1、30天好方法助你冲刺GRE写作 30天好方法助你冲刺GRE写作,一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。30天好方法助你冲刺GRE写作第一、练打字。不要用word,现在的office 都可以自动修改了,你用word的话你都不知道自己的拼写有多烂。不要用金山词霸,打开那个,你就不知道你背5000 单词只能用500的道理。就用写字板。写完贴出来,都这时候了还要面子?打字格式要注意,逗号要放对,前引号后引号别乱。要是你打字速度慢,那就得多练习啦,别以为考试的时候有很多时间,别想着什么有2个小时。比笔考宽松多了。那是带填表和中间休息时间的。计算机可不会让你提前偷看答案!尤其是一些mm们指甲该剪的
2、剪,该修的修,这不是要漂亮的时候,到时候你两个手指戳啊戳,黄花菜都凉了。兄弟们你们也别乐,别以为自己灌水大牛就打字一定快,到时候你不细心。你要是打出来什么bt,嘿嘿,你就等着电脑评分吧。以上按照个人打字速度和正确率自己掌握,20天为上限。该项不计入30天正常准备时间表。第二,看题目。对题目的讨论,对题目的理解分析,对一般水平的同学来说,不是在考试的时候当场就能做到100%的,也不是什么猴哥孙远那可笑的提纲可以负责的。 一个issue题目它的逻辑性分析,跟Toefl作文的审题不是一个概念。在bbs讨论, 我看是最好的方法了。其实那issue pool里面,真正需要思考分析的题目,不超过一半,一天
3、看5个题目的分析,参加讨论,30天就是150个绝对够了。这部分每天只 需要1个小时,你要是灌水别说我时间没给够哦。第三,看范文,现在ETS的权威论文也就那么几篇,精华区也有,但是还是每天有bt 问在哪里啊?能不能发我信箱啊?找找就那么难?一个issue5分和6分范文的分析, 你需要安排2个小时,根据各人水平和喜好,或者背诵,或者摘抄,范文的使用奥妙自己去体会吧,难道我还得告诉你这句能用,那句不能用不成?范文的研究最好放在30天的中间10天搞定。第四,写作文,前三个是不是跟写作文没什么关系啊?我大嫂是个坐在电脑前就觉得写不出来的人,我哥们呢是个不坐在电脑前面就写不出来的人,人跟人不一样。那么第一
4、阶段的时间就有长有短,但是最长也要在10天内彻底适应在电脑前敲作文。 这10天你可以天马行空,只要你觉得用英文写东西还能忍受,那就用英文写,你喜欢体育,就写小贝去皇马你有什么感想,你要是喜欢经济,就写美国和中国的农产品大战 你喜欢IT,就写新新人类,你喜欢历史,就写英德空战、工业革命。尽快找到写英文的感觉。要是你写个250字就跟挤牙膏一样难的话,每天大概写1到1.5个小时。那么第二个十天,就要根据范文,写*的结构!第一段要写什么,第二段要写什么,你脑子里一定要清楚,你这段要写什么,别信马由缰,满嘴跑火车。 也别觉得自己句子短,用词难看,意思清楚最重要。也别羡慕人家,45分钟写了556个字!又不
6、脉络弄清楚写出来人家能看懂,能看到底就over了。追求一些虚拟的目标既不切实际又浪费时间。GRE issue写作优秀实例:非主流学科题目:Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.研究界的一些非主流领域,比如星象学、占卜术和意念及超自然
7、探索,在社会中起到了很重要的作用,因为它们满足了人们无法从主流科学获得的需求。正文:As for the claim that these non-stream areas of inquiry will satisfy the human needs, we already have sufficient empirical evidence that this will simply not be correct. For nearly fifty centuries we have been pursuit the various human needs and requirement
8、through research in both non-stream areas and traditional sciences. Yet the majority apparent and equipment, even the way of thinking are the benefits from orthodox science. In fact, as non-stream areas of inquiry, astrology, fortune and psychics and paranormal pursuits are lasting in thousands year
9、s, which has been the advent of methods catering exclusively to human inborn curiosities in various aspects. The more reasonable conclusions that compare with mainstream science; non-stream area of inquiry has actually served to satisfy more human inborn curiosities than the human needs.More over, i
10、n my view non-stream area of inquiry will continue to thrive for same reason that people still go out for the expedition of unknown fields: we all need to get away from our familiar routine and surroundings from time to time. Will mainstream alter this inborn desire? Certainly not. In short, non-str
11、eam area of inquiry is a manifestation of edge-side approach for variety and for exploration. This edge-side approach is why humans have come to use constellation for defining their characteristics, and will just surely make a decision on whether these couples are suitable and whether they have a fa
12、te that they will have a boy in the certain year.However, the speaker unfairly assumes that these areas are therefore vital to society. Were these the case, I would entirely agree that people should treat this kind of inquiry as one of important fields like mainstream science. But, non-stream areas
13、of inquiry are not primarily about reasoning and logical approach. Instead, It is about self-deception and false hope, even fantastic ideas and delusion. Could anyone honestly claim that these fantastic ideas and delusion serves as a suitable substitute for reasonable planning and imaging on their w
14、ork and life? Surely not. The physical world is laden with a host of such delight that we humans are compelling to experience down-to-earth.In fact, non-stream areas of inquiry might actually harm society due to its irrational and unreasonable actions. Even more significantly, to the extant on a per
15、sonal level, stubborn adherence to irrational belief in the face of reason and empirical evidence can lead to self -righteous arrogance, intolerance, anti-society behavior, and even hatred. As a result, many people who previously would not have the courage to present the abnormal behavior will soon
16、conduct the strange action under the Instigation from these areas.Admittedly, not mainstream science but astrology, fortune and psychics and paranormal pursuits might eventually satisfy human inborn curiosities other than basic needs, as the wanted information could be collected without any science
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- 30 方法 冲刺 GRE 写作