1、详解GRE逻辑阅读3大解题思路和出题原则 详解GRE逻辑阅读3大解题思路和出题原则,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【高分心得】详解GRE逻辑阅读3大解题思路和出题原则GRE逻辑阅读3大解题思路1. 概括关键逻辑链在解答逻辑题时,考生需要先看要求,是加强还是削弱、评估还是假设。然后提炼出关键逻辑链,其中必须包含题目中的重要对象以及对象之间的关系。2. 抓住逻辑题目的结论在解题时,考生面对多个选项,应该特别注意找出选项中涉及关键链对象最多的、和题目的逻辑思维最接近的选项,这个选项往往就是正确答案。3. 学会使用排除法对于GRE考生来说,如果在解题时无法直接找出正确答案,那么至少可以
2、通过找出并排除其它明显存在问题的答案来缩小选择的范围。具体做法是按照选项内容的相关和无关性进行排除。GRE逻辑阅读3大出题原则1、不需要专业的背景知识原则阅读中的逻辑题都是基于其中的某一个段落,涉及的领域很广泛,像艺术、社会学、历史、教育、政治、体育、广告等。虽然涉及内容包罗万象,但无需任何学科、专业的特定知识,而应着重从逻辑推理的角度来思维。2、Which of the following 原则逻辑题的大多数问题有which of the following, 要求你根据段落里所给信息及逻辑推理,从下面五个选项中选出一个选项,从而实现问题目的。3、If true 原则If true在许多考题
3、中出现,紧接在which of the following 之后,有时表达是if practicable, if accepted, if feasible, if correct等。这使得选项在即使违反常识或专业知识的情况下,我们也不能质疑其正确性。以上就是为大家详细介绍的GRE逻辑阅读3大解题思路和出题原则,大家如果想要在GRE逻辑阅读部分顺利解题赢取高分,那么对于上文内容,就应该有所了解。【热门GRE人文知识拓展阅读】揭开简奥斯汀的神秘面纱She still fascinates 200 years after the publication of Pride and Prejudice
4、傲慢与偏见问世两百年后,她依然神秘撩人“A LIFE of usefulness, literature, and religion, was not by any means a life of event,” wrote Henry Austen of his spinster sister Jane. This image of the sequestered author persisted for years. But contemporary scholars have reappraised “dear Aunt Jane” as an independent and world
5、ly-wise woman who wielded a sardonic pen. She continues to fascinate, 200 years after the publication of “Pride and Prejudice”. This is the charm of a new biography from Paula Byrne, a British author, who breathes yet more life into Austen and her works by considering the objects that populated her
6、days.“她的一生虽裨益他人,与文学与宗教为伴,却并无白云苍狗,大起大伏。”简的哥哥亨利曾这样写道。多年以来,简的形象一直是终生未嫁,隐僻幽居。然而,当代学者开始重新审视这名“亲爱的奥斯汀姑姑”,把她看作一个深谙尘世智慧的独立女性,舞动着手中的讥讽之笔。傲慢与偏见问世两百年后,她依然神秘撩人这份魅力同样延续到英国作家宝拉伯恩为奥斯汀所著的传记之中。在宝拉笔下,那个时代的流行物件,是通向奥斯汀生平及著作神秘之门的钥匙,展示出一个更加生气勃勃的简。Each chapter is organised around a single thing. Some are Austens possessio
7、ns, such as a topaz cross she received from her brother. Others are simply from the period, such as a barouche (an upmarket carriage), which helps to illustrate how well-travelled she was and how transport indicates status in her novels. In “Northanger Abbey” Catherine Morland finds a trip in Henry
8、Tilneys curricle erotic, whereas she is nonplussed by John Thorpes gig. Broadly chronological, this thematic approach offers a revealing picture of Austen and a lively social history.这本传记的每一章都围绕着一个单独的物件展开。有些是奥斯汀的私人收藏,例如她从哥哥那儿得到的一个托帕石十字架。其余的则是那个时代的流行品,例如四轮马车(一驾上等马车),足现她游历之广以及在她的作品中,交通工具对于身份的烘托。在诺桑觉寺里
9、,凯瑟琳.莫兰觉得享利.蒂尔尼的二轮马车新奇诱人,面对约翰.索普的马车时却不知所措。这种主题式的记传方式,按时序徐徐展开一幅奥斯汀生平及其活跃的社会活动的长卷。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门Austens formative years are the most interesting. Three vellum notebooks contain her “Juvenilia”the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager. Her “greatest gifts are here in embryo”, writes Ms Byrne,
10、 clearly relishing Austens satire and lack of restraint. The young author lampooned famous figures and offered parodies of sentimental novels. But she reserved her choicest words of wit for her sister Cassandra. When they were not living together they corresponded frequently, and Austen often tried
11、out different voices“gossipy, jokey, affectionate”to make her laugh.奥斯汀写作的成型期最耐人寻味。有三本羊皮纸笔记记录了她的“少女之作”她在青少年时期写的故事与诗歌。宝拉很享受此时奥斯汀式的讥讽语调和无拘无束,她写道,她“无与伦比的天赋在此酝酿成型”。此时年轻的奥斯汀嘲讽当时鼎鼎有名的人物,戏仿那些多愁善感的小说。但是她最具智慧锋芒的字字珠玑却是散落在与其姊卡桑德拉的信件中。两人不住在一处时便频繁通信,而奥斯汀常常尝试不同的腔调漫谈式的,玩笑式的,或是浪漫式的来逗她发笑。During this time the movemen
12、ts of family followed the flows of inheritance; a vexatious matter that drives Austens narratives. Old maids and mothers were often housed by rich cousins; a child might be made heir to childless relatives. An East Indian shawl introduces Aunt Philawho at 21 sailed to Bengal in order to find a husba
13、ndand her daughter, Eliza. A romantic figure, and presumably illegitimate, Eliza first married a man who fell under the guillotine in the French Revolution, and later married Austens brother Henry. This coquettish cousin is fictionalised as Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”. Austen also drew on Henr
14、ys militia experience for her depiction of flirtatious redcoats in “Pride and Prejudice”. Her midshipman brothers helped inform references to the navy.更多双语* 点击这里在这段时期,因为继承的缘故,她不得不经常搬迁这类烦心事反倒丰富了她的叙述内容。老姑娘和母亲总是寄居在有钱的侄子家中;孩子会成为膝下无子的亲戚的继承人。一条来自东印度的披肩引出了费拉阿姨她在二十一岁时乘船到孟加拉寻找结婚对象和她的女儿伊莱莎的故事。伊莱莎是个天性浪漫的私生女,她的
15、先夫死于法国大革命的断头台上;后来她嫁给了奥斯汀的哥哥亨利。这个轻佻娇纵的嫂子后来成了她在曼斯菲尔德庄园里玛丽.克劳福德小姐的原型。亨利本人的军旅生涯也为她在傲慢与偏见中浮夸的“红制服”军人形象提供了素材。而她作做海军的兄弟们则提供了海军生活的第一手材料。The books liveliest passages are about city life and romance. Austen frequently visited London and lived in Bath for years. She was probably not a beautyonly one authentica
16、ted portrait exists (although Ms Byrne makes a strong case for another with uncertain provenance). But her wit and intelligence lured many a suitor. None of them stuck, but many are recalled with mirth in her letters. Austen was no prude. Her novels feature illicit liaisons and she gives Mary Crawfo
17、rd a sexually loaded naval joke about “Rears and Vices”. But she had high standards and a mortal fear of childbirth. She was all too aware of the way women either died during labour or “grew old by confinements and nursing”.这本传记最轻快活泼的篇章描述了城市生活和浪漫故事。奥斯汀频繁造访伦敦并在巴斯寓居多年。她可能算不得一个美人她的画像中只有一幅真迹存世(尽管宝拉坚信另一幅
18、来历不明的画像也是真迹),但是她的机锋和智慧却吸引了许多追求者。无人获其芳心,成就美眷;然而在她的信件中,关于他们的回忆大多充满欢乐。奥斯汀并非严肃拘谨之人,她的小说写到过男女私通;玛丽.克劳福德就曾开过一个下流的海军玩笑 “臀部与罪恶”。不过她的确道德自律,且畏惧生产。她十分明白:有些女性会死于生产,或是在不断怀孕和持续哺乳中年华逝去。Ms Byrne has an obvious affection for her subject. This book may offer few revelations, but it paints a fresh and vivid picture of
19、 an inimitable woman.显而易见,宝拉对其传记对象简奥斯汀充满喜爱之情。这本书可能并无多少“惊人内幕”,但它无疑描绘出了这名独一无二的女性血肉丰满,栩栩如生【热门GRE人文知识拓展阅读】MAN,你要小心了!Blue-collar men in rich countries are in trouble. They must learn to adapt在发达国家的蓝领男性群体正处于困境中,他们必须学会适应。AT FIRST glance the patriarchy appears to be thriving. More than 90% of presidents and
20、 prime ministers are male, as are nearly all big corporate bosses. Men dominate finance, technology, films, sports, music and even stand-up comedy. In much of the world they still enjoysocial and legal privileges simply because they have a Y chromosome. So it might seem odd to worry about the plight
21、 of men.父系社会现在咋一看似乎正兴盛。超过90%的国家总统总理,和几乎所有大型公司的大boss都是男性。男性统治着经济,科技,企业,体育,音乐,甚至连说相声的都基本是男的。在大多数国家里男人仅仅因为拥有一条Y染色体便享有在社会和法律上的特权,这样看来,担心男性的“悲催命运”般的困境似乎是在杞人忧天。Yet there is plenty of cause for concern. Men cluster at the bottom as well as the top. They are far more likely than women to be jailed, estrange
22、d from their children, or to kill themselves. They earn fewer university degrees than women. Boys in the developed world are 50% more likely to flunk basic maths, reading and science entirely.但有却又大量的原由让人不得不担心。男性群体从渣男到精英男,他们在被关进监狱啊,被他们的孩子疏远嫌弃啊,或者自杀率啊都远远大于女性,却在取得更多的大学学位上败给了女性。在发达国家中,有50%左右的男孩会在基础数学,阅读
23、和科学学科上挂掉。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门One group in particular is suffering. Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous changes in the labour market and the home over the past half-century. As technology and trade have devalued brawn, less-educated men have struggled to
24、 find a role in the workplace. Women, on the other hand, are surging into expanding sectors such as health care and education, helped by their superior skills. As education has become more important, boys have also fallen behind girls in school (except at the very top). Men who lose jobs in manufact
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