1、GRE写作高频话题实用句式精选汇总 GRE写作高频话题实用句式精选汇总,快来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作高频话题实用句式精选汇总GR写作高分句式句型精选汇总1.教育、传统与创新、批判思考教育用束缚的方式,启迪了人们如何通过继承而达到颠覆的目的。Education, by means of confinement, enlightens people to inherit and then to overthrow the past.2.时间性题目传统与创新、历史是否可以被借鉴、科技与人文、进步时间对于个体来说是线性而不可逆转的;而对于整个宇宙,无非是一个周而复始的圆圈。T
2、ime for individuals is consecutive and irreversible, but for the universe, just a repetitive circle.3.虚无性的题目知识、科技、实践、经验、批判思维、历史的真伪、文化存在的本质为人对所存在事物的感知,故而世界的本质便是虚无。The existence only exists in peoples perception, which, by nature, is of vanity.4.政府与人民人民除了权利,什么都没有,甚至没有使用权利的基本能力。因而他们选举了一个叫做政府的机构。Citizen
3、s, apart from claiming to have rights, in fact, have no capability to exercise their rights. Therefore, they select a government.5.个体与集体、身份、领导者与大众他人给了你身份,故而,他们就是你的地狱。Others bestow you an identity, and thus, they are the hell.6.政治与道德政治是权力的斗争和利益的平衡。民主只是用制度制约人性的本恶。Nothing is politics but the struggle o
4、f power and the balance of interests.7.超越性的题目现实与理想;眼前利益与长期利益;集体身份与人格独立;规约与自由,利己与利他、竞争与合作、客观束缚与主观能动。人类之所以纠结,在于沉重的肉身和高傲的灵魂之间不可调和的矛盾。人若是卑微,总是世俗的纷扰让我们难以自拔;人若是高尚,只是因为心中的理想。我们是魔鬼的孩子,却长着天使的翅膀。A man suffers from inescapable pain, a torturing split between the sunken flesh and the arrogant soul. So sunken th
5、e flesh is that a man indulges himself into lust, sloth, GREed and hatred, so arrogant the soul is that he never abandons his rights of morality, religion, passion and freedom. A man is never a demon, nor is he an angel.8.人民与政府政府是必要的恶。以自由为代价,确保了正义和公平。Government is a necessary evil, ensuring the just
6、ice but at the cost of individual freedom.9.表象与本质、目的与方法、批评与赞扬、批判与继承表象的对立往往意味着本质的相同。Superficial confrontation indicates the similarity of essence.10.科技与自然、革命与改革、领导与大众、理想与现实、主观与客观、勇气与卑微人与外在世界永远处于斗争之中,只不过一些人为了苟活妥协了;而另一些人为了信仰反抗了。妥协的人不一定活下来了;反抗的人也未必真的牺牲了。甚至,妥协的人未必不是英雄;而反抗的人也不是注定不朽。总之,世界不曾改变,改变的只是你我。Human
7、 beings are always in a fight with external world. Some have compromised, and some still persist. The compromised are not blessed to live; and the persisted, not necessarily martyrs. Or even, the compromised are indeed heroes, and the persisted, fading away. The world does not change. We do.以上就是为各位考
8、生整理的GRE写作必知的经典句子,希望考生积极做好备考工作,及时调整好状态,争取在GRE写作考试中取得理想的成绩!GRE写作绝佳句1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard his actions as deplorable. I personally think the president committe
9、d impeachable offences.当被问及对现在有关美国总统比尔克林顿的沸沸扬扬的议论有什么看法时,大多数人认为这种暧昧关系纯属私事。但是,还有很多人认为他的行为应当受到谴责。我个人认为总统犯了这些过错,应该被指控。2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing, some people think that use should be limited. Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to
10、 both arguments, but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放实行控制。3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. Those who object to the rising migrant population ar
11、gue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability. They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China s cities. But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force, on the other hand, maintain that migrants are needed to support the massiv
12、e urban infrastructure construction program.目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。4. It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding. Experts argue that China must introd
13、uce a massive afforestation program. But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.人们普遍认为过度砍伐造成了夏季特大洪水。专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。5. Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides, I
14、believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness.大多数人认为财富为所有问题提供解决的办法。但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。6. Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime. But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research reg
15、arding the subject, little evidence exists to support the claim.很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。但是,虽然刑事学家就这一课题做了详尽的研究,几乎没有证据能支持这种说法。7. An increasing number of people are joining the Information Age via the Internet. In reaction to the phenomenon, some say the Internet has removed barrters and provided people with imme
16、diate access to the world. But do they raelize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy?越来越多的人通过互联网进入了“信息时代”。针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径。但是,他们有没有意识到迅速发展的信息技术也能导致侵犯隐私?8. The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business, but is it a
17、 wise one? The method is now being challenged by more and more people.利用关系是做生意的普遍做法,但这种做法明智吗?现在,越来越多的人对这种方法提出了质疑。9. These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem. But has it? Close examination fails to bear o
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- GRE 写作 高频 话题 实用 句式 精选 汇总
