1、Part 1Elements included in the graduation thesis,Cover(毕业论文封面)Acknowledgement(致谢)(可选)Abstract and key words(毕业论文英文摘要及关键词)摘要及关键词(毕业论文中文摘要及关键词)Contents(目录)Body(正文)References/works cited/bibliography(参考文献)Appendix(附录)(可选),Quality of graduation thesis,Be precise and accurate definitionsBe careful and cl
2、ear in establishing links between ideas,evidence and judgmentsTake care to distinguish facts from opinionsBe objective rather than emotional or rhetoricalBe logical in sequence and structureContain references to other work to show where evidence and ideas have come fromAt least 5,000 words,Part 2 Fi
3、nding a topic,Assess your prior interest and knowledge.,Have a quick overview of the courses you have already taken in previous semesters to see if there is anything that appeals to you particularly.,Talk with as many teachers and students as you can to see what suggestions they might have for refin
4、ing your topic.,“from zero to one”,Narrowing the topic,Creating a good title,big or general topics,specific,manageable topics,Examples,General:The American Civil WarRestricted:Causes of the Victory of the NorthMore restricted:The Support Given to the Union Army by the People The topic chosen:Black S
5、oldiers in the Union Army,几个要点可以帮助你确定选题:选题应该有意义,有新意,观点正确、明确;选题应在个人能力可及范围之内;确定选题之前,对该选题所涉及的资料有充分的了解;通过对该选题论证和分析,能得出较客观公正的结论。,Field research,Field research is the basic means of gathering information in fields such as sociology,anthropology,psychology and etc.,It can be carried out in three ways:Obser
6、vingInterviewing Using questionnaires,Field research-Using questionnaires,A list of questions designed to collect responses that can be analyzed for useful informationAdvantages:A much larger number of people;economic,efficient and anonymous,Developing questionnaires Title:showing the focus of the s
7、tudyIntroduction:stating the purpose of the questionnaire and how you intend to use the results;advice on answering the questions and the amount of time needed to complete it.Questions:open questions and closed questions,You can include the results in the text of your paper or develop a table to mak
8、e it easier for your readers to scan the results.,In your report,you may want to include the following:I.Description of the study(context,purpose,subjects)II.Procedures of the study(designing the questionnaire,selecting the readers,administering the questionnaire,summarizing the results)III.Interpre
9、tation of the results,summary and discussion,Presenting the results of questionnaire,Keeping track of your research,Advice It helps you locate the sources while doing research and document the sources when you are writing the paper.What should be emphasized here is that you should keep records while
10、 doing the research instead of trying to reconstruct them afterwards.,Keeping track of your research,For Newspaper/Magazine/Journal ArticlesAuthor of article;Title of article;Title of Newspaper/Magazine/Journal ArticlesVolume number卷名;Issue number期号;Date of issue发行日期Inclusive page numbers(from page#
11、to page#)文章首页号和尾页号;Library(and floor)where the Newspaper/Magazine/Journal is located,Extract/Excerpt,“extract”更强调一些有推理过程的摘录,提取精粹的意思多点“excerpt”应该是直接摘录,引用的意思多一点,Quotation引语,Comment个人评述,Paraphrase阐释,Summary概要,Keeping track of your research,Part 3Outlining,Structure of a paper Generally speaking,the str
12、ucture of a paper consists of three parts:Introduction Body Conclusion,Outlining,Introduction It sometimes provides some background information so that the reader can follow what you are going to discuss in the paper.It may also inform the reader of the methods you will use to deal with the subject.
13、,The introduction part has no fixed length.In a students paper,it usually contains one or two paragraphs,but it could be as long as one or two pages,depending on how long and complicated the paper is.,Outlining,Body The body is the main part of a paper and contains all the ideas and the major and mi
14、nor supporting details.In a longer piece of academic writing,such as a book,the body may comprise more than one chapter.,Outlining,Conclusion The conclusion,usually consisting of one or several paragraphs,brings the paper to a logical and satisfactory end.It restates the thesis,summarizes the main i
15、deas,suggests solutions to the questions discussed,or indicates the significance of your study.,Outlining,In most cases,thesis statement is an important part of the introduction.For writing a longer academic paper,you are strongly advised to put your thesis statement in the introduction part and mak
16、e it explicit.In addition,please keep in mind that your thesis statement can always be revised and reformulated during drafting and revising when you think it is necessary.,Formulating the thesis statement(中心论点或主题句),Outlining,topic outline:phrasesOutline sentence outline:sentence,Types of outline,Pa
17、rt 4 Contents of introduction,第一层:Introducing the importance of the research area and reviewing previous research第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous,raising a relevant question第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research,Sample introduction An introduction to a linguistic
18、thesis on pragmatic metaphor,The word metaphor is from the ancient Greek verb metapherein,and means,“to carry over,transfer”.In rhetoric,metaphor is a trope in which one thing is spoken of as if it were some other thing.In natural language,metaphor is so ubiquitous that scholars,who study language a
19、nd cognition,have come to recognize that no understanding of language is complete without an adequate account of metaphor.These metaphors provide expressions for experiences and concepts for which literal language seems insufficient,thereby increasing the range of articulation possible within the la
20、nguage.,Metaphor has been studied in many disciplines and from many perspectives since Aristotle.Generally speaking,metaphor has been studied mainly at the lexical level of the language.Since the 1980s,scholars have started to examine the phenomenon at the grammatical level,i.e.“grammatical metaphor
21、”(Halliday,1994).Halliday has the comment:“There is a strong grammatical element in rhetorical transference;and once we have recognized this we find that there is also such a thing as grammatical metaphor,where the variation is essentially in the grammatical forms although often entailing some lexic
22、al variation as well”(1994:341-342).,The continuation of metaphors through the ages,across cultures and pervasive existence at different levels of language indicates that the metaphorical use of language is not limited to the lexical or grammatical level and is a multi-level phenomenon in language c
23、ommunication.The present paper attempts to apply recent theories of linguistics,systemic functional linguistics in particular,to the analysis of metaphorical use of language at the pragmatical level,i.e.“pragmatic metaphor”.The paper will first define“pragmatic metaphor”and then examine two major ki
24、nds of pragmatic metaphor:dysphemistic metaphors and euphemistic metaphors.,The definition of metaphor and its function in rhetoric,etc.2.The previous study of metaphor at different levels.3.The purpose of the present study and its focus.,An analysis of components in the introduction,Sample 1The org
25、anization of an introduction,元认知策略是为了成功学习一门语言而采用的管理步骤,包括选择注意、计划与安排、评价(Oxford 1990:20)。这种自我管理策略对学习成绩的提高和自主学习的培养起着非常重要的作用。而对外语学习者进行元认知策略培训被认为是提高策略使用水平、自主学习能力和学习成绩的有效途径(OMalley&Chamot 1990:184-86)。,在过去的二十年里,国内外对于元认知策略的研究日益增多,其中著名研究者有Chamot(1987),OMalley&Chamot(1990),Oxford(1990),Wenden(1991,1999),Green
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