1、国际金融市场:信贷与债券,离岸金融市场欧洲市场(Euromarket)国际资本市场(International Capital Market),Euromarket,又称欧洲货币市场(Eurocurrency Market)是经营和交易各种Eurocurrency 工具的场所是国际金融市场的核心组成部分,市场结构,EUROCURRENCY MARKET,什么是 Eurocurrency?,Eurocurrency,是所有境外货币的统称,又称“治外货币”泛指在某种货币发行国之外流通和使用的该 国货币或者不受发行国货币当局管辖的该国货币,Eurocurrency Examples,英国银行吸收的美
2、元存款德国银行发放的日元贷款Eurodollar最早出现EuroyanEuroDM,注 意,欧洲银行并不是指欧洲某个国家的银行!,问题,美国国内是否存在欧洲美元?,产生与发展的原因,Political ReasonUS monetary policyFinancial deregulationLiberalization of capital flowFinancial innovation,历史概述,离岸银行业供求的起源欧洲银行接受美元存款,并在欧洲内部贷放在岸银行业的监管促进离岸市场的发展美国:Q条例 利息均衡税 对外信用抑制计划欧洲:国家政府资本管制离岸市场的持续发展一种货币的外汇风险与
3、另一个金融中心的监管环境、政治风险结合起来,历史概述,欧洲货币市场的成长欧洲货币存款法定准备金为零,欧洲存款创造过程是否会无限进行?专栏:欧洲美元的创造,资金来源,商业银行跨国公司中央银行工商企业非银行金融机构个人投资者石油美元存款,资金使用者,跨国公司非采油国政府原苏联东欧集团外汇投机者,Euromoney Market,又称“欧洲资金市场”或“欧洲货币市场”是经营和办理短期信贷业务的市场主要经营期限在一年以内的短期资金存放款业务,基本工具,Eurocurrency存款(贷款)同业拆借发行CD或欧洲商业票据,Eurocurrency 存款(贷款),The Eurodeposit market
4、 is spans round the clock from London,Paris,Frankfurt,New York Tokyo,Hong Kong,Singapore and BahrainThe market has the deepest depth when London opensLondon interbank money market rates are the most competitive rates at which top-name banks will lend or borrow from each other是Euromoney market 的主要业务增
5、加了市场的流动性和贷款能力,Eurocurrency 存款人,各国中央银行跨国公司国际组织商业银行其他金融机构,Eurocurrency 存款,通知存款 Demande Deposits定期存款 Term Deposits,通知存款,可随时发出通知提取期限从O/N到7天Spot Date-Starting Two working day from deal dateOvernight(O/N)-Starting today and maturing tomorrowValue Today-Starting today and maturing on SPOT DateTom-next(T/N)
6、-Starting tomorrow and maturing the next day(i.e.Spot Date)Spot-next(S/N)-Starting on the spot date and maturing the day after spotSpot-a-week(S/W)-Starting spot and maturing 7 days later,定期存款,期限有7天、1个月、2个月、3个月,最长可达5年通常以1个月和3个月的定期存款为最多3个月的定期存款利率成为衡量 Eurocurrency market 利率水平的标准,Eurodeposit Pricing,In
7、terest on deposits maturing within 12 months is paid at maturity onlyIt is paid at regular intervals for longer-term contractsThe interest amount due on most Eurocurrency deposits is calculated on the actual number of days elapsed,based on a 360-day year(Actual/360)But for Eurosterling deposits,the
8、interest calculation is based on the actual number of days in a 365-days year(Actual/365),同业拆借,各商业银行和金融机构之间的 相互借贷,又称银行同业拆放可通过电话或电传成交,故又 称“Call Money”,同业拆借,是欧洲市场产生最早、规模最大的业务期限从O/N到3个月,最长不超过1年导致流动性和贷款能力在各银行之间的 相互转移主要凭信用,无需担保,无需签订合同,同业拆借利率,LIBOR:The rate the bank charges for lending money LIBID:The rat
9、e the bank is willing to take deposit(Borrow)LIBORSPREAD(加息率)加息率由拆借双方自行商定一般在0.25%1.25%之间,LIBOR,伦敦银行同业拆放(出)利率从伦敦市场上业务量最大的30家主要银行中选出的6家银行在每个工 作日上午11时的相互间放款利率的算术平均数,LIBID,伦敦银行同业拆入利率是主动要求其他银行拆入 资金时的利率,Certificates of Deposit,CDs are bank IOUs issued in bearer form:the name of the original depositor is n
10、ot register on the certificate and title to the funds at maturity is conferred upon its holderBearer certificates must be kept in safe custody,US Domestic CDs,In the US domestic market most bank CDs are issued with maturities of 1 to 6 monthsThey are normally issued in$1 million units at face value
11、and the majority are payable at maturity in New YorkTo issue a CD a bank must have a good or acceptable credit ratings,Euro-CDs,A Euro-CD is a receipt for a Eurocurrency fixed term deposit typically with a London-based bankThey are mainly in bearer form issued in 1 million unitsThe main issuers are
12、branches of major US banks,British clearing banks,branches of banks from continental Europe,and Japanese banksThere is a secondary market for Euro-CDs but mostly these papers are held until maturity and normally often in safe custody with the issuing banksFor short-term CDs interest is normally paya
13、ble at maturity,so these are bullet securities,with CDs which are issued with maturities of more than 12 months,interest is typically paid semi-annually,CD Pricing,A CD gives its holder title to a known future cash flow of principal plus interest at some known future date Principal+Coupon(FV)Settlem
14、ent Amount(PV)=-(1+(r x n)/360*),CD Pricing,We discount the cash flows received at the end(Principal+Interest=future value)to current valueR x(1+(C x _t_)=360*_(1+(r x n)360*where:R=Face Value of the CDC=Coupon rate of the CD expressed in decimal form(i.e.5%is 0.05)t=Number of days from issue to mat
15、urityr=Current market interest rates for n days expressed in decimaln=Number of days left to maturity*=360 or 365 depending on the currency,An example of CD pricing,Issuer:BOARating:A1Issue Date:1 January 1996*Maturity:1 January 1997Face Value:$1,000,000Interest Payable:81/2%Settlement Date:1 Novemb
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- 人民大学 国际金融 市场 信贷 债券
