全新21世纪大学英语读写教程3 U1.ppt
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1、,Unit 2 Creative Capacity,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,Part II Text A,Part III Text B,Part V Additional Theme-Related Activities,Exercises,Exercises,Outline,Part IV Writing,From studying this unit,students are expected tolearn what it means to be creative;master the useful sentence structures(lik
2、e it as a formal subject.)as well as words and expressions that are the focuses of the exercises following Text A;understand how to build words using prefixes im-/il-/ir-/in-and their usage;and talk about why many of us are not creative and what we should do if we want to create anything.,Objectives
3、,Part I Video Starter,To begin,well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message.Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first may be helpful.,Part I Video Starter,Video Clip,【Script】,Ask the students the following questions after listening and watching if you have enough time:
4、,What are the two words to begin with?Is creativity he same as intelligence?Why or why not?3.What is the other question about creativity and intelligence?4.What if you always think the way youve always thought?,Creativity and intelligence.,No.The fact is that you can be far more creative than intell
5、igent,or far more intelligent than creative.,Is it more important to be creative than to be intelligent,or vice versa,in life and work,and education?,Youll always get what youve always gotten.,_,_,_,_,5.What does author Michael Drury argue?6.How can you wake your dormant creativity?7.What is the mes
6、sage you have grasped from the video?,Creativity is not the special gift of a favored few.Actually,each of you can think like a genius.,When confronted with a problem,you can ask“How many different ways can I look it?”“How can I rethink the way I see it?”and“How many different ways can I solve it?”i
7、nstead of“What have I been taught by someone else on how to solve this?”,Of course,youre creative./You can learn how to be creative./You can think like a genius.,_,_,_,Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter,you can ask some of them to dub the video,if time permits.Correct thei
8、r errors in pronunciation and intonation.,Hi class,Today lets begin with two words:creativity1 and intelligence.Did you know that creativity is not the same as intelligence?You can be far more creative than intelligent,or far more intelligent than creative.Which do you belong to,the former or the la
9、tter?Heres one more question of whether it is more important to be creative than to be intelligent,or vice versa2,in life and work,and education.,Video script:,I would say that if you always think the way youve always thought,youll always get what youve always gotten.It is time you woke your dormant
10、3 creativity.As author Michael Drury argues,creativity is not the special gift of a favored4 few.Actually,each of you can think like a genius.When confronted5 with a problem,you can ask“How many different ways can I look it?”“How can I rethink the way I see it?”and“How many different ways can I solv
11、e it?”instead of“What have I been taught by someone else on how to solve this?”This is the way you can be creative.Be creative and youll have a productive and meaningful future.Now,lets learn more about how to be creative by reading the text Of Course Youre Creative!,creativity:the ability to create
12、 new ideas or things using imagination 创造性,创造力 2.vice versa:The opposite of what has been said is also true.反之亦然,He is an artist with seemingly unlimited creativity.他是一位仿佛有着无限创造力的艺术家。,Women may bring their husbands with them,and vice versa.女的可以把丈夫带上,反过来男的也可以把妻子带上。,e.g.,e.g.,Human beings are now conf
13、ronted with a dilemma.人类现在面临进退两难的状况。The war confronted him with hardship.战争使他面临困境。,favored:gifted;receiving better treatment than other people in a way that seems unfair 有天赋的;受到优待的 confronted:to face 面临,This is a special status enjoyed by a favored son.这是只有受宠爱的儿子方可享受的地位。Mozart is one of the few favo
14、red musicians in the history of music.莫扎特是音乐史上少有的几个有天赋的音乐家之一。,e.g.,e.g.,3.dormant:not active or developing now;inherent 暂停活动的;潜在的,e.g.,a dormant volcano 休眠火山dormant talent 潜在的才能,Part II Text A,Of Course Youre Creative!Michael Drury,How do you understand the title?,Question About the Title,Every one
15、of us has the potential to be creative,whether we have realized it or not.,你当然有创造性 迈克尔特鲁里,Chinese Version,Author:Michael Drury(迈克尔特鲁里)is a contemporary American popular science writer.Many of her articles have been published in Scientific American.,For many of us the word“creativity”has a wall aroun
16、d it,and we are on the outside1.We protest that we have no gift,and that creativity is for geniuses.,1.不属于,Question About This Paragraph,Why do many of us think that the word“creativity”has a wall around it and we are on the outside?,Because we believe that we have no gift and creativity is for geni
17、uses.,对于我们很多人来说,“创造性”一词的周围有一堵墙,我们却在墙外边。我们会申辩说,我们没有那份天赋,创造性非天才们莫属。,Chinese Version,creativity:n.the ability to create new ideas or things using your imagination 创造性,e.g.,I believe everyone has innate creativity.我相信每个人都有与生俱来的创造力。All men,even if they are not so fortunate as to be scientists or artists,
18、have still within them the capability to transform their lives into ones of creativity.所有人,即便不能有幸成为科学家或艺术家,仍然有能力将自己的人生转化成具有创造性的一生。,e.g.,The countryside boy studies in this city school,but he feels that he is on the outside.The other students dont play together with him.这个农村来的孩子在这个城市上学,但是他觉得自己是局外人。其他
19、孩子不和他一起玩耍。,on the outside:not belonging to a particular group,or not working within a particular organization 不属于,But creativity is not the special gift of a favored few,a burst of2 light youve either got or you havent.One of the most creative people I ever knew was an old woman who lived on a remot
20、e sheep ranch in California.A Chilean she had married an American sea captain at sixteen,moved to his country and learned his language.On that lonely,fog-swept coast she made a home,a life,an empire both spiritual and commercial.She bought and sold land,delivered babies,and cooked for thirty men at
21、shearing time.She bore five children,and taught them to read and write and ride and to be as much at home3 in the ocean as a seal.It made your blood sing to watch her,at ninety,climb the hill behind her house and face the sun as it went down in the sea.,2.一阵;迸发,3.自在地,To watch her,at ninety,climb the
22、 hill behind her house and face the sun as it went down in the sea.,What is creativity not,according to the author?,Questions About This Paragraph,Creativity is not the special gift of a favored few,a burst of light youve either got or you havent.,2)Why does the author refer to a Chilean woman here?
23、,To illustrate that creativity is not the special gift of a favored few.Even a woman like her could do great things.,3)What would you be shocked and amazed to watch her doing?,但是,创造性并非是少数天之骄子才有的特殊天赋,或者是那种一个人要么有、要么没的灵光乍现。在我所认识的最具创造性的人中有一位老妇人,她生活在加利福尼亚州一个偏僻的牧羊场内。她是智利人,16岁时嫁给一位美国船长,移居到了丈夫的国度,学会了他的语言。她在
24、那个偏僻且薄雾缭绕的海岸上安了家,过上了日子,创建了一片精神和经商兼顾的产业。她买卖土地,接生孩子,在剪羊毛的时节得给30个男人做饭。她生了5个孩子,教他们读书、写字、骑马,还教他们在海洋里像海豹那样舒适自在地游泳。看到她90高龄还能爬到屋后的山丘上去看日落的海景,你会心潮澎拜、叹服不已。,Chinese Version,favor:vt.to help someone and give them an advantage in an unfair way 偏爱,e.g.,I shall favor neither side in the election.在这次选举中,我不会偏袒任何一方。T
25、he teacher favors hardworking students.老师喜欢勤奋的学生。,a burst of:a short period in which sth.happens with a lot of energy 一阵;迸发,e.g.,put on a burst of speed 突然加速a tiny burst of hope 突然出现的一线希望The professor is greeted with a wild burst of applause.这个教授受到暴风雨般的掌声欢迎。,remote:a.far away from other cities,towns
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