1、如何高效记忆GRE单词 高效记忆GRE单词, 你应该这样做,我们来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。高效记忆GRE单词 你应该这样做1.传统的机械记忆法,包括构词记忆法、阅读记忆法、协同记忆法、分类记忆法、循环记忆法等。构词记忆法分析单词的构成成份,辨识其中的词根或词缀,在掌握词根或词缀的前提下,可以触类旁通,以一当十。2.阅读记忆法就是通过大量和反复的阅读掌握词汇。协同记忆法强调手眼耳多种感官并用。3.分类记忆法是将同一类属或相似意义的词划分到同一类,集中背诵。4.循环记忆是根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线编排记忆内容和进度,以达到减缓遗忘速度的目的。单独强调一种方法都有一些学究气(即研究者
2、沉溺于自己的理论体系中,忽视用户的实际需求),读者需要明察。如果你要用传统的方法记忆大量单词,必须要有足够的时间、精力和周密的计划,否则很容易产生挫败感。建议大家使用辅助软件来背,现在在网上有一些软件很热,大家根据需要去选择。还有根据艾宾浩斯研究的遗忘规律以及遗忘曲线编写的,对记忆特别有效,特别对于大量词汇记忆,通过软件辅助成为关键,因为软件能记录你每次记忆的动作,从而能够分析你的记忆状况,由此来安排你的记忆复习。形象记忆法适合于有相当基础的学习者。由于谐音法(三克油=thank you?)在其中占据了相当重要的位置,但是,对于大量词汇的记忆,这种方法却又成为一种阻碍,因为,你在记忆一个单词的
3、同时,又需要记忆另外一样东西,使得记忆负担加重,因此,对于大量词汇记忆的方法,其实应该是用最简单的方法,那就是母语式记忆,看单词,记忆图像或情景。其中关键就是科学循环。有效的科学的循环,加上简单的母语式记忆,是对大量单词记忆的唯一途径。这就靠软件来实现了,因为软件可以随时记录你的记忆信息,记忆时间,记忆情况,从而可以分析记忆情况,做出科学的循环安排。这点奇迹英语背单词我觉得是做得不错的。由Friending引发的构词方法解析Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include (someone) in a list of d
4、esignated friends on a persons social networking site.Friending的意思是“做某人的朋友”或者“将某人在社交网站上加为好友”。The word comes from a term coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet, act 1, scene 5: And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do, to express his love and friending to you.这个词最早*于莎士比亚戏剧哈姆雷特第一场第五幕中的一句对白:像哈姆雷特这样贫苦的人,要怎样向
5、你表达他的爱意和友情呢。The coinage was largely overlooked for centuries. With the advent of the social network Facebook in 2004, friending became widely adopted.这个说法被人们忽视了很久,直到2004年社交网站Facebook迅猛发展,friending(加好友)一词才被广泛使用。GRE重点词汇解析:impugnimpugn: 表示怀疑; to criticize or challenge as false or questionable in nature
6、1) to attack with words; to question the truthfulness or integrity2) to challenge as false, to assailimpugn uphold 指责,攻击,反对支持impugn consentimpugn extol 9impugn vindicate 责难辩护impugn champion攻击,指责拥护,支持impugn endorse 攻击,指责认可impugn approve, laud, complimentimpugn appeaseimpugn grantantimpugn = charge yM
7、du_x001D_impugn 责难, 非难, 驳斥 champion/vindicate/endorseimpugn (criticize) uphold (support) should be correct rather than appease (soothe).inviolableimpugn 不可侵犯的,不可征服的指责The defense lawyer impugned the witnesss testimony, which set back the prosecutions case.If I believe the man is a fraud I will impugn
8、 his comments.【考法1】v. 责难,攻击抨击: to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument【例】impugn a political opponents character 就政治对手的人品发难【近】 attack, assail, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse onm【反】 advocate, back, support, uphold 支持;authenticate 证
9、实,证明GRE重点词汇解析:vociferousvociferous: 喧嚷的, marked by or given to vehement insistent outcryvociferous silentvociferous monotonousvociferous reticent/monotone 吵闹的沉默不语的/单调的vociferous serenity 叫喊的,吵闹的安静的vociferous serenevociferous stillvociferous : suppression 喧嚷的:抑制,含蓄(镇压)boisterous: 猛烈的, 狂暴的, 喧闹的1) mark
10、ed by or given to vehement insistent outcry2) making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcryadj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的: making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry【例】Vociferous opponents of the bill protested angrily outside the Congress. 议案的反对者在国会外愤怒地举行了声势浩大的抗议活动【近】 blatant, boisterous,
11、clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, yowling【反】 reticent, taciturn 沉默的;serene, tranquil 宁静的GRE重点词汇解析:agapeagape: 急切盼望的: having or showing signs of eagerly awaiting somethingagape ?ge?ip adv. adj. (因惊奇等)张大嘴巴agape - open-mouthed; surprised; agogagape closedagape: openmouthedAGAPEA closedB gentleC intentD vitalE plainAt the sound of the sleigh bells the children were all agape, waiting for Santa to appear.【近】 agog, anticipant, anticipatory【反】 apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested 不感兴趣的,不为所动的She stared, agape, at the many strange animals in the zoo.如何高效记忆GRE单词