1、GRE逻辑阅读暗示类infer题型思路技巧讲解 GRE逻辑阅读暗示类infer题型思路技巧讲解,快来一起学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE逻辑阅读暗示类infer题型思路技巧讲解GRE阅读推理题infer介绍首先从GRE阅读Infer题的出题形式和频率角度来为大家做简单介绍:1. 推理Infer题提问方式汇总Infer题的常见出题形式有以下三种,分别是:It can be inferred from the passage that.The passage/author suggests that.The passage/author implies that.2. Infer
2、题是高频题吗?Infer题作为GRE逻辑阅读的主力题型,其出现频率还是相当高的,根据相关统计,在近几年的GRE逻辑阅读题目中,至少有30%的题目为Infer题,是逻辑推理中的高频常见题型。考虑到GRE逻辑阅读在每次考试中至少会出现2-3篇,因此Infer题可以说是几乎每场考试都必然会出现的老面孔。GRE阅读推理infer题怎么做?既然Infer题出现频率这么高,考生自然就需要掌握一些迅速有效答题的解题思路和应对技巧。为大家总结了3个最为实用的思路技巧,分别是:1. 以绝对事实为第一判断标准对于GRE阅读Infer题来说,解题最关键的步骤就是要找到*中的绝对事实。所谓绝对事实,就是根据*本身内容
4、些建立在常识性推理而非事实之上的结论往往就是错误的。2. 不要牵涉个人主观看法和认知对大部分考生来说,GRE*中最难理解的往往是涉及科学技术等学术类内容的*。缺乏专业背景或者关注度的考生很容易被这些高大上的内容绕晕,尝试着去理解其含义却反而更加看不懂题目。实际上,我们始终都需要明确的一点是,我们是在做逻辑题,而不是来学科学知识。因此,只要能推论出A到B,B到C这样的逻辑关系,就足够我们解决题目了,至于那些复杂晦涩的科学原理和知识,大家只要做最低限度的阅读即可,不需要浪费太多时间去搞懂和理解。3. 从动词谓语部分理清逻辑关系GRE语文部分,无论是填空、阅读还是逻辑,都会在题目中使用许多结构复杂语
6、每日一篇Hydrogeology is a science dealing with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on the surface of the land, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere. The hydrologic cycle, a major topic in this science, is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes, b
7、eginning as atmospheric water vapor, passing into liquid and solid form as precipitation, thence along and into the ground surface, and finally again returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means of evaporation and transpiration.The term “geohydrology” is sometimes erroneously used as a
8、synonym for “hydrogeology.” Geohydrology is concerned with underground water. There are many formations that contain water but are not part of the hydrologic cycle because of geologic changes that have isolated them underground. These systems are properly termed geohydrologic but not hydrogeologic.
9、Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it with the hydrologic cycle may the entire system properly be termed hydrogeologic.17. The authors primary purpose is most probably to(A) present a hypothesis(B) refute an argument(C) correct a misconcepti
10、on(D) predict an occurrence(E) describe an enigma18. It can be inferred that which of the following is most likely to be the subject of study by a geohydrologist?(A) Soft, porous rock being worn away by a waterfall(B) Water depositing minerals on the banks of a gorge through which the water runs(C)
11、The trapping of water in a sealed underground rock cavern through the action of an earthquake(D) Water becoming unfit to drink through the release of pollutants into it from a manufacturing plant(E) The changing course of a river channel as the action of the water wears away the rocks past which the
12、 river flows19. The author refers to “many formations” (line 16) primarily in order to(A) clarify a distinction(B) introduce a subject(C) draw an analogy(D) emphasize a similarity(E) resolve a conflictThe historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890s that the agrarian discontent that had been dev
13、eloping steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontierthat is, the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system. Not only was Turners thesis influential at the time, it was later adopted and
14、elaborated by other scholars, such as John D. Hicks in The Populist Revolt (1931). Actually, however, new lands were taken up for farming in the United States throughout and beyond the nineteenth century. In the 1890s, when agrarian discontent had become most acute, 1,100,000 new farms were settled,
15、 which was 500,000 more than had been settled during the previous decade. After 1890, under the terms of the Homestead Act and its successors, more new land was taken up for farming than had been taken up for this purpose in the United States up until that time. It is true that a high proportion of
16、the newly farmed land was suitable only for grazing and dry farming, but agricultural practices had become sufficiently advanced to make it possible to increase the profitability of farming by utilizing even these relatively barren lands.The emphasis given by both scholars and statesmen to the presu
17、med disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions and consequences of international trade that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened and the first transcontinental railroad in the Unit
18、ed States was completed. An extensive network of telegraph and telephone communications was spun: Europe was connected by submarine cable with the United States in 1866 and with South America in 1874. By about 1870 improvements in agricultural technology made possible the full exploitation of areas
19、that were most suitable for extensive farming (extensive farming: 粗放农作) on a mechanized basis. Huge tracts of land were being settled and farmed in Argentina, Australia, Canada, and in the American West, and these areas were joined with one another and with the countries of Europe into an interdepen
20、dent market system. As a consequence, agrarian depressions no longer were local or national in scope, and they struck several nations whose internal frontiers had not vanished or were not about to vanish. Between the early 1870s and the 1890s, the mounting agrarian discontent in America paralleled t
21、he almost uninterrupted decline in the prices of American agricultural products on foreign markets. Those staple-growing farmers in the United States who exhibited the greatest discontent were those who had become most dependent on foreign markets for the sale of their products. Insofar as (to the e
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