1、With the Shaanxi Expressway networking toll, toll extension business is now weighing charges for storage charges database security and backup of business data has become more prominent. After two years of operation, more and more awareness of the operating units to database stability issues is a pro
2、blem not to be ignored. Simple examples such as: failure of the servers and databases, general maintenance and management staff, in many cases, cannot be independent and quick recovery, had an impact on production. So we need a proper data backup solutions. Database is the core of the whole system,
3、database security should pay more attention. Therefore, the formulation of appropriate database backup strategy, is to maintain database security norms as well as the guidelines, to backup the data it needs from the technical, as well as administratively regulated. In data security, data security st
4、rategy is to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Therefore, database security policy will focus on these three points, including physical security, access control, data backup and emergency response. Here, in the toll collection system in the province uses the SQ
5、L Server database as an example to illustrate the idea of developing its security policy. 1 research background of construction of networked Expressway toll collection system reduced the number of drivers vehicles in the road network and improve road capacity, reducing environmental pollution due to
6、 parking, enhance the economic benefits of Highway and social image. Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll began in May 2004, as of now there are more than 200 data server, as more sections of grid-connected charges, charges data as the core of the whole system, it is necessary to establish
7、a set of data security and reliable solution. 2 purpose this time through the analysis of network data in server health, Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system based on data, statistical methods of data storage, data research, original charge as possible security, integrity and privacy
8、 of data. For the opening section after incorporation fees provide a reliable set of data security policies. 3 database security situation in the province Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system overview 3.1 database-tier systems, management systems, branch-level management system, the
9、provincial network centre split and transfer system, four-level system. Each system has its own separate data server is used to store their collection of premium business data, provide the basis for statistical analysis. 1, stand-level server storage fees collected from toll lanes flowing data and p
10、ass on this site blessing Kaku, cartridge information within this site, card box allocation, cartridge combination of information and frequency information. 2, the main storage server server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station data and the pass of blessing Kaku, the in
11、ternal cartridge information, reallocation of the cartridge and cartridge combination, personnel information, flight information, charges the actual payment data entry work. 3, Center-class server storage server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station dataWater data integr
12、ity can be up and running. So when a database server fails, you do not need to pass data to recover, simply through the collection procedure for charging water data collection to complete the fast recovery of server failures. 4.4 analysis summary summary analysis, lane because it is not a complete s
13、tation level data, so there is no need for dedicated backup. Stand-level server data because it is at the front of the charge as a whole, its fault directly affects the exercise normally, you need a complete offsite backup solution. Management, and data center server, due to its operations without m
14、anual data entry, so just use common artificial scheduled backups can be. 5 solutions in order to ensure that when the server after a hardware failover, backup data without changes or only minor changes can be quick and easy troubleshooting of server data recovery, you第一卷 编制依据1.1建筑设计有限责任公司设计的建筑、结构、水
15、暖、电气图纸:图 纸 名 称图 纸 编 号出 图 日 期建筑施工图结构施工图暖通施工图电气专业施工图1.2主要图集、标准、规程、规范:类 别名 称编 号图集国家钢筋混凝土结构预埋件91SG362建筑产品优选集91YJ39防水套管S312建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管道安装96S341钢筋混凝土结构施工图整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图00G101地方华北地区标准图88J、91SB、92DQ系列木质防火门图集华北91SJ2钢筋混凝土过梁京92G21外墙内保温构造图集(一)京93SJ8外墙内保温构造图集(二)京95SJ9框架结构填充墙空心砌块构造图集京94SJ19 规范规程国家采暖与卫生工程施
17、程JGJ3-91建筑施工高处作业安全技术规程JGJ80-91建筑装饰工程施工及验收规范JBJ73-91混凝土泵送施工技术规程JGJ/T10-95钢筋机械连接通用技术规程JGJ107-96钢筋锥螺纹接头技术规程JGJ109-96钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18-96建筑工程冬期施工规程JGJ104-97建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程CJJ/T29-98高层建筑箱形与筏形基础技术规范JGJ6-99建筑给水硬聚氯乙烯管道设计与施工验收规程CECS 41:92建筑给水铝塑复合管道工程技术规程CECS 105:2000地方建筑工程施工测量规程DBJ01-21-95建筑安装分项工程施工工艺规程DBJ01-
18、26-96建筑安装工程资料管理规程DBJ01-51-2000标准国家建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准GBJ300-88建筑工程质量检验评定标准GBJ301-88建筑采暖卫生与煤气工程质量检验评定标准GBJ302-88建筑电气安装工程质量检验评定标准GBJ303-88通风与空调工程质量检验评定标准GBJ304-88电梯安装工程质量检验评定标准GBJ310-88地方工程建设监理规程DBJ01-41-9811.3主要法规:序号 名 称 编 号1建筑工程质量管理监督法规文件汇编北京市建设工程质量监督总站2中华人民共和国计量法85年主席令第28号3建设工程质量管理条例2000年1月10日国务院颁发4中华
19、人民共和国建筑法97年主席令第91号5北京市建设工程施工试验实行有见证取样和送检制度的暂行规定的补充通知京建法(1997)144号6预防砼工程碱集料反应技术管理规定(试行)京建科(1999)230号7房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程实行见证取样和送检的规定京建质2000578号2第二卷 工程概况2.1工程简介:序项 目内 容1工程名称某某小区住宅楼2工程业主某某房地产开发公司3设计单位某某设计院4建筑面积10905.82m25工程地点某某市某某路6质量目标7结构形式全现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构8基础形式箱形基础2.2建筑设计概况:序项目内 容1功能住宅楼2建筑规模建筑总面积(m2)10905.82
20、 m2建筑层数地上9层地下1层建筑层高地下一层1层2层9层4.2m3.5m2.8 m3建筑高度0.0相当于绝对标高42.30 m基底标高-5.0m室内外高差0.75 m建筑总高30.1 m4屋面上人屋面水泥珍珠岩板保温,小石子或着色剂保护层屋面。不上人屋面水泥珍珠岩板保温,铺地缸砖保护层屋面。5外墙面外墙保温8厘米厚聚苯板,6内墙面喷内墙涂料7内墙分户墙大部分采用200厚现浇钢筋混凝土墙,部分采用200厚陶粒混凝土砌块,户内分割墙采用100厚GRO板。8顶棚现浇混凝土板,9门窗采用塑钢门窗,外墙设纱窗,采用22厚平板玻璃。10防水地下室采用防水混凝土,做型SBS高聚物改性沥青防水卷材防水层两道
21、。基础地板SBS(+)改性沥青油毡室 内本工程中卫生间及房顶水箱间搂面均作聚氨酯防水涂膜防水层两道。屋 面SBS改性沥青防水卷材与SBS改性沥青防水涂料组合11节能保温外墙内保温,采用60厚增强水泥聚苯保温板2.3结构设计概况:持力层土质情况地下水位标高为-13M,不需降水地基承载力标准值天然地基、 fka= 180kpa基础类型箱形基础结构形式全现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构抗震等级剪力墙二级抗震设防烈度七度框架一级混凝土强度等级混凝土垫层其 他防水砼等级C10C30底板及地下室外墙用S8,水泵房、水池S6钢筋接头型 式当d22时,采用焊接接头(或机械接头)当d22时,采用搭接接头钢筋类别级钢:6
22、、8、10mm级钢:12、14、16、18、20、22、25mm结构尺寸钢筋砼剪力墙200、250、300mm楼 板100、120、140、150、190、200mm底板厚700mm42.4水暖专业设计概况:系统名称管材连接方式保温防腐采暖镀锌钢管丝接岩棉瓦铝塑复合管专用连接件给水热镀锌管丝接铝塑复合管专用连接件闭孔海绵热水热镀锌管丝接铝塑复合管专用连接件闭孔海绵饮用水铝塑复合管专用连接件消火栓焊接钢管焊接樟丹、银粉各两道排水柔性排水铸管柔性接口防锈漆一道银粉两道焊接钢管焊接系统名称管材连接方式保温防腐采暖镀锌钢管丝接岩棉瓦铝塑复合管专用连接件给水热镀锌管丝接铝塑复合管专用连接件闭孔海绵热水热
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