1、介入放射学Interventional Radiology,介入放射学(Interventional Radiology)由美国著名放射学家Margulis 1967年首先提出,是70年代后期发展起来的一门新兴的边缘学科。什么是介入?,Clinical Medicine,Medical Imaging,它是在影像医学的基础上,在影像的(X线、超声、CT、MRI)监视引导下,通过经皮穿刺途径或通过人体原有孔道,将特制的导管或器械插至病变部位进行诊断性造影和治疗或采集组织,进行细胞学、细菌学及生化检查。介入放射学技术由于创伤小、并发症少和特有的诊断、治疗价值,而受到医学界的普遍重视,因而发展迅速。
3、术的出现,1953年,Seldinger首创了经皮动脉穿刺、导丝引导插管动脉造影法,由于该法操作简单、创伤小、无需缝合血管,完全替代了以往的手术切开的方法,很快被广泛采用,成为介入放射学的基本操作技术。,Dr.Seldinger,插管技术:Seldinger技术,Catheterization:Seldinger technique,介入技术成熟和发展阶段,1962年,Newton首先采用栓塞血管的方法治疗脊椎血管瘤。1963年,Nusbaum采用动脉内灌注血管收缩剂治疗消化道出血成功。1964年,Dotter使用同轴导管技术,成功进行下肢血管成形术,标志介入新技术的开始。1965年,Sano
4、用导管成功地栓塞了脑动静脉畸形。,Charles Theodore Dotter:The father of intervention,The 1st percutaneous transluminal angioplasty marked a new era in the treatment of peripheral atherosclerotic lesions.The early techniques used in peripheral percutaneous transluminal angioplasty form the basis for subsequent percut
5、aneous intervention both in the peripheral and coronary arteries and are largely the contribution of Charles Dotter.Dotter was the 1st to describe flow-directed balloon catheterization,the double-lumen balloon catheter,the safety guidewire,percutaneous arterial stenting,and more.This practical geniu
6、s dedicated his considerable energy to the belief that there is always a better way to treat disease.His personal contributions to clinical medicine,research,and teaching have saved millions of limbs and lives all over the world.,1967年,Porstman报告了非外科手术方法堵闭动脉导管。1967年Margulis(UCSF)在AJR上最初使用“Interventi
7、onal diagnostic radiology-a new subspeciality”1974年,Gruntizg发明了双腔球囊导管进行血管成形术。,Gruentzig,1976年Wallace在Cancer上以“Interventional Radiology”为题系统地阐述了介入放射学的概念。Concept of IVR by Wallace S.Direct unencumbered visualization of areas of interest by image intensification combined with more invasive techniques o
8、f percutaneous puncture and angiography have extended the scope of the radiologist in the diagnosis and management of patients with neoplastic diseases.Percutaneous biopsies can be obtained more safely and with greater reliability from lesions of the lungs,skeleton,kidneys,liver,pancreas,and retrope
9、ritoneal lymph nodes.Intravascular therapy by arterial occlusion of the neoplasm has been employed to control hemorrhage,to decrease tumor mass,and preoperatively to facilitate surgical removal.The possibility of initiating an immune response to the ischemic neoplasm is also discussed.,Concept of IV
10、R by Wallace S.Direct unencumbered visualization of areas of interest by image intensification combined with more invasive techniques of percutaneous puncture and angiography have extended the scope of the radiologist in the diagnosis and management of patients with neoplastic diseases.Percutaneous
11、biopsies can be obtained more safely and with greater reliability from lesions of the lungs,skeleton,kidneys,liver,pancreas,and retroperitoneal lymph nodes.Intravascular therapy by arterial occlusion of the neoplasm has been employed to control hemorrhage,to decrease tumor mass,and preoperatively to
12、 facilitate surgical removal.The possibility of initiating an immune response to the ischemic neoplasm is also discussed.,70年代以来,随着介入放射学知识的普及,导管、器械的不断改进,新技术的涌现和提高,介入放射学有了飞速的发展,内容更加丰富,技术更完善,逐渐成为一门独立的专业学科,并且已经分化形成了一些分支,如心脏介入放射学、神经介入放射学、肿瘤介入放射学等。,国内介入放射学的发展和现状,我国的介入放射学研究和应用始于20世纪70年代后期,上海、贵阳、郑州、武汉率先开展此
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