1、呕血,hematemesis,消化道系统,定义:呕血(hematemesis)是由上消化道疾病(指屈氏韧带以上的消化器官,包括食管、胃、十二指肠、肝、胆、胰疾病)或全身性疾病所致的急性上消化道出血,血液从口腔呕出。,病因 1.食管疾病:食管静脉曲张破裂 食管癌 食管异物 食管贲门粘膜撕裂(Mallory-Weiss)2.胃及十二指肠疾病:消化性溃疡 急性胃粘膜病变 胃癌,Esophageal varices grade II(right)und grade III(left).Cherry red spots are signs of imminenthemorrhage(right).The
2、y correspond to areas of especially thin and altered variceal wall.,This massive vessel with active bleeding was diagnosed in a 58 year-old patient,who presented with tary stools.The first picture shows the lesion after injection of fibrin glue.The right picture shows additionally applied hemoclips.
3、Bleeding stopped at the end of the procedure,but reccurred twice before the patient had to be treated surgically.In dieu-la-foy ulcers an arterial vessel of abnormal size reaches the mucosa causing a tiny ulzeration by permanent compression of the mucosal layer.,恶性溃疡:深、大而不规则,边缘不整齐,底部深而不平,触之硬脆,易出血,活检
4、可鉴别。,溃疡,良性溃疡:圆形、椭圆形或线形,浅表或凹陷,底有苔(白、黄、黑),周边整齐、肿胀。分期有:活动期(A),愈合期(H),疤痕期(S)。,溃疡,With the inverted gastroscope a spurting hemorrhage from a fundal varice is discerbnable.Hemostasis is achieved with several low volume injections ofHistoacryl-glue.The right picture shows the therapeutic success.,3.肝、胆道疾病:
5、胃底及食管静脉曲张破裂出血 胆道出血:炎症、结石、蛔虫、肿瘤等 均可引起出血 4.胰腺疾病:急性胰腺炎合并脓肿破裂出血 胰腺癌。,5.血液疾病:原发性血小板减少性紫癜、血友病、DIC等。6.急性传染病:流行性出血热、暴发性肝炎等。7.其他:如尿毒症等。综上所述,呕血的原因甚多,以消化性溃疡最为常见,其次为胃底或食管静脉曲张破裂,再次为急性胃粘膜病变。,临床表现 1.呕血前常有上腹部不适及恶心,随后呕吐血性胃内容物。2.颜色:出血量多且在胃内停留时间短,则血色鲜红或为暗红色;出血量少且在胃内停留时间长,呕吐物可咖啡渣样棕褐色。3.黑便:呕血的同时因部分血液经肠道排出体外,可形成黑便。,4.失血性
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- 临床 诊断 呕血 便血
