一类具有RiemannLiouville 分数阶导数的线性.doc
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1、精品论文一类具有Riemann-Liouville 分数阶导数的线性时不变微分系统的完全能控性杨玲, 周先锋, 蒋威安徽大学数学科学学院,合肥230039 摘要:本文研究一类具有Riemann-Liouville分数阶导数的线性时不变微分系统的完全能控性。 首先得到了关于古典意义上状态方程初值问题的解,然后建立的关于系统能控性的判别准则是 充分必要条件,并提供两个例子说明结果。关键词:完全能控性, Riemann-Liouville 分数阶导数, 线性的, 微分系统中图分类号: O175.9Complete controllability of a fractional linear time
2、-invariant differential system with Riemann-Liouville derivativeYANG Ling, ZHOU Xian-Feng, JIANG WeiSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University , Hefei 230039Abstract: This paper is concerned with the complete controllability of a fractional linear time-invariant differential system with Riema
3、nn-Liouville derivative. The solution of the state equation with classical initial value is first derived. Then two criteria on controllability for the system, which are sufficient and necessary, are established. Two examples illustrate the results.Key words:Complete controllability; Riemann-Liouvil
4、les fractional derivative, linear, differential system0 IntroductionIn past few decades, theories of fractional differential equations have gained considerable developments, see the monographs1, 2, 3, papers4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc and the reference therein. The concept of controllability plays an impor
5、tant role in the analysis and design of control systems. Along with the development of theories of fractional differential equations, much more attention are paid to the controllability of fractional differential systems 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. The main method used
6、 is fixed point theorem or to construct a suitable control input function. The fractional derivatives, which have been involved in the fractional differential systems, are Caputos derivative. However, to our best knowledge, little attention has been paid to the controllability of fractional differen
7、tial system with Riemann-Liouville derivative.基金项目: Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11071001),the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (No.20093401110001 ), Ma jor Program of Educational Commission of Anhui Province of China (No. KJ2010ZD02), Program of Natural Science Research in
8、 Anhui Colleges and Universities( KJ2011A020) and the Scientific Research Starting Fund for Dr of Anhui University (No.023033190001)作者简介: Yang Ling, (1989-),female,postgraduate student,ma jor research direction:Functional differential equations. Correspondence author:Zhou Xian-Feng, (1968-), male, a
9、ssociate professor, major research direction: Functional differential equations.Motivated by the fact and the paper 23, 18, this paper is concerned with the complete controllability of the following systemRLDt 0,(0.1)y(t) =Ex(t) + F u(t)(0.2)0,t x(t) =Ax(t) + Gu(t),0,tin n-dimensional Euclidean spac
10、e, where RL Ddenotes Riemann-Liouvilles derivative of order with the lower limit 0, 0 0, 0(1.3)provided the right-hand side is pointwise defined on 0, +), where is the gamma function.Definition 1.2. (1)Riemann-Liouvilles derivative of order with the lower limit 0 for a function f : 0, ) R can be wri
11、tten asRL D1dnZ t(t s)n1 f (s)ds = (I n f (t)(n) , n 1 n. (1.4)00,t f (t) = (n ) dtn0,tParticularly, when 0 0. (1.5)00,t f (t) = (1 ) dtdt 0,tDefinition 1.3. (1) The two-parameter Mittag-Leffler function is defined as zkE, (z) = X , 0, 0. (1.6)(k + )k=0The Laplace transform of Mittag-Leffler functio
12、n is, (atL htk+1 E(k)Z ); sik!s1, (at=est tk+1 E(k)0)dt =, Re(s) a | |(s a)k+1. (1.7)where Re(s) denotes the real parts of s.In addition, the Laplace transform of t1 isLt1 ; s = ()s , Re(s) 0. (1.8)Definition 1.4. 1 Suppose that 0 1. If the function f 0 (t) is continuous on a, t, thenGrunwald-Letnik
13、ov -order derivative with the lower limit a for f (t) is defined asRL DGLa,t f (t) =f (a)(t a)(1 )1+(1 )Z t0(t ) f ( )d (1.9)aRemark 1.1. If the function f 0 (t) is continuous on a, t, thena,tRL D f (t) =GLa,tD f (t)2 Main resultsDefinition 2.1. (complete controllability)The system (0.1)-(0.2) is sa
14、id to be completely con- trollable on the interval J = 0, T if, for every Z Rn and ti R+ , there exists an admissible control input u(t) such that the state variable x(t) of the system (0.1)-(0.2) satisfies x(ti ) = Z .Lemma 1. Suppose that x(t) is a continuous derivable solution of the free state e
15、quation (0.1). Namely, u(t) = 0 in state equation (0.1) . Then x(t) 0.Proof. Since u(t) = 0, the state equation (0.1) can be reduced to1d Z t(t s) x(s)ds = Ax(t).(2.10)(1 ) dt 0By the fact that x(t) is continuous derivable and using the formula (1.9), we haveZ tThat is(t s) x (s)ds + t x(0) = (1 )Ax
16、(t). (2.11)0t x (t) + t x(0) = (1 )Ax(t), (2.12)here denotes convolution. An application of the Laplace transform on both side of equality(2.12) together with the formula (1.8) and Convolution Theorem yieldsLt ; sLx (t); s + Lt x(0); s = (1 )ALx(t); s.(2.13) Reducing Eq.(2.13) yields(s I A)x(s) = 0,
17、 (2.14)here x(s) is the Laplace transform of x(t). Thus, x(s) = 0. An application of the inverseLaplace transform yields the desired result.Remark 2.1. Under the assumption that the control input u(t) = 0, there doesnt exist any nonzero continuous derivable solution for the state equation (0.1). How
18、ever, there exists con- trol inputs u(t) such that the state equation (0.1) possesses a nonzero solution x(t), which is.continuous derivable on 0, . For example, if u(t) = (t, t, , t) Rp , then 1 x(t) = XAk 1 1+(k+1)k=0tG(k + 1) + 2) 1(2.15)is a nonzero continuous derivable solution of the state equ
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- 一类具有RiemannLiouville 分数阶导数的线性 一类 具有 RiemannLiouville 分数 导数 线性
