建筑结构抗震设计原理 课后思考题.docx
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1、思考题建筑结构抗震思考题1. 地震震级和地震烈度有何区别与联系?2. 怎样理解小震、中震和大震?3. 为什么抗震设计时要考虑场地影响?怎样考虑?4. 影响土层液化的主要因素是什么? 土层液化会造成那些后果?5. 根据表中数值计算场地等效剪切波速,并判断场地类别。土层厚度2. 结构抗震计算有几种方法?分别在什么情况下适用?7. 解释地震反应谱与设计反应谱之间的关系。8. 什么是地震系数和地震影响系数?它们有何关系?为什么软场地的特征周期大于硬场地的特征周期?为什么远震的特征周期大于近震的特征周9.期?9. 设计反应谱由几段
2、组成?试叙述各区段的特点。10. 计算地震作用时结构的重力荷载怎样取值?11. 怎样进行结构的振型分解?12. 如何根据各振型的反应求结构的总反应?其依据是什么?13. 如何考虑不同类型建筑的抗震设防?14. 如何确定结构的薄弱层?15. 哪些结构需考虑竖向地震作用?16. 抗震设计为什么要满足“强柱弱梁”、“强剪弱弯”、“强节点弱杆件”的原则?如何满足这些原 则?17. 对水平地震作用的弯矩可以调幅吗?18. 多高层钢筋混凝土结构抗震等级划分的依据是什么?有何意义?19. 框架结构在什么部位应加密箍筋?20. 怎样理解多层砖房震害的一般规律?21. 在多层砌体中设置圈梁和构造柱的作用是什么?
3、画出构造柱与墙体连接构造。22. 怎样理解底部框架结构的设计原则?23. 多高层钢结构梁柱刚性连接断裂破坏的主要原因是什么?24. 进行钢框架地震反应分析与进行钢筋混凝土框架地震反应分析相比有何特殊因素要考虑?25. 抗震设计时为什么支撑斜杆的承载力要折减?26. 中心支撑与偏心支撑钢框架抗震设计应注意哪些问题?PARTI QUESTIONSPART II CALCULATION AND SEISMIC DESIGNChapter 11. How many sorts of earthquakes depending on the focal depth and the courses of
4、earthquake respectively?2. What are the main features of an earthquake acceleration record, and what roles are they in seismic design?3. What differences between earthquake magnitude and intensity, and which index is used in seismic design of building?4. What earthquake design philosophy is accepted
5、 in China? How to realize these ideas in seismic design?Chapter 25. How many categories are classified in seismic design according code for seismic design of building (GB 50011-2001) And what factors are dependent on?6. Description briefly the steps of calculation of natural fundamental seismic capa
6、city.7. Briefly introduce the phenomena of soil liquefaction How to determine the liquefaction Index?8. What damages may be occurred on ground surface and buildings?9. How to mitigate of soil liquefaction hazard?Chapter 310. Description briefly the steps of Mode Analysis Method in calculation of ear
7、thquake action of seismic design of building.11. Why the additional horizontal seismic action applied top of building should be considered in Base Shear Method?12. How many methods are normally accepted in calculation of earthquake response?13. Introduce briefly about the numerical integration for c
8、alculation of earthquake response.14. What is the generalized-coordinate approach?15. What are generally included in response analysis of a MDOF system?16. What similarities and differences in the calculation between static analysis and dynamic analysis respectively?17. What is the Base Shear method
9、? And what assumption should be considered?18. What is the seismic effect coefficient curve?Chapter 419. In building configuration, what main factors should be consideration?20. Why design characteristic of redundancy and detailing connection should be considered carefully in seismic design of build
10、ing?21. What is a desirable aspect of building configuration?22. In summary, what are main factors of the optimum seismic configuration?23. Why torsion irregularity in plan should be restricted strictly?24. In Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings, what additional requirements are specified i
11、f irregularities defined is large than limit?25. What requirements should be take into consider in general seismic structural system?26. What effects of nonstructural components on structural system?Chapter 527. Introduce briefly about the principle of “strong column-weak beam”,and How to realize it
12、 in column design?28. Introduce briefly about the principle of “strong shear and weak flexural”.29. Introduce briefly about the principle of “strong joints and weak member”. And how to design beamcolumn joint?30. Indicate what main failure modes for cantilever structure.31. What basic assumption and
13、 analytical models for dual system?32. What is the limitation on cross-section dimensions of framed beams?33. What is the limitation of axial compression ratio of column in frame structure with seismic grade 1?34. What is the limitation of story drift for reinforce concrete frame structure system an
14、d shear wall system respectively in site of intensity grade VII?35. Why the boundary elements should be set in a structure wall?Chapter 636. How many main structural types of masonry buildings? And what are they?37. What are the design criteria for multi-story masonry?38. What configuration of struc
15、tural system of multi-story masonry building with framed first one/two stories is it?39. What is the principle for the distribution of horizontal seismic action?40. Indicates the calculation steps in calculation of multi-story building.41. What are building height limitation, numbers of stories and
16、minimum thickness for the multi-story with ordinary brick in site intensity VII respectively?42. Why the location dimension limitation should be considered in seismic design for multi -story masonry building?43. Why reinforce concrete constructional column and ring beam should be set in multi-story
17、brick building?44. What is the value of horizontal seismic effect coefficient in site of intensity grade VII, grade VIII and GradeIX?Chapter 745. What are mechanical properties of structural steel in seismic design?46. What are normal failure modes for steel structure and steel members?47. Indicate
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- 建筑结构抗震设计原理 课后思考题 建筑结构 抗震 设计 原理 课后 思考题
