1、最新高分GRE写作提纲举例指导 今天和大家分享一下高分GRE写作提纲举例指导,我们来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。高分GRE写作提纲举例指导14It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types ofimaginative literature.同意1、幻想类作品能够激发人的想象力和创造力;如登上月球、克隆啊等起初源都于科幻;2、幻想类作品能够丰富人的精神世界,带给人精神力量 invigorate,很好的休息;3、但是,人不应当只沉溺于这些作品,还应当读科学、历史等理性的书籍
2、;14 T It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and ot her types of imaginative literature. 14. 每个人都有必要去阅读诗、小说、神话和其他的幻想类的文学作品。 许多想象的作品成为文化的基础,并一直流传至今,对人类文明有着深远的影响:神化和传说。古希腊罗马神话,充满想象,对以此为基础并且同样灿烂悠久的西方文明有着深远影响。Ancient Greek and Roman myths, are full of imagination, and become the
3、foundation of the western culture which is also gorgeous and old-line. Furthermore, we can find the influences of these myths from todays literature、sculpture 、painting、music、and architecture.甚至在 04年的奥运会上想象的作品展示给人更美好、更纯洁 unsophisticated 的社会。安徒生童话 Andersen is famous for his fairy tales, Ugly Duckling
4、, 蕴含在其中的同情心 sympathy that it implied the ugly duckling 、对于世界的爱 the love for the world the little mermaid、对诚实、勇敢的美德的歌颂 Emperors New Suit.Only imaginative works can provide meaning to historical eventsthrough the use of devices 设备、策略 such as symbolism 象征主义 and metaphor 隐喻、暗喻。但丁 Dante 神曲Divine comedy/D
5、ivina Commedia, one of the landmarks of world literature. 宣扬了个性解放的思想。基督教精神的最崇高体现,将善与恶视为两极,互不相容。人要靠信仰而活着。神曲本身是一个隐喻,从黑暗的森林,到地狱hell 、净界 limbo/炼狱purgatory 、天堂的过程,代表由懵懂 ignorant、挣扎 struggle、渴望thirst for 到救赎 salvation 的历程course。但丁希望引导读者反省人性的罪恶 meditate the evils of human,思索当时混乱的局势 ponder the chaotic situa
6、tion at that time ,并试着提出解决之道 bring forward a solution,使人达到幸福之地 blessed place。更深的揭露社会现象not everyone. A time is limited, 可以做更有用的事 B 有的人没有条件。如:战区 war zone的人民/ 非洲的挨饿的儿童 hungry African childrenWe have been brought up with fairy tales, mythologies and science fictions.Imaginative literature is characteriz
7、ed by fancy and illusion, which can inspire our imagination as well as intelligence. However, when we immerse in the fantasy contrived by imaginative work, we should also notice its dark side.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导15The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.会稳定性取
8、决于许多方面1、承认对 extreme human behavior 的反映可以体现社会稳定性镇压,说明存在很大问题,政府没有理由说服 counterproductive in the long run compromise; constructive communication 说明有稳定趋势,政府可以解决处理好2、其实出现 extreme human behavior 就说明社会稳定性存在问题robbery; murder; suicide; rebellion3、社会稳定性还要看经济发展、人民生活.Immediate, existing problems好比急性疾病对于人体一样常常关系到
9、社会的稳定,经济的运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果十分严重。法国巴黎的暴乱,西班牙车站恐怖主义爆炸,他们直接威胁社会的稳定,必须很好的解决但是仅仅对极端事件做出反应是不能保证社会稳定的,因为社会不稳定的根本原因没有消除;比如,虽然解决了纽约公交系统罢工,使得城市交通恢复正常。但是工人的待遇没有得到改善,等到矛盾激化岛一定程度还会出现同样的罢工,相比之下预防与维护社会的长期稳定比解决已经出现的问题更有价值,代价更小。好比致病不如保健。比如通过长期政策的作用消除贫困与种族仇恨,从根本上消灭不稳定因素。还能提高人们生活水平,必须防病为主,致病为辅。对极端事件的反应只能作为最后的保障15TThe sta
10、bility of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.会的安定取决于它对人们极端行为的响应和措施 extreme as violence: incredib le tragedy of September 11th 政府的对.严查与对遇难者安抚工作 extreme in science/academia: Einstein principle of relativity, 开明的环境。 否则知识分子会难得进步,甚至感到恐慌,the cultural revolution. 重点应该在预防
11、,而不是反映 其他方面:如自然灾害,国际形势Though it seems impossible that there will be a society as serene as paradise without any kind of horrible extremes of human behavior, it should never be an excuse for the failure of keeping the happening of extremes under effective control. But the stability of a society asks
12、for much more than just agile responds and firm punishment to the extremes of human behavior. The stability of a society even requires its adequate conduction to some seemingly ordinary human behaviors in specific situations. A stable and healthy society is cherished by everyone.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导16Altho
13、ugh many people think that the luxu ries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.分同意1、现代生活的便利确实使人们的对技术的依赖性越来越强depend on automobile for travel; depend on calculat or for calculatio
14、n; depend on computer for writing documents; depend on Internet for in formation(do not have to memorize)2、但是现代生活的便利也给人们带来了挑战,使变得 intellectually strong to creat more convenience, further improvve technology develop to help make life more efficient; people are expected for more productivity3、工作的便利使人能
15、够独立完成复杂任务 national survey analysis16T Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.尽管很多人认为现在奢侈安逸的生活是无害的,但实际上这样的生活阻止了人们培养坚强独立的性格 I concede 有
16、些时候有些人在得到安逸生活以后就不思进取了。Davy, 晚年没有什么成就。 但是追求安逸的生活是科技发展和人类进步的动力。人们追求更多的休闲时间,从而有了更高效的工作。 如果缺乏现在高科技所提供的舒适条件,有些研究成果出不来。 如:生物学领域、军事领域 都要求sophisticated apparatusWithout modern facilities, we could hardly do anything.While, without such modern facilities, can we become truly strong and independent individual
17、s?It is important for us to realize the limitation of mo dern facilities and that potential danger which will be aroused if we lost our domination over modern facilities and too rely on them.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导17There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibili
18、ty to obey just laws and, even mo re importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.同意要遵守公正法律,反对不公正法律,但也有一些法律很难区分公正与否1、法律是维护社会秩序的工具,只有遵守法律才能维持社会公平criminal law can deal with murder, theft, adultery , or the like; economical law provides a rule for economic activity and settles the dispute between bot
19、h sides of the trade; tax law makes sure that tax is handed in according to the tax standard.2、当法律伤害大部分人利益的时候,是不公正的,要反对Hitler made a series of laws which could be treated as unjust laws. Under the control of Hitler and his laws, mass of the Jews were killed optionally as he liked, and no justice any
20、 more then. Still, warm hearted people in German would like to disobey the laws and hide the Jews in their house. More and more people including several judges began to resist the laws in spite of the miserable results followed.If it were not for the resisting of people to th e laws and Hitler, no s
21、ucc ess would be reached.3、但是现代社会中也有一些法律很难区分公正与否,立法者需要控制好平衡,交通事故 如果大家都被动地遵守,势必要牺牲一部分人的利益;如果每个人都根据自己的利益决定是否要遵守,会导致社会混乱;所要立法者主持公道.有两种法律:公正的和不公正的。社会中的每个人都有责任遵守公正的法律,更重要的是,不遵守和抵制不公正的法律。BEGIN: The argument that people in a society sh ould obey just law and disobey unjust law seems relatively sound, while
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