1、Unit 8,Anhui Jinzhai Vocational School Paul Lee,The Business World,What is iced tea?,Do you know how iced tea became popular?,Have you ever thought of working in the business world?,Do you have a dream to start your own business some day?,What do you think the most important to be successful?,Succes
2、s,opportunity,hardworking,intelligence,?,Do you think it will be always smooth to succeed?,What will you do when you meet difficulties?,Reading,Iced Tea,1803年前后,美国从法国拿破仑手中以1500万美元的价格购买了路易斯安娜,一块面积达210多万平方公里的广袤土地,使得当时美国领土在一夜之间几乎翻了一倍。这就是历史上有名的“路易斯安娜购地”(The Louisiana Purchase),对于美国来说,这的确是值得纪念的伟大事件。1904年
3、,美国同样投资1500万美元在圣路易斯市举行世博会,隆重纪念从法国购买路易斯安娜100周年。,同时举办世博和奥运盛会:由于当时世博会的影响力远大于奥运会,因此奥运会被视为世博会的娱乐节目以吸引参观者,本届世博会再次与奥运会同期举办。华盛顿大学的田径场就被用作同期举行的奥运会的主赛场。,中国在世博的“首演”,Match the generals ideas with each paragraph.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,C.There are always two sides to everything.,E.St.Louis held World
4、s Fair in 1904,B.Blechynden met hard situation,A.The idea of making iced tea.,D.The inspiring tip from the story.,It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow.,It takes to do,花费去做某事,It took me one year to learn to draw a horse in five minutes.,Lives are no difference.,be no+名词,绝非,It is no use
5、.,There are always two sides to everything.,每件事情都有两面性。,Details are always important to everything.,细节对所有事都很重要。,There is happiness and sorrow.There is the good and the bad,dark and bright spots.,有快乐也有悲伤。有好事也有坏事,有光明也有黑暗。,We cannot control all the events that happen in our lives,but we can control how
6、we deal with them.,处理,应付,deal with,We should learn how to deal with hard situation.,我们要学会如何处理困难的局面。,If we handle our bad luck wisely,the situation may take a turn for the better.The following story can give us some enlightenment.,转好,take a turn for the better,The weather is going to take a turn for
7、the better in three days.,天气会在三后变好。,The following story can give us some enlightenment.,给启示/启发,give enlightenment,He was given enlightenment by his dream.,他从梦中得到启发。,In 1904,the Worlds Fair was held in St.Louis,Missouri,USA.,世界博览会,The Worlds Fair,Many countries want to show their influence by holding
8、 the Worlds Fair.,很多国家希望利用举办世界博览会来展示影响力。,the World Exposition,Trade exhibitors from around the world brought their products to the Fair.For seven months in 1904,the city of St.Louis became the“Worlds University.”,女士们青睐的地方生产馆实际上是世博会的购物中心,因此备受天生喜欢购物的女士的青睐。在这里,有各种异域风情的用品,有来自各个民族的商人,也有来自各个民族的顾客。在7个月的展期里
9、,有些展品可以在这里出售。人们可以比划、可以评说、可以购买,享受在其他展区没有的轻松。,机械馆的屋顶上耸立着六个德式尖塔,各高285英尺,给人一种坚强稳固的感觉。这里面陈列有各种能源发动机、各种新型机器,是实业家流连忘返的地方。在如此集中的区域观览来自全球的先进机械,实在是机会难得。更重要的是,这里预示着产业未来的趋势,关乎投资的前景。,学生上课大家看。在教育和社会学馆里,有来自法国、瑞典、奥地利、意大利、英国、爱尔兰的学校,还有密苏里州的学校等,而且真实的教学呈现在展馆里给游客看,老师和学生轮班去上课。,教育和社会学馆,The Fair offered people an opportuni
10、ty to learn first-hand information about the wonders and the cultures far from their everyday lives.,Richard Blechynden was a tea plantation owner.His dream was to sell his tea at the Fair.,本处是动词不定式做表语,be to do sth.,The meeting is to be held tomorrow.,会议将在明天举行。,With the strong desire to expand his b
11、usiness,he had planned to give away free samples of hot tea to fair visitors.,赠送,送出,give away,Hewasgivinghiscollectionawayfornothing,他把他的收藏品无偿捐出。,Unfortunately,St.Louis was hit by heat waves that summer.It was so hot that no one was interested in his hot tea.,受到袭击,be hit,He was hit seriously in the
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