1、,New Conception and New Trend of Fresh Dairy Product Mar.2006,新鲜乳制品的发展趋势和新概念,CRAZY SCOOPS,主要内容Key Issues,Market forecasts and future trends 市场预测和趋势分析Where can we find new conceptions and What can we do for you?新概念从何而来 以及我们能为您做些什么Present a series new conceptions and demo samples to you 为您推荐一组新概念并请品尝我
2、们试做的 样品,Source:Euromonitor,全球乳与乳制品的产品结构分布Global Dairy Product Market,牛奶,干酪,酸奶,奶粉,中国液体乳及其制品的产品结构China Liquid Dairy Product Market,Liquid Milk Product Structure(By Volume),全球主要品类乳与乳制品中新产品上市数量组成 New products positioning claims in GNPD last year,Source:GNPD,酸奶巴氏牛奶 甜点 干酪,全球酸牛奶的增长趋势Global market for yogur
3、ts,2003-2009 forecast,Source:Euromonitor,Retail volume 销售量000 tonnes,2001-2005年间健康和风味是酸牛奶的两大主题 Healthy and Flavour ingredients most likely to make an impact,2001 and 2005,健康诉求,2004-2009年酸奶市场份额预测Market value forecast for yogurt,2004-2009,Source:Euromonitor,增长率,酸性乳饮料(含乳酸菌饮料)销售额预测Market value forecast
4、for low pH dairy drinks,Source:Euromonitor,总份额,2004-2009年冷藏甜点的市场份额预测Market value forecast for chilled shelf desserts,2004-2009,Source:Euromonitor,中国的基数,Unit:Mio L,活菌酸奶和酸奶饮品YD,中国主要品牌在酸奶和酸性乳饮料市场上的表现 Some Brand Performance in Sour Milk Drinks,Source:AC Nielson Retail Audit,保鲜酸奶和饮品的市场更加活跃,Source:AC Niel
5、son Retail Audit,主要品牌的市场份额和增长率正急剧变化,Source:AC Retail Audit,单位:百万升,425 22 11 46 25 35 88 9 5,中国各品牌酸奶市场分布和地域消费差别 Outstanding market character among different brand,主要内容Key Issues,Market forecasts and future trends 市场预测和趋势分析Where can we find new conceptions and What can we do for you?新概念从何而来 以及我们能为您做些什
6、么Present some new conceptions and demo samples to you 为您推荐新概念并请品尝我们试做的 样品,增加消费者对发酵制品特定价值,尤其是益生菌的认识 Increased Consumer awareness of health benefits of Probiotics把握人们对更多更好的摄入各类营养素的追求 Adults looking for ways to increase main nutriments intake根据不同使用场所提高包装的便捷性“Grab-and-go”/portability in single-serve con
7、tainers在风味和质构上开创新的方向 Success of flavors and texture in other categories不断融入新的技术和理念引导和适应新的生活方式 New technologies and new idea for new living fashion-新的健康和功能性配料 New Functional and healthy ingredients增加趣味性 Have fun,如何实现新鲜发酵乳制品的差异化和新增长?What is Fueling the Growth of the yoghurt Category,营养和健康 低脂 低胆固醇 低糖 低
8、热量 更多蛋白质 强化营养素:维生素 矿物质 纤维素Dietary fibre 益生菌Probiotic 特殊甜味料functional sweetener 特种油脂:特定脂肪酸和磷脂等 功能性食品 功能食品可用的中草药:近90种 功能性蛋白:乳铁蛋白LF,免疫球蛋白IgA IgG IgY 生物活性肽:谷光甘肽 酪蛋白磷酸肽 降压肽 溶菌酶lysozyme 活性多糖active polysaccharides 自由基清除:抗氧化酶类,黄酮类(花色素 儿茶素 异黄酮等)谷胱甘肽GSH和某些多糖类,把握新需求 开拓新市场,新概念从何而来Where can we find new conceptio
9、ns?,自然的,有机的 食药两性动植物资源:3批77种 食品新资源:6类18种 益生菌Probiotic 讨人喜爱的口味 有趣味性/愉悦的感受 超值体验的产品 功用上的便捷性 家庭或儿童专用包装 能即时满足某个特定需求 新质构 新的工艺技术 新的功能体系,新概念从何而来Where can we find new conceptions?,益生菌-新鲜乳制品的鲜活新内涵 Probiotics-add livingness into fresh dairy product,维持肠内微生物平衡,减轻腹泻和便秘症状,抗过敏和免疫调节,NCFMLactobacillus acidophilus LA14
10、Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc37Bifidumbacterium Lactis,延缓衰老调节新陈代谢,控制肿瘤抑制癌变,减少毒素对肌体的侵害,木糖醇的优势 Benefits of Xylitol,促进肠道有益菌群的增殖不需胰岛素就能透入细胞代谢快不会引起血糖升高是呼吸道内源性抗菌物质相同于蔗糖甜度甜味清新抗龋齿等,饱腹感强 Satiating Effect(Weight Control)能量释放平稳 Gastric Emptying(Sports Nutrition)不依赖胰岛素 Insulin Independent Metabolism(Diabetics)不产生
11、乳酸 No lactic acid produce促进矿物质吸收Mineral Absorption(Dietetic Products/Supplements),Plasma Insulin(U/ml),果糖的优势 Benefits of Fructose,胰岛素依赖性,甜感对比情况,Agglomerated Maize Starch经过颗粒附聚的玉米淀粉,Instant appeal for powdered hot beverages适用于速溶的热冲调粉末饮料,Agglomerated Maize Starch经过颗粒附聚的玉米淀粉,Features 产品特性 Encapsulated,
12、granulated cornstarch 经过微胶囊及造粒处理的玉米淀粉 Rapid dispersion properties 在水中能够快速分散 Carefully controlled moisture content 水分含量经过严格控制 Natural formulation-no additives 天然配方-不含任何添加剂,利体素 Litesse,低热量 Low Calorie 适当提高粘度和适口感 Increases viscosity and mouthfeel,获得短结构和洁净口感 maintains short texture 增加成型能力 Improves scoop
13、ability and“machineability”,代替脂肪提供光滑口感 Fat replacer-reduces gluten formation,降低和调节肠道PH 促进益生菌的繁殖 增加肠粘膜性物质 降低血清中胆固醇 抑制餐后血糖升高,可溶性膳食纤维,低甜度 Low sweetness level 溶解性好 Good solubility粘度与蔗糖相近 Viscosity similar to sucrose低热值 Low negative heat of solution不吸潮 Non-hygroscopic水活度与蔗糖相同 Water activity similar to su
14、crose,乳糖醇的技术特性Lactitol-Technical Properties,Insulin Response,Relative Sweetness,GRINDSTED MCT中链C8-C10甘油三酯天然油脂粉末,主要用途控制体重 weight control提高运动效能 Enhance sport performance膳食营养补充 As dietary supplements婴儿配方食品 In infant formulations饮料增浊及附香 As clouding agents in drinks,性能特色 良好的乳化能力Good emulsification不会酸败变味S
15、eldom turn rancid快速利用的能量Available quickly不会堆积在体内Unable to store as body fat,Honey Powders,天然低聚糖 Natural oligosaccharides益生菌增殖因子 Accelerates the growth of Probiotics抗氧化功能Antioxidant properties改进风味和口感Flavour enhancer,Beech Forest,Naturlok特殊功用的蜂蜜粉,丹尼斯克的能为您提供的资源和方案,Danisco solution functional attributes
16、,丹尼斯克的能为您提供的资源和方案,Health&wellness solution and function system,丹尼斯克的能为您提供的资源和方案,Health&wellness solution and function system,对健康的认识和追求符合现代生活方式 Growing awareness of health problems associated with modern lifestyles城乡消费者都开始关注并追求健康 Greater consumer willingness to take personal responsibility for their
17、own health needs健康的配料正被广泛认可 Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of different types of healthy ingredients,选择健康而新鲜的方案不必放弃美味!Choosing a healthy&fresh solution,Neednt compromise on good taste.,健康和新鲜将成为乳品主题Two topic on dairy:Healthy and fresh Danisco For fresh,for organic,for health,for your smile
18、!,新概念产品成功的动力How to push ahead a new conception product successfully,贴切品牌形象和优势 符合公司的市场策略 挖掘潜在需求和消费 满足产品结构的需要,分析力 策划力 产品力 销售力 拓展力,主要内容Key Issues,Market forecasts and future trends 市场预测和趋势分析Where can we find new conceptions and What can we do for you?新概念从何而来 以及我们能为您做些什么Present some new conceptions and
19、demo samples to you 为您推荐新概念并请品尝我们试做的 样品,可以秀身的酸奶(益生菌饮用型)Slim drink yoghurt with probiotics,Product Description 产品描述 采用低脂低糖低热量配方 含有长双歧或青春双歧杆菌 果汁或果浆的添加 果胶、立体素和木糖醇,Ingredients配料Light:skim milk powder,hydrogenated maltose syrup,polydextrose,stabilizer(pectin),ferric pyrophosphate,fruit pulp flavour,sweet
20、ener(aspartame,L-phenylalanine compound),vitamin D,part of the ingredients contain soy脱脂奶粉 木糖醇 麦芽糖 立体素 焦磷酸铁 维生素D 含纤维果浆,甜味剂,稳定剂,益生菌Nutrition Per pack:energy 55kcal,protein 4.0g,fat 0.1g,carbohydrate 11.8g,dietary fiber 1.5g,sodium 50mg,calcium 220mg,iron 4mg,vitamin D 2.5ug,more than 1.25 billion cou
21、nts of L casei sirota,卡布基诺和巧克力碎屑酸奶 Capuccino&coffee Yoghurt,Product Description/产品描述 北美洲和欧洲新流行 属于成年人的休闲食品 该产品中含有卡布基诺咖啡 还有有一些酸奶附有曲奇饼或手指饼等 可以明确区分于常见的添加水果的酸奶 有凝固型和搅拌型两种形式,Ingredients/配料Milk,concentrated skimmed milk,fibre inulin,dextrose,stabilizer,sweeteners aspartame,acesulfame-K;lctobacillus casei d
22、efensis,flavour牛奶或脱脂牛奶 脱脂奶粉 卡布基诺咖啡 蔗糖 甜味剂稳定剂 乳酸菌 香料等NutritionPer 100g:energy 50kcal,protein 4.5g,fat 2.9g,carbohydrate 6.0g,dietary fiber 4.0g,sodium 58mg,calcium 120mg/non fat milk solids 9.9%,milk fat 1.8%,太妃酸奶 Toffee Yoghurt,Product Description/产品描述 Toffee奶糖是近年来市场广泛接受的糖果 生产Toffee糖浆可以得到DANISCO的技术支
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