1、小儿常见过敏疾病,高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院 小儿部小儿过敏及免疫科洪志兴 主任,学经历,1993 年 国防医学院 医学系毕业1995-1999 年 三军总医院 小儿部 住院医师 住院总医师1998 年 小儿科专科医师1999 年 迄今 三军总医院 小儿部 主治医师2000 年 教育部部定讲师2000 年 儿童过敏暨免疫专科医师、中华民国过敏暨免疫专科医师2002-2003 年 美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University Hospital)气喘暨过敏病中心研究员2003 年 儿童过敏气喘暨免疫专科医师之训练老师2004 年 教育部部定助理教授2005 年 儿童过敏
2、气喘暨免疫学会理事2005年10月 高雄医学大学附设中和医院小儿过敏及免疫科主任,SCI paper,J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;114(3):664-70.(SCI:ranking:1/15;Impact Factor:6.831)Pediatric Aller and Immunol 2005;16:306-9(Impact factor 2.151;SCI:12.6%;9/70).The Journal of Pediatrics 139:433-7,2001.(corresponding author;SCI ranking:2/71;IF:3.467).P
3、ediatric Pulmology 27:27-31,1999.(Impact factor 1.662;SCI:22.6%;15/70).Pediatric International 47(6),2005.(SCI;in press;corresponding author)Pediatric Neurology 22:214-9,2000.(SCI)Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 100:281-4,2001(SCI).Accepted papers:Pediatric Pulmology 2006 in press(Impact
4、 factor 1.662;SCI:22.6%;15/70).Pediatric Aller and Immunol 2006 in press(Impact factor 2.151;SCI:12.6%;9/70).Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2006 in press(Impact factor 1.974;SCI)Pediatrics International(SCI)2006 in press,最近二十年台北市儿童过敏病增加情形,过敏病 1974 1985 1991 1994 气喘病 1.3%5.08%5.80%10.79%过敏性鼻
5、炎-7.84%20.67%33.53%异位行皮肤炎1.43%1.23%3.84%5.82%荨麻疹 2.32%2.30%6.79%6.92%,什么是过敏,简单的说是人体在与外界某些物质接触后,引发体内免疫系统高度活化而造成的发炎症状。这些会引起过敏的物质我们则称之为过敏原。,Who should be tested for allergies?,Adults and children of any age who have symptoms that suggest they have an allergic disease.Allergy symptoms can include:Respir
6、atory symptoms:itchy eyes,nose,or throat;nasal congestion,runny nose,watery eyes,chest congestion or wheezing Skin symptoms:hives,generalized itchiness or atopic dermatitis Other symptoms:anaphylaxis(severe life-threatening allergic reactions),abdominal symptoms(cramping,diarrhea)consistently follow
7、ing particular foods,stinging insect reactions other than large local swelling at the sting site.,要如何诊断是否有过敏,(1)嗜依红性白血球,在正常人身上约占所有白血球的百分之一到三。但在有过敏或者有寄生虫感染的时候其比例会上升。(2)IgE抗体,前面说过第一型过敏反应,当过敏原进入体内后IgE抗体会大量产生,所以侦测血中IgE抗体的量(正常人小于150 KU/L)即可推测是否有过敏的情形。,What is done if a skin test cant be done?,RAST and th
8、e ELISA-measure for specific types of IgE in the blood.-cost more than skin tests,and results-not available immediately-positive RAST and ELISA tests do not by themselves necessarily make the final diagnosis,Types of Allergy Tests,Prick Technique:The prick technique involves introducing a small amou
9、nt of allergen into the skin by making a small puncture through a drop of the allergen extract.If you have an allergy,the specific allergens that you are allergic to will cause a chain reaction to begin in your body.Results:15 minutes of testing,so you dont have to wait long to find out what is trig
10、gering your allergies.And you wont have any other symptoms besides the slightly swollen,small hives where the test was done;this goes away within 30 minutes.,Types of Allergy Tests,Intradermal:involves injecting a small amount of allergen under the skin with a syringe.-more sensitive than the prick
11、skin test method.-may be used if the prick skin tests are negative.,What are the advantages of skin tests?Skin tests are rapid,simple,and relatively safe.They can be very helpful in specifically identifying causes of allergies.Is there danger to a skin test?In some extremely allergic patients who ha
12、ve severe reactions called anaphylactic reactions,skin testing cannot be used because it could evoke a dangerous reaction.Skin testing also cannot be done on patients with extensive eczema.,Other Allergy Testing Techniques,Scratch tests:not commonly used at the present,which involves abrading the sk
13、in and then dropping the allergen on the abraded site.Challenge testing:-introducing small amounts of the suspected allergen by oral,inhaled or other routes-the exception of food and medication,challenges are rarely performed-must be closely supervised by an allergist/immunologist.,一千名台湾气喘病儿过敏行皮肤试验结
14、果,吸入性过敏原%+ve House dust 家尘 93.4 D.farinae 尘蹒 90.2Cotton 旧棉絮 37.5Rice straw 草席 31.2 Feather 羽毛 1.0 Dog 狗毛 8.2 Cat 猫毛 7.4 Molds 霉菌 34.2C.albicans 26.7A.fumigatus 22.8,过敏原种类,吸入性过敏原:家尘、蹒、蟑螂、动物皮屑、羽毛等霉菌过敏原:念珠菌、麴菌属、青霉菌等植物过敏原:花粉、松树、水柳等食物过敏原:蛋白、牛奶、螃蟹、贝类虾、坚果类等,饮食,对气喘影响大,单纯异位性皮肤炎则尚无定论。常见过敏原:婴儿:牛奶、蛋白、花生 成人:虾蟹、花
15、生、坚果、贝类是否应严格禁止?,过敏原,家尘尘蹒 dust mite 尘蹒是台湾最常见的过敏原,有90%以上的气喘病童对尘蹒过敏,尘蹒约0.20.5公厘大小,以人或动物的皮屑、指甲及毛发为主食,喜好生长于床褥、枕头、地毯、衣服、有毛的玩具或厚重的窗帘,在摄氏25度,相对湿度80%的环境生长的最好,繁殖也最快,因此很适合在台湾生长,在夏末初秋时繁殖的最快,也是气喘病人最容易发作的季节可知其重要性。,过敏原,蟑螂蟑螂在温暖的气候中也容易繁殖,在台湾过敏病儿童中约有40%50%亦对蟑螂过敏,蟑螂的粪便及尸体皆有可能是过敏原,日常生活中,如何减少蟑螂的存在也是重要的课题之一。,居家环境的注意事项,避免
16、过敏原,寝具的被套或覆盖物每周以55 C热水清洗或盖以防蹒套。盖被以化学质料或蚕丝被为佳。2.室内勤于打扫,使用吸尘器时患童不宜在场。3.冷暖气机及空气机及空气滤清器之滤网勤于清洗或更换,除湿机维持湿度5060%。3.勿用地毯及厚重窗帘,家俱最好以木质或皮质,塑料材质。4.拿掉不必要的装饰摆设,绒毛玩具,宠物,盆栽,阻断过敏反应的方法,不要有过敏体质?一般人有20%会过敏如果父或母其中一方有过敏体质,子代过敏的机会提高约二倍如果父母双方皆有过敏体质,子代过敏的机会提高三倍以上人的体质会改变,免疫系统也逐渐成熟,大部份的过敏疾病有机会改善不要接触过敏原药物预防减敏治疗,Exposure to a
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