1、如何背GRE单词才能省时省力事半功倍 GRE背单词是个体力活, 如何才能省时省力事半功倍?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE背单词是个体力活 如何才能省时省力事半功倍?GRE词汇实用背诵计划分享1. 背诵材料GRE词汇书种类繁多,但公认实用性最高的其实还是红宝书。因此,建议大家从红宝书入手,以这本教材为基础进行词汇记忆工作。2. 制定第一遍计划第一遍背单词时,大家的词汇基础应该是最差的。翻开词汇书一眼望去都是不认识的词汇。不过不用慌,GRE背单词本来就不是一遍能完事的,大家需要做的也绝不是看一遍就把那么多词汇都彻底记住。第一遍背单词重在打基础,因为每个人每天的记忆能力有限,建议大家根据个人
2、记忆能力按照红宝书中划分的LIST来进行背诵,以尽可能记住词汇意思为目标背单词。以周围单位制定大致的背诵计划,比如:周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日 List 1-3 List 4-6 List 7-9 List 10-12 List 13-15 List 16-18 List 19-21 3. 做题积累词汇第一遍背单词过程中,考生需要做的不仅是照着词汇书每天制定LIST来背单词。大家在背单词的过程中也需要结合练习加深记忆。GRE最考察词汇记忆的题型是填空,建议考生每天都进行一定量的填空题练习,把做题过程中遭遇到的所有不认识的词汇都积累起来,在背单词书的同时也把这些词汇加入背诵当中。如
3、果词汇LIST中遭遇到了练习里收集的词汇,或者反过来,都可以进一步加深大家的记忆力,帮助考生提升对于词汇的掌握。4. 开启第二遍到N遍循环在第一遍词汇LIST都背完后,哪怕大家真正记住的词汇还比较有限,至少对于大部分词汇都有了一个基本的印象和概念,那么接下来要做的,就是比较枯燥的一遍又一遍的重复循环记忆了。其实最折磨考生的正是之后的数遍重复,因为已经没了初次记忆时的新鲜感,却又要反复进行记住忘记再次记住这样的记忆折磨。不过,重复过程中其实也存在不少技巧,下面接着为大家分析。GRE词汇记忆技巧为了减轻单纯重复记忆带给考生的折磨,大家在熟悉了词汇书中大部分的单词后,就可以开始尝试有技巧的背单词了。
4、1. 同义词法GRE词汇中的许多单词并不是独立存在的,在含以上往往会给其它词汇相近相通。把这些词汇整理在一起记忆,背一个往往就能联想出一串,是非常有效率的记忆技巧。比如:可怕的 adj. hideous/horrid/direful顽固的,倔强的 adj. obdurate/obstinate/pertinacious责备 v. reprehend/reproach/reprobate2. 分类记忆法与上述记忆法类似,许多GRE词汇,根据其含义涉及到的具体内容,也可以进行一定的分类,同样按照整组进行记忆,比如:学科类 zoology/philology/pedagogy不同的笑法 chortl
5、e/chuckle/guffaw/simper/smirk/giggle/titter/grin燃烧,烧烤 barbecue/parch/grill/broil/torrefy/scorch/cauterize3. 词根词缀法英文单词与中文汉字有相似之处,其构词法中也有类似汉字的偏旁部首,也就是我们俗称的词根词缀。拥有相同词根词缀的单词在含义上往往存在一些共同点,假如熟练掌握也能起到背一记百的神奇效果,比如:ab-/abs- 表示相反变坏离去 abnormal/abuse/absorb/absent/abduct/abstract/absconddu-/dub-/doub- 表示二/双 dua
6、l/duality/duel/dubious/doubt/duplicate/doublefrac-/frang- 表示打碎 fraction/fracture/fragile/fragment/frail总而言之,GRE词汇背诵虽然是个苦力活,但想要省时省力提高记忆效率,制定好合理的背诵计划并运用一些技巧还是能够做到的。希望上文内容能够帮助大家尽快完成GRE词汇量积累的相关工作,打下扎实的词汇基础,为之后的备考和考试做好充分准备。你是怎么背单词的?3大荒谬的GRE词汇复习方法害你事倍功半1.词汇书背多少遍合适?开始复习时可能大家都多少看过一两遍红宝书。平时做题时把红宝书当成词典来用,查某一个
7、词的时候可以顺带把这个词所在的那一页上的词都看看。这样一次可以背下词汇书上的一个小部分。而题目是很多的,生词也不少,一次次地积累起来,到考前再系统地过一两遍。这样到最后你说背了多少遍?你自己都数不过来了。不在乎整个书背了多少遍,关键看具体到这个词你多少遍能把它记住。GRE数学高分必看心得 这6种低级错误要学会避免和应对 请点击这里2.平时复习用哪种参考书?严格来讲,经过一段时间的复习和做了一定量的题目之后,大家才能对考试有所体会,才知道自己错误的症结所在,这时候可以去翻看一些参考书,看哪本的论述最适合解决自己的问题,再进行选择。某一方面的参考书,比如词汇类,只要合适,有一本就够了。很多人不是为
8、了学习,而是怀着一种追求心理平衡的心态,觉得只要市面上出了一本书自己没有,这个GRE就没法考了。有不少考生买了很多内容类似的书,可是根本没时间看,这纯粹是浪费。给大家提供一个底限,即必备的几样东西:红宝书、讲义、所有的真题、词频表、一本好的词典,可以加上Barron Word List。5月8日GRE考后真题第一时间极速发布 最新考情分析和考场经验揭秘 请点击这里3.词汇在GRE中占什么地位?课程过半的时候,可以静下来体会一下,这时会发现四门课程中阅读应该是最难的。越往后越应该发现词汇是没什么难的:只是一种机械的重复而已。曾有人总结过,GRE一切的努力都可以概括为“熟练”“阅读”。词汇题和逻辑
9、组题纯粹是考熟练功夫,填空题一半考词汇功夫、一半考阅读功力。阅读理解和逻辑单题都考阅读能力。而到最后一个月的时候,该升华和提高了,一切的努力又都可以归结为“熟练”。阅读难在*,而不在题目。*必然会写得晦涩,但题目的规律性丝毫不亚于类比反义词。所以阅读能力也许不能在短期内迅速提高,但只要你看破了这层窗户纸,做题能力可以快速提高。在熟练的基础上总结体会,才能达到高的水平和层次。因为CRE出题如此有规律,所以到最后“GRE做题很难错。”综上所述,在GRE考试中,考生一定要达到GRE要求词汇量,突破GRE词汇大关,才能在GRE考试中取得优秀的成绩。GRE词汇微课堂:详解黄金形近词1. impudent
10、 / imprudentimpudent: very rudeimprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent2. insolent / indolent / redolentinsolent: rude or impoliteindolent: not liking to work or be activeredolent: causing thoughts or memories of something3. witty / wittingwitty: funny and cleverwitting: cognizance / news4. disc
11、ernible / discerningdiscernible: able to be identified as separate and distinctdiscerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearlyand intelligently5. exhaustive / exhaustedexhaustive: including all possibilities: very thoroughexhausted: be tired out or worn out6. aver / aver
12、t / averse / avow / advent /advertaver: to say something in a very strong and definite wayavert: to prevent (something bad) from happeningaverse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distasteavow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public wayadvent: second comingadvert: announcement
13、; notification7. feckless / recklessfeckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsiblereckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions8. mean / mienmien: a persons appearance or facial expression9. humdrum / conundrumhumdrum: dull, boring, and ordinaryconundru
14、m: a confusing or difficult problem10.immune / immure / inureimmure: to enclose within or as if within wallsinure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant11. enjoin / adjoinenjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing somethingadjoin (o
15、f a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something12.abjure / adjureabjure: to reject (something) formallyadjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassivebypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get som
16、ething done quickerimpasse: a situation in which no progress seems possibleimpassive: not showing emotion14.pertinacious / tenaciouspertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacioustenacious: very determined to do something15.endanger / engenderengender: to be
17、 the source or cause of something16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligentintelligible: able to be understood17.perquisite / prerequisiteperquisite: gratuity, tipprerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else18.passionate / dispassionatedispass
18、ionate: not influenced or affected by emotions19.precocity / preciosityprecocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early agepreciosity: fastidious refinement20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehendapprehend: to notice and understand (something); (
19、of police) to arrest (someone)reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censure21.hearten / hearkenhearten: to cause (someone) o feel more cheerful or hopefulhearken: listen; to give respectful attention22.enchant / chantenchant: to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty
20、, etc.chant: to say (a word or phrase) many times in a rhythmic way usually loudly and with other people23.rant / cant / scant / dentrant: to talk loudly and in a way that shows angercant: tiltscant: very small in size or amountdent: to make (something) weaker24.pithy / filthypithy: using few words
21、in a clever and effective wayfilthy: very dirty; very evil25.coerce / coarsecoerce: to make (someone) do something or get (something) by using force or threats26.liberal / literalliteral: completely true and accurate: not exaggerate27.modest / moderate28.anomaly / analogyanalogy: a comparison of two
22、 things based on their being alike in some way29.lucid / pellucidlucid: very clear and easy to understandpellucid: very clear30.enigma / stigmaenigma: someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain(迷)stigma: a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of peopl
23、e have about something31. censure / censor / census / consensuscensure: officially strong criticismconsensus: a general agreement about something32. mount / surmount / paramount / amount / tantamountsurmount: to deal with (a problem or a difficult situation) successfully; to be placed at the top of
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 如何 GRE 单词 才能 省时省力 事半功倍
