1、从根本上解决GRE阅读低分问题 从根本上解决GRE阅读低分问题 ,提分只需做对这3件事,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。从根本上解决GRE阅读低分问题 提分只需做对这3件事GRE阅读提分艰难的问题始终困扰着许多考生,无论怎样努力复习提升还是十分有限的情况时有发生。为了避免这些问题影响考生的复习进度和学习积极性,下面就为大家介绍从根本上解决GRE阅读低分所需要做对的3件事。1. 增加词汇量GRE词汇量是整个GRE考试的基础,对于阅读来说也是如此。很多人之所以做不好阅读,往往是因为一部分比较关键的生词不认识从而影响了理解*和解题。从某种意义上来讲,词汇量的大小才是GRE阅读理解高分的
2、基础和关键。所以如果考生词汇量没有达到基本要求,那么阅读就能难顺利提分。大家也只有掌握了词汇之后,其它各种阅读技巧才能够真正地发挥作用。怎样快速背完GRE过万词汇?2. 加强解题练习很多考生在GRE阅读复习过程中存在着看得多做得少的现象。其实GRE阅读想要提高解题效率和正确率,练习还是不可或缺的。各类阅读考试的相关解题技巧都需要通过实践练习才能顺利掌握和熟练。比如在选择题上用排除法,大家可能都听说过,但具体操作起来怎么排除,排除哪些选项并没有自己实践过。而事实上,只有在练习中使用过排除法,大家才会发现这种方法也有着自己缺点。如果在脑子中有着不明确答案的时候,误选的可能性会明显增大。更有效和迅速
3、的办法是读完题干之后,就在脑子反映出一个模糊的或者是不完整的答案,然后直接在选项中寻找接近的答案进行判断。假如考生只是知道解题技巧的皮毛和基本概念,自己却没有实际使用过,就很容易出现眼高手低的问题,难以提升阅读得分。最新GRE阅读机经整理分享3. 掌握阅读技巧在阅读中,由于GRE的阅读量非常大,一般的中国考生根本无法把*全部读完。而各类阅读方法也是因人而异,不一定能完全解决问题。所以学会主动找到*的主干才是阅读的关键。所谓主动是指不能象一般的阅读那样完全被动地接受信息,而应该不断的进行思考和预测;所谓关键部位,主要是每一段的开头和结尾部分。由于GRE的阅读理解*全部选自于正式出版物,*的逻辑结
4、构非常完整和严谨,而且出现的逻辑模式也是屈指可数。经过系统的训练,考生的预测可以做到非常准确的程度。这样,通过阅读*的几处关键部位,就能很快地把握整个*的结构和内在的逻辑关系,也就解决了问题的70%。综上所述,GRE阅读之所以始终低分难以提升,可能的原因也许因人而异。但提升的方法却并没有针对性,只要努力其实人人都可以做好。希望上述方法能为大家带来一些参考和帮助,帮助各位考生早日摆脱GRE低分桎梏,取得理想成绩。【GRE阅读人文篇】他们的泪换来你的笑 深度揭秘马戏团演员的辛酸赚钱路赚钱路。Cirque du Soleil may be struggling, but the cluster ar
5、ound it is thriving太阳马戏团或许正处于苦斗之中,但围绕其四周的星团正熠熠发光。No lions, no bearded ladies没有狮子,没有胡子的女士IN THE deconsecrated church of Saint-Esprit, jugglers toss fluorescent orange clubs in front of the former altar, trapeze artists soar under the gaze of stone saints and wobbly unicyclists use two lines of repurp
6、osed pews as handrails.在蓬圣埃斯普里神圣的教堂里,杂耍艺人们在从前的祭坛前抛掷橙色荧光棒,高空表演者在石像圣人的凝视下飞来飞去,摇摆的骑独轮自行车表演者用两条赋予了新用途的教堂长凳作为扶手。Declared surplus to requirements after Quebeckers deserted Catholicism in droves, the church is now the ecole de Cirque de Quebec, through which 20,000 aspiring entertainers pass each year.在魁比克
7、人成群结队地公然宣布放弃天主教后,教堂被余下来,通过每年录取20000多个有抱负的艺人,成为了现在的魁比克马戏团学校。The schools director, Yves Neveu, says only half-jokingly, Someone said the archbishop should be jealous because Im filling my church.学校的主任,伊夫?奈芙,半开玩笑地表示,有人说大主教应该嫉妒,因为我正填满我的教会。Nearby Montreal boasts an even bigger school for circus performer
8、s.而在不远的蒙特利尔,还有一间更大的杂技表演学校。Although only a handful of students go on to a career in the circus, the popularity of the programmes offered to would-be acrobats,尽管仅有少数学生会继续在马戏团的职业生涯,但为想要成为杂技演员的人提供了普及课程,local children and even tourists off cruise ships is the visible manifestation of the circus craze tha
9、t has gripped Quebec.当地的孩子,甚至游轮中游客的狂热程度都明显表示马戏团的热潮已经席卷整个魁北克。At its heart is the privately owned Cirque du Soleil, started in 1984 by a troupe of stilt-walkers from nearby Baie-Saint-Paul.浪潮的核心正是由圣保罗湾附近的一个踩高跷戏班子1984年开创的太阳马戏团。It is now one of Canadas most important cultural exports, employing 5,000 pe
10、ople at eight permanent shows in Las Vegas and at 12 others that tour the world.现在,太阳马戏团是加拿大最重要的文化输出产业之一,员工达5000人,有八场在拉斯维加斯的固定演出和十二场世界巡演。In 20XX its turnover was about C1 billionit does not reveal its profits.20XX年其营业额约1000000000加元-其利润并未透露。In 2005 this newspaper asked whether Guy Laliberte, majority
11、 owner of the circus, could keep it flying.2005年杂志向马戏团创始人盖?拉利伯特问道,能否保持马戏团风光下去。That question was raised again early last year when the company laid off 400 employees, mainly at its head office in Montreal.去年年初,蒙特利尔公司总部裁员400人时,这个问题再次被提出。The company has blamed the strong Canadian dollar and the after-e
12、ffects of the global recession, which hit sponsorship income.太阳剧团将此归咎于加币走强和全球经济衰退的后续效应,削弱了赞助收入。It has launched a cost-cutting drive but insists it is not in crisis虽然剧团开始削减成本,但坚称并未面临危机。.However, the company that reinvented the circus by eschewing traditional acts such as lion tamers and bearded ladie
13、s, and by targeting adults rather than children, is certainly finding it tougher going these days.然而,避开马戏团的狮子驯兽师、大胡子女士们等传统表演方式,将目标人群定位在成年人而非儿童,重新改造了的马戏团,现在的处境一定是艰难的。It enjoyed early and rapid success because it had created an uncontested blue ocean in which to swim, according to two management strat
14、egists from INSEAD business school in France.两位法国INSEAD商学院的战略管理专家表示,剧团能够享受到早期快速的成功,是因为其建立了一个没有竞争的蓝海。That ocean is now full of sharks, says Gilles Ste-Croix, one of the original stilt-walkers, who is now the companys artistic guide.现如今那片海满是鲨鱼。最初的高跷步行者之一,现公司年代艺术指导,吉尔斯圣克鲁瓦如是说。Competition comes not just
15、 from older circuses that have updated their acts, such as Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey, but also from a trend in the arts to merge various disciplines, for instance by bringing acrobats into operas.剧团的竞争压力不仅*于更新表演内容的旧有马戏团,如林林兄弟巴纳姆贝利马戏团,而且也来自于在多种学科融合的一个艺术趋势,比如让杂技走进歌剧。Smaller rivals have also eme
16、rged from the large shadow Cirque du Soleil casts in Quebec.小型竞争竞争者也在太阳马戏团投射在魁北克巨大的阴影下崛起。A troupe called Les 7 doigts de la main set a box-office record at the Broadway theatre where they performed a show called Pippin.剧团七指马戏团在百老汇剧院表演彼平正传,创造了票房纪录。Flip FabriQue, formed by a group of friends just two
17、years ago, is now travelling the world.由一群朋友就在两年前创立的FabriQue也开始世界巡回。And Cirque Alfonse toured Europe, Asia and America in 20XX with a truly Canadian spectacle called Timber!, which features chainsaw-juggling lumberjacks.阿尔冯斯马戏团20XX年带着真正的加拿大表演伐木乐园游历了欧洲、亚洲和美国,该剧充分展现电锯杂耍伐木工人的特点。These newer outfits are
18、both a source of competition and collaboration for Cirque du Soleil, with performers moving back and forth.表演者来来去去,这些新的组织既是太阳马戏团的竞争者也是合作对象。It also collaborates with notable local talents, such as Robert LePage, a director, playwright and actor whose company Ex Machina is based in Quebec City.此外,马戏团与
19、当地的知名人才合作,如罗伯特-勒帕热,一位公司总部位于魁北克市的导演,演员和剧作家。This has reinforced what has become a Quebec entertainment cluster.强化魁北克的娱乐产业。Mr Neveu, a Cirque du Soleil alumnus, thinks that rather than serving a spell with his former employer, many of the students at his school will go straight to work in one of the ma
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