【精品论文】Threedimensional finitedifference lattice Boltzmann model and its application to invi.doc
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1、精品论文Three-dimensional finite-difference lattice Boltzmann model and its application to inviscid compressible flows with shock waves5HE Yaling, LIU Qing, LI Qing(Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, School of Energy and PowerEngineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049
2、)Abstract: In this paper, a three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference lattice Boltzmann model for simulating compressible flows with shock waves is developed in the framework of the10double-distribution-function approach. In the model, a density distribution function is adopted to model the flow fiel
3、d, while a total energy distribution function is adopted to simulate the temperature field.The discrete equilibrium density and total energy distribution functions are derived from the Hermiteexpansions of the continuous equilibrium distribution functions. The discrete velocity set is obtained by ch
4、oosing the abscissae of a suitable Gauss-Hermite quadrature with sufficient accuracy. In order to15capture the shock waves in compressible flows and improve the numerical accuracy and stability, an implicit-explicit finite-difference numerical technique based on the total variation diminishing flux
5、limitation is introduced to solve the discrete kinetic equations. The model is tested by numerical simulations of some typical compressible flows with shock waves ranging from 1D to 3D. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement with the analytical solutions and/or other20numerical resu
6、lts reported in the literature.Keywords: compressible fluid dynamics; lattice Boltzmann model; Hermite expansion; finite- difference; shock wave; three-dimensional0Introduction25The lattice Boltzmann (LB) method, which originates from the lattice gas automata (LGA) method1, has been developed into a
7、 promising numerical method for simulating complex fluid flows and modeling complex physics in fluids2-4. Different from the conventional numerical methods, which are based on the discretization of macroscopic governing equations, the LB method is based on the kinetic theory and it simulates fluid f
8、lows by tracking the evolutions of the30particle distribution functions. Owing to its kinetic nature and distinctive computational features, such as the simple form of the governing equation, the easy implementation of complex boundary conditions, and the inherent parallelizability on multiple proce
9、ssors5, the LB method is a very attractive representation of the nonlinear macroscopic systems, especially for those containing shock waves or contact discontinuities.35In the past decade or so, many brilliant efforts have been made in constructing LB models for the fully compressible Euler6-11 or N
10、avier-Stokes (NS) equations12-19. Among these models, Sun et al.13-15 developed a locally adaptive LB model. In this model, a Kronecker delta function is adopted to replace the Maxwellian equilibrium distribution function as the continuous equilibrium distribution function, and the lattice velocitie
11、s are chosen according to the local flow velocity and40internal energy. So it permits the mean flow to have high Mach number, but the relaxation time is fixed at 1 and the Prandtl number is equal to the specific-heat ratio, which may limit its application. Subsequently, Qu et al.11 developed a non-f
12、ree-parameter LB method to construct equilibrium distribution functions for 2D problems. In this method, the conventional Maxwellian function is replaced by a circular function and a Lagrangian interpolation polynomial is then45constructed to discretize the circular function to the discrete velocity
13、 directions. However, thePrandtl number in Qu and co-workers model is also equal to the specific-heat ratio. Following theFoundations: The Ph.D Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. 20110201110038).Brief author introduction:HE Yaling, (1963-),female,professor,new technologies in
14、 energy storage,numerical principle and its applications in fluid flow and heat transfer process. E-mail: yalinghe- 15 -non-free-parameter LB method11, Li et al.6 developed a 3D non-free-parameter LB model for inviscid compressible flows with shock waves. In Li and co-workers model, a spherical func
15、tion, which satisfies the zeroth- through third-order moments of the Maxwellian distribution function in503D space, is introduced to replace the Maxwellian function as the continuous equilibrium distribution function.In the LB community, the determination of the equilibrium distribution function is
16、a key issue. The equilibrium distribution function can be determined by several methods. The first method, which is the conventional method, is based on the Maxwellian equilibrium distribution55function. This method is widely used in the current LB community for it is easy to be accepted and impleme
17、nted. The conventional method includes two approaches, i.e., the Taylor expansion approach20-22 and the Hermite expansion approach23. In the Taylor expansion approach, the equilibrium distribution function can be derived by applying the truncated Taylor series expansionto the exponential form of the
18、 Maxwellian function in terms of the local velocity u . However, the60Taylor expansion approach is limited to low- and moderate-Mach-number flows. In the Hermite expansion approach, the equilibrium distribution function can be determined by projecting theMaxwellian function onto the tensor Hermite p
19、olynomial basis in terms of the particle velocity and up to a certain order. As pointed out by Shan et al.23, the Hermite expansion approach allowsfor simulations of high-Mach-number flows. The second method has nothing to do with the65Maxwellian function. In this method, the equilibrium distributio
20、n function can be a Kronecker function13-15, a circular function11 or a spherical function6, which satisfies the needed statisticalrelations and is used to replace the Maxwellian function as the continuous equilibrium distribution function. The main advantage of the second method is that it can be u
21、sed to simulate high-Mach-number flows.70In this paper, following the Hermite expansion approach23, we will present a 3Dfinite-difference LB model for simulating compressible flows with shock waves in the framework of the DDF LB approach, which can be viewed as an extension to some previous works23,
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