1、低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论 王超杰,送沾嘉沈鹰聪圭屋宿惠雕猎豆胎折砷载察支婉痕吧涂掘辆帅侵鬼蹦饱巫院低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰,为什么讲低血糖?,缆寝塌僳运啃摇旭羽溶灾防痉巫贬翅替澳豌肺骚懂锋郑撇恩只斤豆妓珐嵌低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰,诊断简单治疗简单短期预后良好治疗者有成就感,俱汐咨闯虱榜坤第烘瘪暖腿坎竿厘挥螟挝振豹阐喉晃拉瘁肥叉舜茁屉恨嚣低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰,美国医学会杂志内科学(JAMA Internal Medicine)2014年3月1
2、0日在线发表的一项研究显示,与2型糖尿病“过度严格”胰岛素控制相关的重度低血糖每年导致近10万例次急诊就诊和3万例次住院,并且特别常见于老年患者,烟肯哼嗜索献遇钓惜句篷面拐闹倒仪毒钻戴宜伴萎摘姬轨氨花魁踪恒丢皇低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰低血糖的急诊处理及相关问题讨论王超杰,By:MARY ANN MOON,Clinical Endocrinology News Digital Network Severe hypoglycemia related to overly tight insulin control for type 2 diabetes prompts nearly 10
3、0,000 emergency department visits and 30,000 hospitalizations each year and is particularly common among older patients,according to a report published online March 10 in JAMA Internal Medicine.In an analysis of data from a nationally representative sample of hospitals in the National Electronic Inj
4、ury Surveillance System-Cooperative Adverse Drug Event Surveillance project,researchers estimated that 97,648 ED visits occurred annually during a 5-year period among adults with type 2 diabetes who presented with hypoglycemia-related shock,loss of consciousness,seizure,injury or fall,or altered men
5、tal status.Most cases involved blood glucose levels of 50 mg/dL or less,said Dr.Andrew I.Geller of the division of healthcare quality promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Atlanta,and his associates.The case rate was 34.9 per 1,000 insulin-treated patients among those aged 80 y
6、ears and older.In comparison,the rate was only 13.7 per 1,000 among those aged 45-64 years.Older patients were more than twice as likely as younger ones to require an ED visit and nearly five times as likely to require hospitalization,Dr.Geller and his associates said(JAMA Intern.Med.2014 March 10 d
7、oi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.136).The most common precipitating factor was meal-related misadventure failing to eat shortly after taking rapid-acting insulin or failing to adjust the insulin regimen to account for a missed meal or a very small meal.Hypoglycemia also was frequently preceded by the p
8、atient taking the wrong dose of insulin or the wrong insulin product,usually taking rapid-acting insulin instead of long-acting insulin.These data probably underestimate the total burden of hypoglycemic events because hypoglycemia,although a frequent cause of emergency medical services calls,is most
9、 often cared for outside the ED setting.Patients who have hypoglycemia unawareness and whose episodes do not result in EMS or ED care were not counted,nor were those who died en route to the ED,they added.No financial conflicts of interest were reported.View on the News Drug industry fuels overuse o
10、f insulin Severe insulin-related hypoglycemia is not just remarkably common,it also differs from most other causes of emergency department visits in that it is almost always iatrogenic,said Dr.Sei J.Lee.And as noted by Dr.Geller and his associates,the 50%increase in insulin use during the past decad
11、e is fueling this epidemic of hypoglycemia.That,in turn,can be attributed to the drug industrys all-too-effective efforts.to encourage patients and providers to intensify glycemic treatment.Pharmaceutical companies have shaped the current widespread belief in tight glycemic control that has led to a
12、ggressive prescribing of insulin,he said.We should not accept the current rates of hypoglycemia as inevitable or as an acceptable price to pay for treatment,Dr.Lee said.Rather,we should begin using a multipronged approach to decrease the overuse of insulin and minimize the risk of hypoglycemia.Dr.Le
13、e is with the division of geriatrics at the University of California and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center,both in San Francisco.He reported no relevant financial conflicts of interest.These remarks were taken from his invited commentary accompanying Dr.Gellers report(JAMA Intern.Med.2014 March 10
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