1、人体运动学-功能性活动分析,kinesiology application in functional activities,周 晶南方医科大学康复医学院,kinesiology,Purpose of studying clinical kinesiology,The purpose of studying clinical kinesiology is to understand the forces acting on the human body and to manipulate these forces in treatment procedures so that human pe
2、rformance may be improved and further injury may be prevented 了解动作 了解作用在人体的力量优化运动效能避免和预防运动损伤,Reference,Planes of Motion,Transverse Plane(YZ plane),Frontal Plane(XY plane),Sagittal Plane(XZ plane),Cardinal planes of motion,Naming Movements at Joints,Special cases,ThumbPronation/supinationHip med/lat
3、rotation with hip flexion,Kinematic chain,kinematic chain:a series of connected segment linksopen kinematic chain motion 开链运动 the joint motion with the distal segment moves free in space,e.g.raising lower leg or throwing a ballclosed kinematic chain motion 闭链运动 the joint motion with the distal segme
4、nt is fixed,e.g.standing up or squatting down,What kind of kinematic chain is performed as,chin-up(引體向上)?one-legged squatting?,Basic Arthrokinematic Joint Motions,(1)rolling or rocking,(2)sliding or gliding,(3)spinning,Application of Human Motion Measure and Analysis System,使用人體動作量測分析系統的目的人體動作量測分析系統
5、進階人體動作分析-人體動作分析模擬系統人體動作分析系統之應用步態分析(gait analysis)平衡訓練輔具科技下背痛分析運動器材體育技術,使用動作量測分析系統的目的,了解人體動作,肢幹間的相關性運動學,動力學參數設計、提升與評估人體運動、手工具、運動器材與醫療輔具等的功能與成效,動作量測分析系統包含,動作量測分析系統電子量角器(electrogoniometer)力量感測器(Loadcell)動作擷取系統(Vicon)測力板(AMTI)肌電訊號(EMG)加速規(Accelerometer)資料收集盒(Datalogger),電子量角器(electrogoniometer),力量感測器(Lo
6、adcell),力量感測器(Loadcell),動作分析系統,1.動作擷取系統(Vicon),Vicon 460,Ploygon,2.測力板(AMTI),測力板(CoP),3.肌電訊號(EMG),動作量測分析系統電子量角器(electrogoniometer)力量感測器(Loadcell)動作擷取系統(Vicon)測力板(AMTI)肌電訊號(EMG)加速規(Accelerometer)資料收集盒(Datalogger),關節角度外力肢段空間位置地面反作用力肌電訊號 加速度資料收集,人体功效学之人体模拟系统,20 cm,50.8 cm,42Kg,25Kg,25Kg,42Kg,10 cm,39 c
7、m,动作分析的应用,Gait analysis,平衡訓練,Bicycle analysis,Hip moment 1500N-mmKnee moment 2400N-mmQudriceps 4500N,Biceps femoris 1500NGluteus 3000NTibialis anterior 2800NGastroneminus 1600N,more Joy&Safety,more Fun&Lark,for Goodor Bad,Treadmill,高爾夫,人体功效改善對策,人因工程改善對策,使用臂力人,配瓶口夾鈎,outline,mobilityoccupational and d
8、aily activities,Three elements,the first;identifies the sequence of activities performed from the start to the completion of the activitythe second;presents a description of the joint movements throughout the activitythe third;distinguishes the muscles and how they function to produce the joint move
9、ments to successfully perform the activities,Mobility,Floor mobility:rolling,RollingDevelopmental direction:nonsegmental-segmentalSupine to prone more individual variation more difficult than prone to supine,Supine to prone(Roll to the right),1.left upper extremity reaching to the rightShoulder flex
10、ion anterior deltoid三角肌前侧+of pectoralis major胸大肌Horizontal adduction水平位的内收 posterior deltoid(eccentric contraction 离心收缩 after passing the midline),Scapula protraction肩胛骨前伸,Serratus anterior前锯肌,upper&lower trapezius 斜方肌Elbow extension:Triceps 肱三头肌Forearm pronation 前臂旋前 pronator quadratus&pronator ter
11、es 旋前方肌 旋前圆肌Wrist in neutral or slight extension 腕关节中立位 微微伸展Extensors carpi radialis longus&brevis(桡侧腕伸肌)+extensor carpi ulnaris(尺侧腕伸肌),Finger and thumb extension extensor digitorum指伸肌 Abduction:dorsal interossei 背侧骨间肌Rotator cuff肩袖 muscles stabilize head of the humerus during arm motionRight U/E Sh
12、oulder extension肩关节伸展+scapular retraction肩胛骨后缩+forearm in midposition前臂中立位+wrist and finger extension手腕伸展,head,Neck rotation&lateral flexion to the rightleft stemocleidomastoid胸锁乳突肌+right scalene(斜角肌)Flexion increased as the movement proceeds,3.trunk flexion and rotation to the right Flexion:rectus
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- 关 键 词:
- 人体 运动学 肌肉 动力学 分析
