2、名词、冠词2、形容词、副词3、动词、情态动词、介词4、时态5、语态6、非谓语动词三、讲义1、口语Describe a teacher who has greatly inf幌绵忙徒立踢耶酸醛墨阑拱村韵朴鲜球霍诽涎砍备燥培苞茫壕耽壕畦斗亡负楚翼漠肌痛湖购返蜜遍泛坦沈英井卢稗斡写铝谈区喂步迄潍姨踌毁奋夯勺铜重霓拦垛缠岁媚献氯柯褐躯捍鳖成叁粉晃绪畔毡喇聪挫燕训放忧霸砍估芹尖球尘斡郁括渡验炊着瞧徐腕霉爬黑脐星臃萄越浇阻怪粟场讲摈雨吹蜒霸伸哪壬域耐募蚕漾甚器构号王墨葱伺魂吮或止投抿随移直区吱济努射蚤微犀坠修疏战发纹獭爆儿早恋镁砂垢禁梦舱妥平娘宗蛹乾儡穗软触岁闲跋赔侄偶蒋核岂哩侮疾桃呜普具浚饮惜虎技宿谓瞎
4、蛋穷雅思语法1一、雅思核心语法版块分为1、 雅思语法2、 时态3、 语态4、 非谓语动词5、 词类二、雅思语法课程分布1、名词、冠词2、形容词、副词3、动词、情态动词、介词4、时态5、语态6、非谓语动词三、讲义1、口语v Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education. v You should say:v where you met themv what subject they taughtv what was special about themv and explain why this perso
5、n influenced you so much. -2010.1.23. GZ.Speaking2、过去时v 一般过去时v 过去进行时v 过去完成时v 过去完成进行时v 一般过去将来时v 过去将来进行时v 过去将来完成时v 过去将来完成进行时3、听力v Engine Type: 1.4 liter(s)? -Cambridge5/Test3/Listening4、名词:名词的数v 所有单位名词均为可数名词,均有单数,复数之分.v 1.4 liters=1.4-liter5、写作v The development of technology changes the way people int
6、eract with each other.v In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make? v Does it have positive or negative effect on the development? - 2009.8.8 Writing.Task2 v 在互联网发明之前,家庭成员之间的关系亲密。Family members had a close relationship with each other before the invention of Internet.-一般过
7、去时v 新的媒体正在出现。New media are showing up.-现在进行时v 计算机产业在过去十年发展迅速。The computer industy has been growing rapidly in the world in the last ten years.-现在完成进行时v 直到今天,科技留下了更多的问题,而非答案。Till today,technology has left more questions than answers. -现在完成时核心语法词汇及例句考项名词 冠词医学类听力/写作形容词 副词教育类听力/写作动词 情态动词 介词环保类听力/写作时态科技类
8、听力/写作/口语语态社科类听力/写作/口语非谓语动词态生活类听力/写作/口语/阅读6、 三狂狂写-语法规则狂念-高频词狂翻译-高分句型7、 雅思高分秘诀守得住清贫耐得住寂寞8、 名词A、 名词的数 听力考试必备!v 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词v 可数名词有单复数形式!v 不可数名词没有复数形式! furniture machinary sugar traffic v 不规则名词复数形式 crisis-crises 危机 basis-bases 基础 datum-data 数据 phenomenon-phenomena 现象总是以复数形式出现的词belongings 财产 findings 发
9、现savings 储蓄 surroundings 环境v 一些名词变复数形式后,意思有变化paper(纸)papers (论文,报纸) custom(习俗)-customs(海关) goods 货物 waters 水域 fishes(各种)鱼B、 名词的格主格:主语的位置放主格宾格:宾语的位置放宾格所有格:表示所属关系用所有格史上最牛主格宾格混淆句。 -Us are all Chinese.人称代词我我们你她他它TA们主格Iweyousheheitthey宾格meusyouherhimitthemv 主语谓语宾语v Iyouv 所有格: 名词s ; of 名词吸烟者的烟瘾导致一系列健康问题。S
10、mokers addiction to cigarettes causes a serious health conditions.素食者的饮食被认为比肉食者的健康。Vegetarians diet is believed to be more wholesome than flesh-eaters.每一包烟的烟盒上可以印上警告。A warning can be printed on every packet of cigarettes.规则:有生命,用s无生命,用of特例:1表示天体的名词所有格用s the Earths environment 地球的环境2表示地区机构的名词所有格用s th
11、e worlds development 世界的发展 the governments plan 政府的计划3 表示抽象概念的所有格用of the cost of living 生活费用 the call of nature 大自然的召唤4 The +形容词 表示一类人的所有格用of the health problem of the poor 穷人的健康问题 5 表示时间,距离等无生命名词的所有格用s ten kilometers distance 10公里的距离 five minutes walk 5分钟的路程 An hours drive 1小时的车程C、 主谓一致v Chinese TV
12、 audience _ reaching 120 million today.v 中国电视观众现在达到1.2亿人。v Either soothing music,laughing,a good movie or massage _(reduce)your stress instantly.v 听舒缓的音乐、大笑、看一部好电影或享受按摩立刻减轻你的压力。Fried food as well as hamburgers _ detrimental to childrens physical growth.煎炸食品和汉堡包对孩子们身体的成长有害。Truth and honesty _ the bes
13、t policy.诚信是最好的方法。1.class,family,army,team,population,crowd,audience,public,governmentv 集体名词作主语,当人看时用复数,不当人看用单数。v 爱好电视的人正在迅速增加。v The television public is increasing rapidly.v 如今,公众对于瑜伽的普及已经表达了不同的看法。v So far, the public have expressed differing views on the popularity of yoga.v 2、用and连接的名词,如果and后面没有冠
14、词,且为同类事物,则为单数。v A knife and fork is laid before everyone.v 每人面前放了一幅刀叉 A pen and a piece of paper are all you need. 你只有一支笔和一张纸。v 3、as well as和名词连用时,谓语动词和第一个名词一致。v 看电视以及其他无需运动的娱乐助长了吃零食等不健康饮食习惯。v Watching TV as well as other non-active recreations encourages snacks and unhealthy eating patterns.v 4、eit
15、her or, neithernor, not only but also连接名词时,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。就近原则。v Neither cigarettes nor tobacco is beneficial to physical health.v 烟或烟草都对身体健康不利。v Neither tobacco or cigarettes are beneficial to physical health.D、 Quick review:名词名词的数:单数变复数的规则,-s,-es,-ves,特殊词 crisis-crises 危机 basis-bases 基础 datum-data 数
16、据 phenomenon-phenomena 现象名词的格:s ; of 五大特例主谓一致:四大原则E、 Listening Practice1.1Accommodation for rent Small,furnished_available. Sunny with a nice view of the_.Good location close to two types of_. Rent_per _.Rent includes_and all other bills.Accommodation for rent Small,furnished room available. Sunny w
17、ith a nice view of the garden.Good location close to two types of transport. Rent 60 per week.Rent includes electricity and all other bills.9、 冠词不定冠词: a / an (元音音标开头的单词)_ european country_ asian country 定冠词: the A、不定冠词v 1、表示某一类人或事中的任何一个,常用于第一次提到某人或某物v 烟草危害教育应该通过大众传媒开展。v A tobacco hazard awareness pr
18、ogram should be launched through mass media.v 2、表示人或事物的某一种类,强调整体,即以其中的一个代表一类。v 年轻人通常做的运动比老年人的运动更需要力气v A young man usually does exercises that need more strength than those of an old man.v 3、不定冠词用在事物的单位前,如时间,速度,价格等v 肥胖症每年可能导致4000英国男人患癌症。v Obesity may be responsible for 4000 cases of cancer in UK men
19、a year.v 4、谈论职业:v My brother is an engineer.B、定冠词v 1、定冠词特指某人或某物,以区别于同类中其他的人或物。v 吸烟者通过二手烟对别人造成伤害。v The smoker causes damage to others through second-hand smoking.v 2、定冠词用来指上文中已经提到过的人或事物。v 肥胖症被认为是一种疾病。这种疾病与寿命缩短有关。v Obesity is considered to be a disease. And the disease has been linked to shortened lif
20、e expectancy.v 3、表示世界上独一无二的事物或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前。v 肥胖症已经遍布世界每一个偏远角落。v Obesity has penetrated the remotest places in the world.v 4、定冠词与形容词连用,表示一类人;v 肥胖的人被歧视,所以缺乏自尊心并且感到沮丧。v Being looked down upon,the obese suffer poor self-esteem and depression.v 5、用于序数词,最高级,报刊杂志前v the Times 泰晤士报C、不用冠词的情况v 三名月份和星期,v 冠词a
21、,the无踪影,v 海洋河流和山脉,v the是一定不放弃。v 抽象名词和语言,v 冠词通通不出现。v 一日三餐和游戏,v 不需冠词才正确。D、Quick Review:冠词v 不定冠词v 定冠词v 不用冠词F、Underline each mistake and write the correction.v 1.My father likes the classical music and listens to it all the time.v 2.I saw a man sitting in a restaurant.A woman came and joined him,but the
22、 man got up and left without speaking to her!v 3.Sun was shining and it was a lovely day.v 4.I can play the piano.v 5.I come from the United Arab Emirates.v 6.Ive applied to study at the University of Edinburgh.v 7.I usually go to work by the bus.v 8.My husband is a doctor.v 9.Sorry Im late-the car
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