1、精品论文REGULARIZATION MODIFICATION INVERSION OF RADIATIVE TRANSFER EQUATIONS FOR RETRIEVE IOP OF WATER5Zheng Ye, Wei Ran, Gu Yanfeng(School of electronic and information. Harbin Institue of Techonlogy, Harbin 150001)Abstract: As a physical-based model, Radiative Transfer Equations (RTE) has proved to b
2、e an outstanding tool to predict light fields distribution in certain water body. Moreover, the inversion technique provide us a possibility to retrieve water properties fromtheir spectrum based on RTE.10However, existing inverse algorithms to calculate IOPs based on RTE are lack of stability due to
3、 the ill-posed nature of inverse problem. In this paper, we propose a modification inverse method to solve RTE.A regularization term is forced to Gauss-Newton iterations; therefore, the sensitivity to model noise is reduced, name-ly stability is improved. The experiment results show that our algorit
4、hm can acquire comparable retrieve outputs when noise is added to input spectrum.15Keywords: Signal Procssing; Regularization; RTE; Retrieve; Stability0IntroductionWater is an important source in our planet, therefore many techniques are used to survey its physical and chemical properties. Among the
5、m, remote sensing (RS) that can acquire image of20researching area in wide space scale has developed to study certain water body such as interior lake or near shore seawater. As a kind of RS image, hyperspectral will provide us not only spatial but also spectral information of waters, that make the
6、possibility of quantity analysis of water. Nowadays, three kindsof hyperspectral based water parameters analysis are used: experience-based retrieving methods, semi-empirical approach and physical based approaches.25Compare to the others, physical based methods are more reliable and approximate to a
7、ctual physical process during the imaging of hyperspectral. Roughly speaking, such methods are solve inverse problem described by physical transfer model. Many physical based models are proposed, for example, single-scattering, quasi-single scattering, two-stream models, etc. Those models are natura
8、lly mathematical description of photon interact with corpuscle in water. RTE (Radiative30Transfer Equation) model, proposed by C.D. Mobley, is most classical one.Based on above models, several inverse approaches are proposed. In1-3look-up table methods with interpolation is proposed; In4 spectral de
9、composition algorithms is proposed by Oyamaa et al. In5 6 , algorithms based on an mathematical reformation of bio-opticalmodel, matrix-inversion, is proposed to linearization original bio-optical. In7 simplex concept is35introduced by Peter. Gege to get optimal parameters of RTE model; In8-10, the
10、established model is inversed by Newton-Gauss methods, that is typical descent algorithm to deal with non-linear curve fitting problems. The processing to acquire model parameters is typical inverse problems in mathematical, which is seldom posed-ness. That means, one of the following conditions:the
11、 existence, the uniqueness or the stability will not satisfied. The first two difficulties can be solved40by enlarging or reducing solution spaces, for example, in2, the author raise the accuracy ofinversion by add some boundaries to variable, namely, limit the dynamic range of parameters. However,
12、the last one, stability that is more difficulty to achieve,is usually the reason lead toill-posedness ofinversion. Gauss-Newton methods are adopted, such method as we can see inFoundations: Research Fund for the Doctorial Program of Higher Education of China under the Grant(No.20092302110033)Brief a
13、uthor introduction:Zhang Ye(1960-),male,professor. Major research area is remote sensing image processing technique,such as hyperspectral classficiation,target detection,quantity inversion. E-mail: zhye- 13 -section 3, willbe very sensitivity to disturbance- little error in the input result large ch
14、anges in45the output due to ill-condition matrix existed in their iteration.In this paper, we proposed a modification version of Gauss-Newton methods to retrieve water color factors (WCF) via an physical-based model. First, RTE model is represented to parameterization the relationship between Appare
15、nt Optical Properties (AOPs) and Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs), and then the inverse algorithm to retrieve IOPs form AOPsis50proposed. It can be considered as an robust version of Newton-Gauss algorithms, which is a classical trust-region search methods. The proposed method improve their stabil
16、ity by add a regularization term to the original algorithms, the experiment shows that tolerance to error of proposed algorithms are improved and the sensitivity to disturbance is reduced.1The basic Theory of rADIATIVE tRANSFER eQUATIONS55Any water bodies, including seawater, lake water, river or ot
17、her nature waters, can be seen as a 3-D medium that consisting of different particles. In macroscopic scale, the energy of lights or electromagnetic incident on this 3-D cubewill be reflected, scattering or attenuation by body and the resulting remote sensing images will generated because of the pro
18、perties diversity in different spatial locations; in microscopic scale, the processing in above can be interpreted by the60interaction between photon and corresponding particle. Usually, three substances can affect the distribution of lights fields under waterobviously, that is color dissolved organ
19、ic matter (CDOM), phytoplankton (Ph) or chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and total suspend matter (TSM). In this section ,we will describe how dose those matter will affect the ultimate signal received by airborne or space borne remote sensing senor.651.1 The Optical Properties of WaterThe manner that certain
20、water body reflect lights are determined by their optical properties. IOP (Inherent Optical Properties) is defined as properties just impact by water components, compare to AOP (Apparent Optical Properties) of water.The IOP of water are mainly constituted by absorption coefficients, volume scatterin
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