Waiting times of Quasihomologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions【推荐论文】 .doc
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1、精品论文Waiting times of Quasi-homologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active RegionsWANG Yuming , LIU Lijuan , SHEN Chenglong , LIU Rui , WANG Shui(CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and PlanetarySciences, University of Science and Technolgy of China, Hefei, Anhui
2、 230026)Abstract: Why and how may some active regions (ARs) frequently produce coronal mass ejections(CMEs)? It is one of the key questions to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms and processes10of energy accumulation and sudden release in ARs and to improve our capability of space weather pre
3、diction. Although some case studies have been made, the question is still far from fully answered.This issue is now being tried to address statistically through an investigation of waiting times ofquasi-homologous CMEs from super ARs in solar cycle 23. It is found that the waiting times of quasi-hom
4、ologous CMEs have a two-component distribution with a separation at about 18 hours, the15peak waiting time of the first component is at about 7 hours, and the likelihood of occurrences of two or more CMEs faster than 1200 km /s within 18 hours is about 20%. Furthermore, the correlationanalysis among
5、 CME waiting times, CME speeds and CME occurrence rates reveals that these quantities are independent to each other, suggesting that the perturbation by preceding CMEs ratherthan free energy input be the direct cause of quasi-homologous CMEs. The peak waiting time of 720hours probably characterize t
6、he time scale of the growth of instabilities triggered by preceding CMEs.This study uncovers more clues for us to understand quasi-homologous CMEs as well as CME-richARs.Key words: Space Physics; Sun; coronal mass ejections; instabilities250IntroductionMagnetic free energy is thought to be the energ
7、y source of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Active regions (ARs) carry a huge amount of free energy and therefore are the most probable place where CMEs come out. Lots of efforts have been devoted to the triggering mechanisms of CMEs. Flux emergence, shear motion and mass loss all could be the initia
8、l cause of an isolated30CME 1234. No matter which one takes effect, the determinative factor of the CMEs launch isthe force balance between the inner core field and the outer overlying arcades 567. Free energy stored in the source region will be consumed when a CME launches 8.The picture of isolated
9、 CMEs is somewhat clear. However, it is still a question how CMEs could lift successively in a limited region within a relatively short interval. Usually the energy35accumulation is a gradual process in time scale of hours to days 910, while a CME is a suddenprocess releasing accumulated energy in m
10、inutes. Why and how could some ARs frequently produce CMEs? Does the occurrences of successive CMEs from the same AR mean that the source AR accumulate free energy quickly? The waiting time distribution of quasi-homologous CMEs contains clues.40Homologous CMEs were defined by Zhang and Wang(2002)11a
11、fter the definition ofhomologous flares 12. Strictly speaking, homologous CMEs must originate from the same region, have similar morphology, and be associated with homologous flares and EUV dimmings. Here, we use the term quasi-homologous to refer to successive CMEs originating from the same ARs wit
12、hin a short interval, but may have different morphology and associates.Foundations: CAS Key Research Program(KZZD-EW-01), 100-Talent Program, NSFC(41131065,40904046,40874075,41121003), 973 key project(2001CB811403), Fundamental research funds for the central universities.Brief author introduction:Yu
13、ming Wang(1976-), Male, Professor, Associate Dean,School of Earth&SpaceScience,University of Science&Technology of China. Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Main research: Geospace Environment & Solar Physics. E-mail:ymwang- 10 -45A previous study on
14、 15 CME-rich ARs during the ascending phase of the last solar cycle from 1998 to 1999 have suggested that quasi-homologous CMEs occurred at a pace of about 8 hours, and there was at most one fast CME within 15 hours13. These result are important for space weather prediction, and did imply that the a
15、ccumulation rate of free energy in an AR may not support such frequently occurrences of quasi-homologous CMEs, and the triggering50mechanisms of the first and the following CMEs are probably different. Three scenarios were proposed to interpret the averagely 8-hour waiting time of quasi-homologous C
16、MEs.Before deepening our understanding of such a phenomenon, we need to check if a similar waiting time distribution of quasi-homologous CMEs could be obtained for the whole solar cycle. In this paper, we extend the period of interest to the whole solar cycle 23 from 1996 to 2006.55Instead of search
17、ing all ARs and the associated CMEs, which are too many to be identified manually, we investigate super ARs that were reported in literatures. Super ARs are those with larger area, stronger magnetic field and more complex pattern, and thought to be the representative of CME producers. In the followi
18、ng section, we present the selected data and the method. In Sec.3, an analysis of waiting times of quasi-homologous CMEs from these super ARs during the last60solar cycle is performed. Finally, conclusions and discussion is given in the last section.1Data Preparationa)Super ARs and Associated CMEsSu
19、per ARs were studied by many researchers 14151617. It was first defined by Bai 1418as a region producing four and more major flares. In most studies, super ARs were selected based on65several parameters, such as the largest area of sunspot group, the soft X-ray flare index, the 10.7 cm radio peak fl
20、ux, the short-term total solar irradiance decrease, the peak energetic proton flux, the geomagnetic Ap index, etc. No matter which one or more criteria are used, most selected super ARs are CME-productive (that could be seen at the last paragraph of this sub-section).In our study, we focus on super
21、ARs during solar cycle 23. Instead of identifying super ARs70by ourselves, we simple use existent lists of super ARs in literatures. To our knowledge, there are three lists regarding to super ARs in solar cycle 23. The first one is given by Tian et al. 15, who found 16 super ARs from 1997 to 2001 ba
22、se on their selection criteria. The second one is given by Romano and Zuccarello)16, which contains 26 super ARs from 2000 to 2006. The last one is in paper by Chen et al. 17, in which 12 super ARs were identified during the last solar cycle. Since75Chen et al. 17 used stricter criteria, the last li
23、st is actually a subset of the other two. Totally, wehave 37 super ARs from 1996 to 2006.To identify the CMEs originating from these super ARs, we examine imaging data from Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO)19 and Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT)20 onbard Solar and Heliosph
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