate is enable.,1,0,0,1,Digital-2.p.67.,The edge triggered D-F.F.,CLK
28、,D,Q,Q,S,R,Digital-2.p.68,A positive edge-triggered D-F.F.formed with an S-R F.F.and an inverter,【例6.9.9.】用VHDL描述上升沿触发的D触发器。LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY d_ff IS PORT(d,clk:IN std_logic;Q:OUT std_logic);END ENTITY d_ff;ARCHITECTURE behavioural OF d_ff IS BEGIN p0:PROCESS IS BEGIN W
29、AIT UNTIL(CLK=1);Q=D;END PROCESS p0;END ARCHITECTURE behavioral;,【例6.9.10】上升沿触发的D触发器设计。解:LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY d_ff IS PORT(d,clk:IN std_logic;Q:OUT std_logic);END ENTITY d_ff;ARCHITECTURE alternative OF d_ff IS BEGIN p0:PROCESS(CLK)IS BEGIN IF(CLK=1)THEN Q=D;END IF;END PRO
30、CESS p0;END ARCHITECTURE alternative;本例中只要clock改变状态,process将反复求值。,【例6.9.11】上升沿触发的D触发器设计。LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY d_ff IS PORT(d,clk:IN std_logic;Q:OUT std_logic);END ENTITY d_ff;ARCHITECTURE equivalent OF d_ff IS BEGIN p0:PROCESS IS BEGIN IF(CLK=1)THEN Q=D;END IF;wait on(CLK=1
31、);END PROCESS p0;END ARCHITECTURE equivalent;有灵敏度表的进程和有wait on语句(在进程结束时)的进程是等效的。wait语句的wait on形式可以引起process执行暂停,直到信号列表或信号发生变化之前。,【例6.9.12】用VHDL描述下跳沿触发的D_触发器。LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY d_ff IS PORT(d,clk:IN std_logic;Q:OUT std_logic);END ENTITY d_ff;Architecture neg_edge OF d_ff
32、IS Begin p0:PROCESS IS Begin Wait Until(clk=0);Q=D;End Process P0;End Architecture neg_edge;,A positive edge Triggering J-K F.F.,Pulse edgedetector,J,K,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,Slide 37,The principle of edge Triggering,Pulse edgedetector,J,K,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,Digital-2 p.68.,Truth table for a positive edge
33、-triggered J-K F.F.,Inputs Outputs Comments J K CLK Q Q 0 0 Qo Qo no change 0 1 0 1 reset 0 1 0 1 0 set 1 1 1 Qo Qo toggle,思考题:J-K F.F.Applications:,The nonoverlapping clock,1,Draw the logic diagram and waveforms for a nonoverlapping clock and the waveforms for cp1 and cp2using a 74Ls76 and a 74Ls02
34、 IC.,Sec4.7.F.F.Logic function conversion,1.D-F.F.to J-K F.F.2.D-F.F.to T-F.F.3.J-K F.F.to D-F.F.4.D-F.F.to S-R F.F.,F.F.Logic function conversion Lecture-2.p.61,1.D-F.F.to J-K F.F.,QQ,K,J,Qn+1=JQn+KQn=(JQn+KQn)=((JQ)(KQ))Qn+1=D=((JQ)(KQ)),2.D-F.F.to T-F.F.,CLK,Qn+1=JQn+KQnQn+1=TQn+TQn=TQnD=TQn,3.J-
35、K F.F.to D-F.F.,4.D-F.F.to S-R F.F.,CP,Q,R,S,FLIP-FLOP Summary:,1.Basic S-R F.F.The properties of the S-R F.F.2.A five analysis methods.State Transition Table;Next state karnaugh-map;State Transition diagram;Characteristic equation;Timing waveforms;Defect:State uncertain,3.Synchronous S-R F.F.(The g
36、ated S-R F.F.)Synchronoued(CLK);Defect:The state uncertain 4.DF.F.DLatched,transparten.When cp=1,The F.F.appears multiplex transition;,The Master-Slave D-F.F.,.The Master F.F.(D-F.F.)+Slave(S-R F.F.);.Slave F.F.The State not Uncertain;.The Master f.f.appears multiplex transition;Toggling a MasterSla
37、ve DF.F.NOT appears multiplex transition;,The Master-Slave J-K F.F.,The type of F.F.can be wired or programmed to do the job of any type of F.F.The Q AND Q outputs are wired back to K and J gates respectively.This will allow the flip-flop to toggle when the J and K inputs are 1s.The J and K inputs a
38、re used to steer the outputs.There are 2 inputs,called preset and clear,which force the Q output to 1 and 0,respectively,when they are brought Low.Not uncertain states.,Three different types of storage elements that are driven by the same data and clock inputs.To accentuate the differences between t
39、hese storage elements,the D input changes its values more than once during each half of the clock cycle.Try to draw the timing waveforms of the logical circuit.,D,CLK,D,D,D,CLK,CLK,CLK,Q a,Q b,Q c,Chapter Summary:,Level triggered F.F:Basic Latch Gated S-R Latch Gated D-latch Master-Slave D-Latch Tog
40、gling Master Slave D latch Master slave J-K F.F.Edge Triggered F.F:The edge triggered D-f.f.The edge triggered J-K f.f.Maintain-prevention D-F.F.,Sec4.6.The FLIPFlop of edge Triggering,The principle of edge Triggering,Pulse edgedetector,S,R,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,A type of pulse positive transition detec
41、tor,This gate is enabled.,The principle of edge Triggering,Pulse edgedetector,S=1,R=0,CLK,Delay,CLK,Q,Q,This spike sets f.f.=1,This gate is enable.,1,0,0,1,Digital-2.p.67.,A positive-edge-triggered D Flip-flop,With VHDL Design p.343,p1,p2,p3,p4,A positive-edge-triggered D Flip-flop,With VHDL Design
42、p.347,Clear,preset,Edge-triggered J-K f.f.equivalent function using an edge-triggered D f.f.,D,CLK,J,K,J,K,Q,Q,Symbol,Digital Design-p.547,第五章 作 业,5.1 5.235.2 5.245.13 5.255.14 5.18,Toggling A Master-Slave D-F.F.,A way of thinking:,Digital-2.p.49,Sec.6.6.主从式JK F.F.The J-K master-slave F.F.
43、,The way of thinking:由输出向对方引反馈线,DT,Digital-2.p.50,1,2,Q,Q,1,2,反馈线使引导门输入不会出现J=K=1的状态不定情况,Master-Slave JK F.F.,Preset,Clear,J,K,CLK,Q,Q,1,2,3,4,Master-Slave JK F.F.Truth Table,Preset clear J K clk Qn Qn+1 0 1 X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X 0 0 0 X X X 1 1 Unsed state 1 1 0 1 X 0 1 1 1 0 X 1 1 1 0 0 X Q Q Unchanged 1 1 1 1 Q Q,Qn+1=J Qn+K Qn,Toggle,JK F.F.特性表示在卡诺图中,Qn,JK,00 01 11 10,01,JQn,KQn,Qn+1,Qn+1=JQn+kQn,Output waveforms for a J-K f.f.,CLK,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 1,1 0 0 1 0 0,J,K,Clear,Preset,Q,Q,0,0,1,0,主从式JK F.F.状态转换图Master-slave J-K F.F.State conversion diagram,0,1,J=1 K=X,J=X K=1,J=0K=X,J=XK=0,