1、新GRE写作名人素材库精选 先要GRE写作拿高分,平时需积累新GRE写作名人素材,整理了一些名人素材,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新GRE写作名人素材库:贞德贞德 Joan of Arc 1412 - 1431Heroine, French resistance leader in the last phase of the Hundred Years War. The life of Joan of Arc must be considered against the background of the later stages of the Hundred Years
2、 War (1339-1453). The war, which had begun in 1339 and continued intermittently till the 1380s, had caused severe hardship in France. In 1392 the insanity of the French king, Charles VI, had provided the opportunity for two aristocratic factions to struggle for control of the King and kingdom. The l
3、eader of one of these, John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, finally assumed control, and both factions appealed for help to England. Henry V of England invaded France on the Burgundian side in 1415 and inflicted a shattering defeat upon the French at Agincourt in the same year. The English and Burgu
4、ndians entered Paris in 1418, and the murder of John the Fearless in 1419 strengthened Burgundian hatred for the Armagnac faction.In 1420 Charles VI, Henry V, and Philip the Good of Burgundy agreed to the Treaty of Troyes, according to which Henry was to act as regent for the mad Charles VI, marry C
5、harless daughter, and inherit the throne of France on Charless death. The treaty thus disinherited Charles VIs son, the Dauphin Charles (later Charles VII). Charles VI also implied that the Dauphin was illegitimate. In 1422 both Henry V and Charles VI died, leaving Henry VI, the infant son of Henry,
6、 as king of both kingdoms. Henry VI, through his regent, the Duke of Bedford, ruled uncontested in Normandy and the Ile-deFrance. The Duke of Burgundy followed an independent policy in the territories he was assembling to the north and east of France. The Dauphin was reduced to holding the south of
7、France, threatened with Anglo-Burgundian invasion, and taunted with the title King of Bourges, from which city he ineffectively ruled what was left of his kingdom. He was in perpetual fear that the key city of Orleans, the gateway to his lands, might be captured by the English. In the autumn of 1428
8、 the English laid siege to Orleans. Charles, dominated by the infamous favorite Georges de la Tremoille, naturally apathetic, and lacking in men and money, could do nothing. By the spring of 1429 the city appeared about to fall and with it the hopes of Charles VII.Joan was born (some sources say) Ja
9、nuary 6, 1412 to a peasant family in Domremy, a small town near Vaucouleurs, the last town in the east still loyal to Charles VII. As long as I lived at home, she said at her trial in 1431, I worked at common tasks about the house, going but seldom afield with our sheep and other cattle. I learned t
10、o sew and spin: I fear no woman in Rouen at sewing and spinning.Some time in 1425 Joan began to have visions: When I was thirteen, I had a voice from God to help me govern myself. The voice was that of St. Michael, who, with St. Catherine and St. Margaret, told me of the pitiful state of France, and
11、 told me that I must go to succor the King of France. Joan twice went to Robert de Baudricourt, the captain of Vaucouleurs, asking for an escort to Charles VII at Chinon. The third time she was granted an escort, and she set out in February 1429, arriving 11 days later at Chinon. She was immediately
12、 examined for orthodoxy and two days later was allowed to see the King.A contemporary described her: This Maid . has a virile bearing, speaks little, shows an admirable prudence in all her words. She has a pretty, womans voice, eats little, drinks very little wine; she enjoys riding a horse and take
13、s pleasure in fine arms, greatly likes the company of noble fighting men, detests numerous assemblies and meetings, readily sheds copious tears, has a cheerful face. Joan appears to have been robust, with dark brown hair, and, as one historian succinctly remarked, in the excitement which raised her
14、up from earth to heaven, she retained her solid common sense and a clear sense of reality. She was also persuasive. In April 1429 Charles VII sent her to Orleans as captain of a troop of men-not as leader of all his forces. With the Duke dAlencon and Jean, the Bastard of Orleans (later Count of Duno
15、is), Joan relieved the city, thus removing the greatest immediate threat to Charles and for the first time in his reign allowing him a military triumph.Although Charles VII appears to have accepted Joans mission梐fter having had her examined several times at Chinon and at the University of Poitiers梙i
16、s attitude toward her, on the whole, is ambiguous. He followed her pressing advice to use the respite provided by the relief of Orleans to proceed to his coronation at Reims, thereby becoming king in the eyes of all men. After a series of victorious battles and sieges on the way, Charles VII was cro
17、wned at Reims on July 18, 1429. Joan was at his side and occupied a prominent place in the ceremonies following the coronation. From the spring of 1429 to the spring of 1430, Charles and his advisers wavered on the course of the war. The choices were those of negotiation, particularly with the Duke
18、of Burgundy, or taking the military offensive against English positions, particularly Paris. Joan favored the second course, but an attack upon Paris in September 1429 failed, and Charles VII entered into a treaty with Burgundy that committed him to virtual inaction. From September 1429 to the early
19、 months of 1430, Joan appears to have been kept inactive by the royal court, finally moving to the defense of the town of Compiegne in May 1430. During a skirmish outside the towns walls against the Burgundians, Joan was cut off and captured. She was a rich prize. The Burgundians turned Joan over to
20、 the English, who prepared to try her for heresy. Charles VII could do nothing.Joans trial was held in three parts. Technically it was an ecclesiastical trial for heresy, and Joans judges were Pierre Cauchon, the bishop of Beauvais, and Jean Lemaitre, vicar of the inquisitor of France; both were aid
21、ed by a large number of theologians and lawyers who sat as a kind of consulting and advising jury. From January to the end of March, the court investigated Joans case and interrogated witnesses. The trial itself lasted from April to nearly the end of May and ended with Joans abjuration. The trial wa
22、s both an ecclesiastical one and a political one (because Joan was kept in an English prison rather than in that of the archbishop of Rouen and because the English continually intervened in the trial). Joan was charged with witchcraft and fraud, tested by being asked complicated theological question
23、s, and finally condemned on the grounds of persisting in wearing male clothing, a technical offense against the authority of the Church. Joans answers throughout the trial reveal her presence of mind, humility, wit, and good sense. Apparently Joan and her accusers differed about the nature of her ab
24、juration, and two days after she signed it, she recanted. The third phase of her trial began on May 28. This time she was tried as a relapsed heretic, conviction of which meant release to the secular arm; that is, she would be turned over to the English to be burned. Joan was convicted of being a re
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