1、手把手教你攻克GRE长阅读 深入熟悉阅读*的内部的结构与逻辑关系,攻克GRE长阅读我们一起看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。深入熟悉阅读*的内部的结构与逻辑关系,攻克GRE长阅读自从20XX年8月GRE改革取消了类反题目,增加阅读部分的比例(占verbal题目总数的50%)后,GRE阅读部分的重要性可想而知。但是,GRE阅读,特别是文学、社会科学等*类型一直以来都是广大中国考生最头痛的,也是最难提高的部分。于是,经过多次考试实战和多年阅读*的研究,笔者发现在GRE阅读的*里,还是有一些广大考生所不熟悉的“规律”。因此,在*里,笔者将尝试去解开GRE阅读中最让考生头痛的“阅读规律”-逻辑、
2、结构以及*的同一概念的同义替换-希望可以帮助广大考生快速提高阅读分数和阅读能力。官方真题例3.1:建议考生先自己阅读下面的*,阅读完后再看后面我们给出的分析。Notable as important nineteenth-centurynovels by women, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Emily Brontes WutheringHeights treat women very differently. Shelley produced a “masculine” text inwhich the fates of subordinate fema
3、le characters seem entirely dependent on theactions of male heroes or anti-heroes. Bronte produced a more realisticnarrative, portraying a world where men battle for the favors of apparentlyhigh-spirited, independent women. Nevertheless, these two novels are alike inseveral crucial ways. Many reader
4、s are convinced that the compelling mysteriesof each plot conceal elaborate structures of allusion and fierce, thoughshadowy, moral ambitions that seem to indicate metaphysical intentions, thoughefforts by critics to articulate these intentions have generated muchcontroversy. Both novelists use a st
5、orytelling method that emphasizes ironicdisjunctions between different perspectives on the same events as well asironic tensions that inhere in the relationship between surface drama andconcealed authorial intention, a method I call an evidentiary narrativetechnique.分析:Notableas important nineteenth
6、-century novels by women, Mary Shelleys Frankensteinand Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights treat women very differently. Shelley produced a “masculine” text in which the fates ofsubordinate female characters seem entirely dependent on the actions of maleheroes or anti-heroes. Bronte produced a more rea
7、listic narrative, portraying aworld where men battle for the favors of apparently high-spirited, independentwomen. Nevertheless, these twonovels are alikein several crucial ways. Many readers are convinced that the compellingmysteries of each plot conceal elaborate structures of allusion and fierce,
8、though shadowy, moral ambitions that seem to indicate metaphysical intentions,though efforts by critics to articulate these intentions have generated muchcontroversy. Both novelists use a storytelling method that emphasizes ironicdisjunctions between different perspectives on the same events as well
9、 as ironictensions that inhere in the relationship between surface drama and concealedauthorial intention, a method I call an evidentiary narrative technique.首先,该篇*的主题句分别为第1句和第4句。从结构的角度而言,第1层结构为*提到的2个作者在各自的作品中对待女性的不同点。接着用2个句子分别来具体描写它们的不同之处。第2层结构为*提到的2个作者在各自的作品中对待女性的相同点。接着还是用2个句子分别来具体描写它们的相同之处。从逻辑的角度
10、而言,differently为对比逻辑关系里的不同逻辑。alike为对比逻辑关系里的相同逻辑。Nevertheless,为转折(也即是广义的相反)逻辑。需要提醒的是,考生要注意到nevertheless转折的并非是其最前面的那一句,而是该篇*的第1层逻辑的不同点,也就是第一句。笔者这样说只是想时刻提醒读者,阅读的精髓本质并非是简单地对原文的中文翻译,而是看到句子与句子的结构、逻辑关系和联系、*的主旨与细节。下面一起来题目:例题:Theprimary purpose of the passage is toA. defend acontroversial interpretation of tw
11、o novelsB. explainthe source of widely recognized responses to two novelsC. delineatebroad differences between two novelsDpareand contrast two novelsE. criticizeand evaluate two novels解析:该题很明显为主旨题目。直接从刚才我们对*的结构和逻辑分析不难得出,该篇*主要的逻辑是对比逻辑。因此考生在看选项的时候,切记要先看动词。很快我们可以得出答案为D选项。例题2:Accordingthe passage, Frank
12、enstein differs from Wuthering Heights in itsA use of multiple narratorsB method of disguising theauthors real purposesC portrayal of men asdeterminers of the novels actionD creation of a realistic storyE controversial effect onreaders解析:该题为细节中的不同逻辑关系的题目。具体而言就是问Frankenstein 和 WutheringHeights这2本小说不同
13、之处在于Frankenstein(题目用代词its表示)的什么。考生这时候应该思考一下,该题的答案应该定位到原文哪一层结构?没错,就在第1层。因为只有第1层才说的是不同之处。而题目更加详细地问我们是Frankenstein这本小说怎样。于是回到原文对应的地方:“Shelley produced a “masculine” text in which the fates ofsubordinate female characters seem entirely dependent on the actions of maleheroes or anti-heroes.”我们不难得出,该句的大意是
14、在说:Frankenstein这本小说描写的是女性角色的命运完全依赖于男性的行为。从逻辑关系的角度而言,就是女性角色和男性角色的行为的逻辑关系。那么答案也必然是对该逻辑关系的同义替换。所以答案不难得出是C选项。有意思的是,原文的表达是:女性角色的命运完全依赖男性的行为;而正确答案的表达为:男性决定女性角色。由于篇幅的关系,更全面的逻辑关系和原文对正确选项的替换类型,我们会在课堂上或者后面出版的阅读书籍中详细阐述。官方真题例3.2:建议考生先自己阅读下面的*,阅读完后再看后面我们给出的分析。Although scientists observe that anorganisms behavior
15、 falls into rhythmic patterns, they disagree about how thesepatterns are affected when the organism is transported to a new environment. Oneexperimenter, Brown, brought oysters from Connecticut waters to Illinoiswaters. She noted that the oysters initially opened their shells widest when itwas high
16、tide in Connecticut, but that after fourteen days their rhythms hadadapted to the tide schedule in Illinois. Although she could not posit anunequivocal causal relationship between behavior and environmental change,Brown concluded that a change in tide schedule is one of several possibleexogenous inf
17、luences (those outside the organism) on the oysters rhythms. Anotherexperimenter, Hamner, however, discovered that hamsters from Californiamaintain their original rhythms even at the South Pole. He concluded thatendogenous influences (those inside the organism) seem to affect an organismsrhythmic be
18、havior解析:Although scientists observe that an organisms behaviorfalls into rhythmic patterns, they disagree about how these patterns areaffected when the organism is transported to a new environment.One experimenter, Brown, brought oysters from Connecticut waters to Illinoiswaters. She noted that the
19、 oysters initially opened their shells widest when itwas high tide in Connecticut, but that after fourteen days their rhythms hadadapted to the tide schedule in Illinois. Although she could not posit anunequivocal causal relationship between behavior and environmental change,Brown concluded that a c
20、hange in tide schedule is one of several possibleexogenous influences (those outside the organism) on the oysters rhythms.Another experimenter,Hamner, however, discovered that hamsters from California maintain theiroriginal rhythms even at the South Pole. He concluded that endogenousinfluences (thos
21、e inside the organism) seem to affect an organisms rhythmicbehavior该篇*的主旨为第1句。由第1句中的disagree一词可以预判*后面应该会出现关于disagree后面的部分的内容的不同的观点。*的结构于是不难得出可以分为2层。第1层即是第一句,为该篇*主题句。第2层中分为2小点。第1点为one部分的内容,也即是Brown的实验的具体内容和发现的结果以及结论。第2点为Hamner的具体的实验的内容和结论。需要提醒考生的是,*中主题和细节的重复的部分。也就是当考生看完主旨句的时候,就应该意识到,scientists, organ
22、isms behavior, environment都是抽象词,*后面会不断具体重复这几个主题抽象词。例如:scientists=Brown+ Hamnerorganism= oysters+ hamstersenvironment= Connecticut+ Illinois+ Californiabehavior= opened their shells widest + adapted to +maintain their original rhythms官方真题例3.3:A Marxist sociologist has argued thatracism stems from the
23、 class struggle that is unique to the capitalistsystemthat racial prejudice is generated by capitalists as a means ofcontrolling workers. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discriminationagainst Blacks in the United States, but his definition of racial prejudice as“racially-based negat
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