1、如何攻克GRE长阅读 如何攻克GRE长阅读?我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何攻克GRE长阅读我花了一个半月时间一次性通过GRE。并不是传说中的学霸,可是非常善于标准化考试。我觉得在出国道路中,最容易克服的障碍就是标准化考试,通过合理的学习方式,是可以以较少的时间投入获得好成绩的。而无论是GRE长阅读或者其他标准化考试的阅读,其实都是有一定“套路”摸索的,如果可以总结利用起来,那么就可以从容面对任何标准化考试。高分要点重视基准分GRE 共有 5 个部分,其中第一部分测试考生基准,即定基准分。如果考生第一部分做得很好,那第二部分就会比较难,但同时基准分也较高。同样,如果第一部
3、试时花时间分析仍然做不出的难题直接放弃)。阅读题目较简单,时间要卡得很紧。对于读*,我的原则是:一两句话一分钟内读完,短*两到三分钟读完,长*四到六分钟。读*非常重要。有的人说,*很长,直接看题再带到原文找。但我自己亲身体验后发现并不对。GRE 不同于托福考试,更侧重于逻辑把握。托福考察段落意味,可以通过定位的方式快速做题,GRE 则需要上下文分析推断。反复带到上下文寻到,不仅浪费时间,还很容易做错。ETS 出题的 GRE,有一个典型特征就是正确答案可以在原文中找到同义替换,这是检查正误的重要手段。阅读材料推荐材料:1、GRE 的官方指南( Official Guide, OG)。讲述 GRE
4、 每年的出题思路。GRE 每年思路都在变化,建议买当年的官方指南。譬如我参加 15 年的考试,涉及大量逻辑题,在以往考试中并不这样,但这一变化可以在官方指南中读出。注意:OG 的难度很低,是用于上手的。2、GRE 36 套。当时我只做了这一本。认真的做好、做完就足够了。有的人非常热衷于做题,但真题是有限的,做完了就没有了。最大限度地利用好资料更关键。3、杨鹏长难句。初做 GRE,会觉得语法非常奇怪,找不到主语、谓语等,而杨鹏长难句就分析了这是什么样的结构,比如先倒装、再省略,还有状语从句。还分析这个复杂的句子如何转变为我们熟悉的形式。我认为这个语法分析是很有必要的。看多了之后,再见到长难句,一
5、是不慌,二是能很快分析出来。关于辅助阅读推荐花儿阅读。尤其是第二第三章编写得很好,分别讲将*类型和考察题型。另附高频词组和专业词汇,这些都很重要。Manhattan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategy Guide.我认为这本书是以非常客观的角度分析了该怎么阅读、怎么理解。另外,由于 LAST 也是一个逻辑性考试,且难度高于 GRE,风格也相近。如果时间充裕,比如有一年时间准备,那么可以看看这个,锻炼逻辑思维等。但如果只有最后一次机会了,还是全心全意放在 GRE 就好。材料使用方法这些材料该怎么用呢?我建议头两天用 OG 上手,看看填空、阅读考察什么,并做做题
6、目。题目很简单。全做对了不要骄傲,因为真正的考试比这个难多了;做得不好也不要伤心,因为才刚刚开始。OG 看完之后,建议花一天时间看看花儿阅读的第二章和第三章,掌握*类型和重点题型。重点训练用的资料是 GRE 36 套。每天做完练习后,都需要分析结果、分析*结构,根据杨鹏长难句,找出做过的*里出现的长难句,去想你当时看懂了没有、哪里没看懂、为什么没看懂。我们在阅读时,不管是否念出来,都会发现自己在一个词一个词的看。这也并非是能力高低的问题,即使是母语,在听人说话时,往往也会稍作一段时间才能反应过来。不过一个词一个词的看,有点消耗时间。意群是意思相近或作用相近的一组词,可能是一个词,也可能是五个词
7、。一个意群一个意群的看,速度会大大提高。在刚开始练习时,不要急躁,可以读杨鹏长难句来分析判断意群。但不要太快,避免回式阅读。36 套应该分为两个阶段第一阶段是适应性训练:117 套。适应性训练是指每个练习完成后休息,重在熟悉题目,分析重点,适应考试。不在乎时间和速度。每天做四套练习,每套都要计时。一开始阅读可以在 30 分钟左右,配合杨鹏长难句训练,逐渐提高速度,后来就往适合考试的 17 分钟方向努力。如果做一套题花了 40 分钟,做了十套题还是这样,那说明这是词汇量的问题。基础不够,整体是很难提前的。我当时也是词汇基础不够,做得很慢,后来 3000 单词反复背,加强强度背单词。第二阶段是速度
8、和耐力练习。每天 48 套练习。建议四个练习为一组,一组一组的练习,即一次两个小时强度的耐力训练。常常做到第三个练习就看不下去了,非常折磨,但 GRE 本身也是时间、精力、金钱都消耗很大的考试,耐力训练不够,考试时中途放弃或者随意应付都是很不好的。速度和耐力练习同样要计时和分析。练习分析方法有个生词本,记录阅读里出现的生词。阅读里生词不多,主要是学科专业词汇。考试时可以通过猜词的方式用语法分析,但平时也可以积累。弄懂句子之间的关系,这一点非常重要。分析的时间至少是做题一样长的时间,譬如花了 40 分钟完成练习,那也要至少花 40 分钟分析每篇*。这样以后做题的时候,你会越来越清楚其中的“套路”
9、,从而大大节约时间。包括有:1. 分析论点与论点之间的关系。2. 句子作用和首句转折句中的核心词。3. 题目在原文中的定位及定位的特点。正确选项在原文中的对应,以及选项出错的原因。4. 推荐一个错题本。因为错误经常反复犯,可以用来记录一下错题和原因。做 GRE 要去体会 ETS 的逻辑,并把自己的逻辑往这边靠。如果一套题做第二遍时,发现仍然选刚开始的选项时,那就说明自己还没有理解这道题背后的逻辑;如果不一样,即使仍没有选择正确,仍然进步了。如果不能理解答案,可以和其他同学沟通一下,稍微交流就可以发现问题所在。GRE阅读题之演员的过去该追究吗每日一练Should we really care f
10、or the greatest actors of the past could we have them before us? Should we findthem too different from our accent of thought, offeeling, of speech, in a thousand minute particularswhich are of the essence of all three? Dr. Doranslong and interesting records of the triumphs ofGarrick, and other less
11、familiar, but in their dayhardly less astonishing, players, do not relieve one of the doubt. Garrick himself, assometimes happens with people who have been the subject of much anecdote and otherconversation, here as elsewhere, bears no very distinct figure. One hardly sees the wood forthe trees. On
12、the other hand, the account of Betterton, perhaps the greatest of Englishactors, is delightfully fresh. That intimate friend of Dryden, Tillatson, Pope, who executed acopy of the actors portrait by Kneller which is still extant, was worthy of their friendship; hiscareer brings out the best elements
13、in stage life. The stage in these volumes presents itselfindeed not merely as a mirror of life, but as an illustration of the utmost intensity of life, inthe fortunes and characters of the players. Ups and downs, generosity, dark fates, the mostdelicate goodness, have nowhere been more prominent tha
14、n in the private existence of thosedevoted to the public mimicry of men and women. Contact with the stage, almost throughoutits history, presents itself as a kind of touchstone, to bring out the bizarrerie, the theatricaltricks and contrasts, of the actual world.In the expression “One hardly sees th
15、e wood for the trees”, the author apparentlyintends the word trees to be analogous toA.features of Dorans language styleB.details learned from oral sourcesC.personality of a famous actorD.details of Garricks lifeE.stage triumphs of an astonishing playerThe doubt referred to in line 7 concerns whethe
16、rA.the stage personalities of the past would appeal on a personal level to people like the authorB.their contemporaries would have understood famous actorsC.the acting of famous stage personalities would appeal to us todayD.Garrick was as great as he is portrayedE.historical records can reveal perso
17、nalityInformation supplied in the passage is sufficient to answer which of the followingquestions?(Select ALL answer choices that apply)A.Who did Doran think was probably the best English actor?B.What did Doran think of Garrick?C.Would the author give a definite answer to the first question posed in
18、 the passage?正确答案A B AGRE阅读题之鸟类和哺乳动物正在走向灭亡每日一练A sanctuary may be defined as a place where Manis passive and the rest of Nature active. Till quiterecently Nature had her own sanctuaries, where maneither did not go at all or only as a tool-using animalin comparatively small numbers. But now, in thisma
19、chinery age, there is no place left where mancannot go with overwhelming forces at hiscommand. He can strangle to death all the nobler wild life in the world to-day. To-morrow hecertainly will have done so, unless he exercises due foresight and self-control in the meantime.There is not the slightest
20、 doubt that birds and mammals are now being killed off much fasterthan they can breed. And it is always the largest and noblest forms of life that suffer most. Thewhales and elephants, lions and eagles, go. The rats and flies, and all mean parasites, remain.This is inevitable in certain cases. But i
21、t is wanton killing off that I am speaking of to-night.Civilized man begins by destroying the very forms of wild life he learns to appreciate mostwhen he becomes still more civilized. The obvious remedy is to begin conservation at anearlier stage, when it is easier and better in every way, by enforc
22、ing laws for close seasons,game preserves, the selective protection of certain species, and sanctuaries.I have just defined a sanctuary as a place where man is passive and the rest of Nature active.But this general definition is too absolute for any special case. The mere fact that man has toprotect
23、 a sanctuary does away with his purely passive attitude. Then, he can be beneficiallyactive by destroying pests and parasites, like bot-flies or mosquitoes, and by finding antidotesfor diseases like the epidemic which periodically kills off the rabbits and thus starves many ofthe carnivora to death.
24、 But, except in cases where experiment has proved his intervention tobe beneficial, the less he upsets the balance of Nature the better, even when he tries to be anearthly Providence.It can be inferred that the passage isA.part of an article in a scientific journalB.extracted from the minutes of a n
25、ature clubC.part of a speech delivered to an educated audienceD.a speech delivered in a court of lawE.from a polemical article published in a magazine正确答案CGRE阅读题之美国国旗严禁伪造每日一练Any United States flag manufactured outside theUnited States should be banned from importation,since some foreign manufacturer
26、s superimposeimages on the United States flag and sell suchproducts with relative impunity. United Statesmanufacturers, on the other hand, would facepenalties for such violations of the United States flagcode.Which of the following is the best criticism of the argument above?A.The argument reiterate
27、s its conclusion instead of providing a reason for it.B.The argument makes an irrelevant distinction between foreign and United Statesmanufacturers.C.The reason given for the ban undermines rather than supports the conclusion.D.The reason given for the ban does not explain why images superimposed on the UnitedStates flag are offensive.E.The reason given for the ban applies only to a part of the group of manufacturers whose flagsare included in the ban, not necessarily to all.正确答案1E如何攻克GRE长阅读