1、Literature is the Essence of Life 文学是人生的精髓,1.Philosophy is life etherealized 哲学是气化的人生(气体,汽)2.Poetry is life distilled 诗是蒸馏的人生(液体,水)3.Fiction or novel is life Crystallized 小说是固体化的人生(固体,冰)All from all sorts of impure things containing water 均从各种含水的不纯物质中得来。4.Drama is life exploded.戏剧是爆炸的人生 Literature i
2、s the Re-presentation of Life.文学是人生的表现。,The Words Used in Poetry,Thou=You 的主格Thee=You 的宾格Thy=YourThine=Your 用在元音前 Methink=It seems to meHie=go quicklyPleasance=EnjoymentForsooth=No doubtQuoth=SaidPerchance=By chance Mead=Meadow,Western Wind Anonymous 15th century,Western wind when wilt thou blow,The
3、 small rain down can rain?Christ,if my love were in my arms And I in my bed again!,西 风 无名氏 15 世纪西风啊,您什么时候开始吹刮,绵绵的细雨什么时候降下来?啊,但愿我的爱人在我怀里,让我们同床共枕重相爱!,Western wind when wilt thou blow,西风何日刮?The small rain down can rain?细雨何时下?Christ,if my love were in my arms 但愿吾爱在,And I in my bed again!相拥重欢眠。(胡宗锋 译),Th
4、e Red Wheelbrrow 红色手推车 Willian Carlos Williams 威廉 卡洛斯 威廉姆斯So much depends 那么多东西Upon 依靠A red wheel 一辆红色Barrow 手推车Glazed with rain 雨水淋得它Water 晶亮Beside the white 旁边是一群Chickens.白鸡,The Red Wheelbarrow By W.C.Williams,So much dependsUponA red wheelBarrowGlazed with rainWaterBeside the whiteChickens.,雨洗红手车
5、 油油焕光彩。车旁走白鸡,此境有诗在。-张悦光 译,感 觉 A Feeling 顾城 by Gu Cheng 天是灰色的 The sky is ash gray,路是灰色的 The road is ash gray,楼是灰色的 The bulidings are ash gray,雨是灰色的 The rain is ash gray.在一片死灰之中 In the ash of death 走过两个孩子 Two children pass by:一个鲜红 One in bright red,一个淡绿 One in light green.,满纸荒唐言,Pages full of fantasti
6、c talk一把辛酸泪!Penned with bitter tears;都云作者痴,All men call the author mad,谁解其中味?None his message hears.红楼梦 第一回 杨宪益英译,New Friends and Old Friends 朋 友Make new friends,but keep the old;结识新友,勿忘老友Those are silver,these are gold.新友银,老友金New-made friendship,like new wine,新友如新酒,Age will mellow and refine.时光荏苒变醇
7、厚。Friendships that have stood the test-经历岁月和变迁,Time and change-are surely best;友情才为最牢靠。Brow may wrinkle,hair grow gray;额头可皱发可白,Friendship never knows decay.友情永不会苍白。,For mid old friends,tried and true,老友情谊经锤炼 Once more we our youth renew.返老还童乐中间。But old friends,alas!May die;老友总归要离去,New friends must t
8、heir place supply.新友替补属自然。Cherish friendship in your breast-心中珍惜朋友情,New is good,but old is best;新友不错老友佳。Make new friends,but keep the old;结识新友,勿忘老友,Those are silver,these are gold.新友银,老友金。(胡宗锋 译),How Old Are You 贵庚 By H.S.FritschAge is a quality of mind.年龄是心态,If you have left your dreams behind,如若梦已
9、了,If hope is cold,幻想无,If you no longer look ahead,不前瞻,If your ambitions fire are dead-抱负死Then you are old.那才称为老。But if from life you take the best,若人生精华尽享,And if in life you keep the jest,生之趣长存,If love you hold;心中有爱意No matter how the years go by,任时光飞逝No matter how the birthdays fly-任光阴荏苒You are not
10、old.但人生不老。(胡宗锋 译),Chance 偶 然 By Xu Zhimo 徐志摩I am a cloud in the sky,我是天空里的一片云。A chance shadow on the wave of your heart.偶尔投影在你的波心Dont be surprised,你不必讶异,Or too elated:更无须欢喜In an instant I shall vanish without trace.在转瞬间消灭了踪影。We meet on the sea of dark night,你我相逢在黑夜的海上,You on your way,I on mine,你有你的,
11、我有我的方向;Remember if you will,你记得也好,Or,better still,forget 最好你忘掉,The light exchanged in this encounter.在这交会时互放的亮光。,If by Life You Were Deceived 假如生活欺骗了你 Pushkin 普希金 If by life you were deceived,假如生活欺骗了你,Dont be dismal,dont be wild!不要忧郁,也不要愤慨!In the day of grief,be mild,不顺心时暂且克制自己,Merry days will come,
12、believe.相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。Heart is living in tomorrow;我们的心儿憧憬着未来,Present is dejected here;现今总是令人悲哀:In a moment,passes sorrow;一切都是暂时的,转瞬即逝,That which passes will be dear.而那失去的将变得可爱。(乌兰汗 译),Im Nobody 我是无名之辈,你是谁 Emily Dickinson 狄金森 Im nobody,who are you?我是无名之辈,你是谁?Are you nobody too?你,也是,无名之辈?Then theres a
13、pair of us.这就有了我们一对!可是别声张!Dont telltheyd banish us,you know.你知道,他们会大肆张扬!How dreary to be somebody,做个,显要人物,好不无聊!How publiclike a frog 像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼To tell your name the livelong June 在整个六月,把个人的姓名To an admiring bog.聒噪何等招摇!(江枫 译),In a Station of the Metro 地铁车站 By Ezra Pound 庞德The apparition of these face
14、s in the crowd;人群中这些脸庞的隐现;Petals on a wet,black bough.湿漉漉、黑黝黝的树枝上的花瓣。(裘小龙 译)梦幻众中面貌 梦幻众中貌黝湿枝上疏花 黝湿枝上花(周钰良 译)(胡宗锋 改译),一代人 A Generation 顾城 by Gu Cheng 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,Night gave me dark eyes,我却用它寻找光明。I use them to find the light.,Slowly 意迟迟 Mary Coleridge 玛丽 柯尔律治 Heavy is my heart,我心儿多沉郁,Dark are thine eyes
15、.你眼光多暗淡。Thou and I must part 你和我得分离 Ere the sun rise.在太阳升起前。Ere the sun rise 在太阳升起前 Thou and I must part.你和我得分离。Dark are thine eyes,你眼光多暗淡,Heavy is my heart.我心儿多沉郁。-黄杲炘 译,To Wait An Hour-Is Long 等待一小时,太久 By Emily Dickinson To wait an Hour-is long-等待一小时,太久 If Love be just beyond-如果爱,恰巧在那以后 To wait Et
16、ernity-is short-等待一万年,不长 If love rewards the end-如果,终于有爱作为报偿,Auguries of Innocence 天真的预言 By William Blake 布莱克 To see a world in a grain of Sand 一沙一世界,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,一花一天空;Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 掌内包无限,And Eternity in an hour.片刻现永恒。,断章 Fragment 卞之琳 Bian Zhi-lin 你站在桥上看风景,
17、You watched the sight from a bridge,看风景人在楼上看你。As a sightseer watched you from a tower明月装饰了你的窗子,The moon adorns your window,你装饰了别人的梦。And you adorn anothers dream.(王佐良 英译),题都城南庄 Written In a Village South of the Capital(唐)崔护 Cui Hu,去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。,This very day last year,ou,at this ve
18、ry place,A pretty face outshone the flowers of peach trees.I do not know today where shines the pretty face Only the pretty flowers still smile in vernal breeze.English Translation by Xu Yuan Zhong(许渊冲 英译),Song 歌 By Christina Georgina Rossetti 罗塞蒂 When I am dead,my dear,此身亡故后,Sing no sad songs for m
19、e;吾爱毋悲歌;Plant thou no roses at my head,翠柏并玫瑰,Nor shady cypress tree:坟头莫植播,Be the green grass above me 冢上蓻青草,With showers and dewdrops wet;雨露相润和,And it thou wilt,remember,有心就相忆,And if thou wilt,forget.无意可忘却。I shall not see the shadows,阴影无所见,I shall not feel the rain;雨露不觉临,I shall not hear the nightin
20、gale 夜莺悲歌声,Sing on,as if in pain:我更罔若闻。And dreaming through the twilight 梦中见微光,That doth not rise nor set,不浮亦不沉,Haply I may remember,时或忆及此,And haply may forget 偶或忘于心。(周宜乃 译),My Hearts in the Highland 我的心呀在高原 By Robert Burns 罗伯特 彭斯My hearts in the Highlands,my heart is not here;我的心呀在高原,这儿没有我的心,My hea
21、rts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;我的心呀在高原,追赶着鹿群,Chasing the wild deer,and following the roe,追赶着野鹿,跟踪着小鹿,My hearts in the Highlands wherever I go.我的心呀在高原,别处没有我的心。Farewell to the Highlands,farewell to the North,再会吧高原!再会吧,北方!The birth-place of valor,the country of worth;你是品德的国家,壮士的故乡,Wherever I w
22、ander,wherever I rove,不管我在哪儿游荡,到哪儿流浪,The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.高原的群山我永不相忘。Farewell to the mountains high coverd with snow;再会吧,皑皑的高山,Farewell to thestraths and green valleys below;再会吧,绿色的山谷同河滩,Farewell to theforests and wild-hanging woods;再会吧,高耸的大树,无尽的林涛,Farewell to the torrents and
23、poud-pouring floods.再会吧,汹涌的急流,雷鸣的浪潮!My hearts in the Highlands,my heart is not here;我的心呀在高原,这儿没有我的心,My hearts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;我的心呀在高原,追赶着鹿群,Chasing the wild deer,and following the roe,追赶着野鹿,跟踪着小鹿,My hearts in the Highlands wherever I go.我的心呀在高原,别处没有我的心。,心葬 Burial In the Heart 桑恒昌
24、 Sang Hengchang 女儿出生的那一夜,The night my daughter was born 是我一生中最长的一夜。Was the longest one of my life.母亲谢世的那一夜,The night my mother died 是我一生中最短的一夜。Was the shortest one of my life.母亲就这样,It was just in such haste 匆匆匆匆地去了。That my mother left the world.将母亲土葬,If I bury Mother in earth,土太龌龊;The soil is too di
25、rty;将母亲火葬,If I have her body cremated,火太无情;The flames are too ruthless;将母亲水葬,If I give her a water burial,水太漂泊。The water is too drifting.只有将母亲心葬了,I have buried Mother in my heart,肋骨是墓地坚固的栅栏。And my ribs are the sturdy fence around her graveyard.,春 晓 Spring Morning 孟浩然 Meng Haoran 春眠不觉晓,This spring mo
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