1、新GRE写作名人素材库精选篇 为了能够帮助大家更好的备考新GRE写作,整理了新GRE写作名人素材库,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新GRE写作名人素材库:马克思马克思 Marx, Karl (Heinrich) 1818 - 1883Philosopher, economist, revolutionary leader. Born May 5, 1818 in Trier, Rhenish Prussia, the son of Heinrich Marx, a lawyer, and Henriette Presburg Marx, a Dutchwoman. Both
2、 Heinrich and Henriette were descendants of a long line of rabbis. Barred from the practice of law as a Jew, Heinrich Marx became converted to Lutheranism about 1817, and Karl was baptized in the same church in 1824, at the age of 6. Karl attended a Lutheran elementary school but later became an ath
3、eist and materialist, rejecting both the Christian and Jewish religions. It was he who coined the aphorism Religion is the opium of the people, a cardinal principle in modern communism.Karl attended the Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium in Trier for 5 years, graduating in 1835, at the age of 17. The gymna
4、sium curriculum was the usual classical one-history, mathematics, literature, and languages, particularly Greek and Latin. Karl became proficient in French and Latin, both of which he learned to read and write fluently. In later years he taught himself other languages, so that as a mature scholar he
5、 could also read Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Scandinavian, Russian, and English. As his articles in the New York Daily Tribune show, he came to handle the English language masterfully (he loved Shakespeare, whose works he knew by heart), although he never lost his heavy Teutonic accent in speaking.In O
6、ctober 1835 Marx matriculated in Bonn University, where he attended courses primarily in jurisprudence, as it was his fathers ardent wish that he become a lawyer. Marx, however, was more interested in philosophy and literature than in law. He wanted to be a poet and dramatist, and in his student day
7、s he wrote a great deal of poetry-most of it preserved-which in his mature years he rightly recognized as imitative and mediocre. He spent a year at Bonn, studying little but roistering and drinking. He spent a day in jail for disturbing the peace and fought one duel, in which he was wounded in the
8、right eye. He also piled up heavy debts.Marxs dismayed father took him out of Bonn and had him enter the University of Berlin, then a hub of intellectual ferment. In Berlin a galaxy of brilliant thinkers was challenging existing institutions and ideas, including religion, philosophy, ethics, and pol
9、itics. The spirit of the great philosopher G. W. F. Hegel was still palpable there. A group known as the Young Hegelians, which included teachers such as Bruno Bauer and bright, philosophically oriented students, met frequently to debate and interpret the subtle ideas of the master. Young Marx soon
10、became a member of the Young Hegelian circle and was deeply influenced by its prevailing ideas.Marx spent more than 4 years in Berlin, completing his studies there in March 1841. He had given up jurisprudence and devoted himself primarily to philosophy. On April 15, 1841, the University of Jena awar
11、ded Carolo Henrico Marx the degree of doctor of philosophy on the strength of his abstruse and learned dissertation, Difference between Democritean and Epicurean Natural Philosophy, which was based on Greek-language sources.Marxs hopes of teaching philosophy at Bonn University were frustrated by the
12、 reactionary policy of the Prussian government. He then turned to writing and journalism for his livelihood. In 1842 he became editor of the liberal Cologne newspaper Rheinische Zeitung, but it was suppressed by the Berlin government the following year. Marx then moved to Paris, where he first came
13、in contact with the working class, gave up philosophy as a life goal, and undertook his serious study of economics.In January 1845, Marx was expelled from France at the instigation of the Prussian government, as he said. He moved to Brussels, where he lived until 1848 and where he founded the German
14、 Workers party and was active in the Communist League. It was for the latter that he, with his friend and collaborator Friedrich Engels, published, in 1848, the famous Manifesto of the Communist Party (known as the Communist Manifesto). Expelled by the Belgian government for his radicalism, Marx mov
15、ed back to Cologne, where he became editor of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in June 1848. Less than a year later, in May 1849, the Prussian government suppressed the paper, and Marx himself was exiled. He returned to Paris, but in September the French government expelled him again. Hounded from the Co
16、ntinent, Marx finally settled in London, where he lived as a stateless exile (Britain denied him citizenship and Prussia refused to renaturalize him) for the rest of his life.In London, Marxs sole means of support was journalism. He wrote for both German-and English-language publications. From Augus
17、t 1852 to March 1862 he was correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune, contributing a total of about 355 articles, many of which were used by that paper as leading (unsigned) editorials. Journalism, however, paid wretchedly (? per article); Marx was literally saved from starvation by the continuo
18、us financial support of Engels. In 1864 Marx helped to found in London the International Workingmens Association (known as the First International), for which he wrote the inaugural address. In 1872 he dissolved the International, to prevent it from falling into the hands of the anarchists led by Mi
19、khail Bakunin. Thereafter, Marxs political activities were confined mainly to correspondence with radicals in Europe and America, offering advice and helping to shape the socialist and labor movements.新GRE写作名人素材库:达尔文Darwin, Charles (Robert) 1809 - 1882Naturalist; best known as the discoverer of natu
20、ral selection. Born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England, at almost exactly the same hour as Abraham Lincoln. Darwins father was a doctor; his mother was the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood, the founder of the famous pottery firm. His grandfather (already dead) was a famous botanist, Erasmus Darwin.
21、 Darwins mother died when he was eight years old. He was not a very successful student, but as a teenager he became interested in natural science and started various collections. He went to Edinburgh University to study medicine but did not do well. He transferred to Cambridge University with the id
22、ea of studying theology and becoming a clergyman. There he met Professor John Henslow, a botanist, who became his mentor and persuaded him to study geology. He also read Alexander von Humboldts book, A Personal Narrative, about his travels in South America, which greatly inspired him.Darwin got his
23、B.A. degree from Cambridge in June 1831. During the summer he traveled with a geology professor to study rock formations in Wales. On his return to Shrewsbury on August 29, he found a letter waiting for him from Henslow. Henslow had recommended Darwin for a job as naturalist on board a Royal Navy sh
24、ip, the Beagle, under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy. The ship was going on a long trip to survey the southern coasts of South America. Darwins father was initially opposed because he felt that this would keep him from starting his career in the church. With the help of his Wedgwood relatives
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