1、中级口译,翻译,Contents,E-C translation C-E translation,发音语言知识 词汇 语法 听 说语言技能 读 写 译,山穷水尽,柳暗花明,秋后算账,王国维,人间词话(1908),古今之成大事业、大学问者,必经过三种之境界:,第一境界,昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望尽天涯路。此第一境也。,第二境界,“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”此第二境也。,第三境界,众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。此第三境也。,Contents,翻译的标准直译和意译英译汉:增词与减词转换与变性分句与合句具体与抽象正译与反译,Contents,汉译英:主语的确定谓语的确定其他成
2、分的确定语序的调整长句的翻译无主句的翻译存现句的翻译兼语句的翻译被动句的翻译否定句的翻译“是”字句的翻译“把”字句的翻译,密码:20102010,Contents,翻译的标准英译汉技巧,Teaching Procedure,原文,分析,试译,讲评,2-3分钟,翻译的标准,严复,信 Faithfulness 达 Smoothness 雅 Elegance,傅雷,熊掌与鱼,忠实于原文内容还是形式?“得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外”“重神似不重形似”翻译的标准,有“神似”和“形似”。翻译就像临摹绘画,简单的临摹重复只是最低标准。如果能够根据画中的主旨和意境做到“形神兼备”,则是大匠之作。因此,翻译形
3、式只是形式,而翻译的效果才是真正的目的地。,钱钟书,翻译的最高标准是”化“。翻译作品其实也是原著的”投胎转世“,从内容、思想、风格、感情色彩,甚至修辞手法上都要继承原著的特色。化境指把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而路出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于化境,翻译的操作标准,忠实/准确 faithfulness/accuracy流畅/通顺 smoothness,忠实来自理解,After repeated failure and disappointments he was determined to throw up the sponge,but co
4、ntinued perseverance finally brought success.多次的失败和失望险些让他自暴自弃,但是坚持不懈的努力最终给他带来了成功。,The passenger declared that he had lost his ticket,but the inspector suspected that he was trying it on,and that actually he had not paid his fare.这位顾客声称丢掉了车票,检票员怀疑他实际上没有买票,想蒙混过关。,If he refuses to take my advice on thi
5、s occasion,as he has done so often before,I shall wash my hands of the affair,and he can fend for himself.如果他此时像往常那样拒不接受我的建议,我将不再插手这件事,他可自行处理。,过去的一年,全国人民按照“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”的方针,团结奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”(通过)抓住机遇,(以便)深化改革(和)扩大开放促进发展保持稳定,过去的一年,全国人民按照“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促
6、进发展,保持稳定”的方针,团结奋斗,开拓进取,社会主义现代化事业取得了重大成就。In the past,guided by the principle of“seizing the current opportunity to deepen the reform and open China wider to the outside world,promoting development and maintaining stability,”the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit,achieving
7、great success in the drive for socialist modernization.,理解如何而来?,语感悟性语法分析:长句的翻译上下文分析:词义的理解,通顺来自表达,I have a cousin who knows the younger brother of the richest people of the town.我有一个认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟的表哥。我有一个表哥,他认识镇上最有钱的人的弟弟。,He is a good eater and good sleeper.他是一个好的吃者和好的睡者。他能吃能睡。In the door way lay at le
8、ast twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors.门口放着至少十二把各种颜色和各种尺寸的伞。门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。,直译和意译,直译:就是既保留原文的内容,又保留原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。意译,就是保留原文的内容,不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。中级口译中,大多数场合只要译出基本意思就可以了,但是在少数场合需要使用意译。,There is no way of proving this point.(1997年考题)直译:现在没有办法证明这一点。意译:这一点不置可否。,An organization that has
9、 open lines of communication with valid,honest information going up,down,and throughout the organization will be much more effective and a much better place of work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive.(2003年考题)直译:一个企业如果具备公开的沟通渠道,公司上级、下级、同级之间
10、传递正确的、诚实的信息,比起那些试图限制信息流通、歪曲甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更高的效率,并是一个更适宜于工作的地方。意译:一个企业如果具备坦诚的沟通模式和全方位的诚信信息,比起那些试图封闭信息、曲解甚至欺骗的企业来说,将会有更高的效能,并更适宜于工作。,Restricting communication and distorting information are symptoms of short-range thinking.(2000年考题)直译:限制沟通和曲解信息是企业缺乏远见的前兆。意译:限制沟通和曲解信息使企业逐渐成为井底之蛙。,Think tanks and universi
11、ty research institutes are nonprofit organizations that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines.直译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了环境。意译:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了舞台。,Their expanding appetite for imports would have bolstered the United States and s
12、o-called emerging market countries from Brazil to South Korea.(2003年考题)直译:那些国家对进口需求很大,刺激了美国和一些所谓的新兴市场国家,诸如巴西、韩国。意译:那些国家热衷于进口,确实给美国和一些所谓的新兴市场国家诸如巴西、韩国打了一针强心剂。,本届会议将围绕”新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同发展“的主题,审议5个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球贸易的发展。(2001年考题)直译:This meeting will discuss the topic of“new century,new challenge:parti
13、cipate,cooperate and promote common prosperity”covering 5 areas with a view to enhancing the development of economy and trade between the Asia-Pacific region and the rest world.意译:This meeting will,centering around the theme of“Meeting new challenges in the new century:achieving common prosperity th
14、rough participation and cooperation”,reviewing the agenda under 5 heads with a view to promoting the economic and trade development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.,因为从市民的衣、食、住、行消费来讲,住房是一个重要的因素,而且占了大头。(2002年考题)直译:Among the basic necessities of life-food,clothing,shelter and transpo
15、rtation,housing is an important elements,accounting for a majority in the money they spend.意译:Among the basic necessities of life-food,clothing,shelter and transportation,housing is an important element,accounting for a lions share in the money they spend.,转性与变态,转换词性是突破原文词法、句法格局,化阻滞为通达的方法。离开必要的词性转换,
16、势必会导致生硬拗口、晦涩难懂的译文。转换词性的原则是不能违背原文的意思,有助于译文的通顺流畅。从理论上讲,翻译中的词性转换时没有限制的,名词,动词、形容词、副词,词性转换的基本规律,英语较多使用名词和介词汉语较多使用动词,The happiness of having such a sister-in-law was their effusion,and the fair ladies mingled in embraces and tears of joy.她们首先倾吐了要做姑嫂的喜悦,两位小姐高兴地一次次拥抱,洒下了欣喜的泪花。Effusion:从名词到动词Embrace:从名词到动词Te
17、ars of joy:从名词到动词,Tesss pride would not allow her to turn head,to learn what her fathers meaning was,if he had any苔丝出于自尊,不愿再回头看父亲在搞什么名堂,如果他真的有什么名堂的话Pride:从名词到动词,It is my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been,they seem less likely to be ashamed.我相信,人们虽然没有未必比以前还要不
18、讲道德,但似乎要比以前更加不知羞耻。Conviction:从名词到动词,I saw that his face was pale.I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drink before some customers.我见他脸色煞白。我循着他的眼光,看到餐厅那边有个女人端着托盘给几位客人上饮料。,Father passed his hand over his face.父亲用手摸了摸脸。,Practice:名词到动词,Dolphins are social a
19、nimals and love company.海豚是群居动物,爱结群。Brain size is not an absolute measure of intelligence.脑容量并不能绝对衡量聪明程度。,To help the panel in their selection,an interview assessment form is often used during the interview.为了帮助面试小组作出选择,在面试中经常使用面试评定表。They want to get market share.他们想分享市场。,My sight of sick Mom remind
20、ed me of the summer of 1981 when Granny was ill.望着病中的妈妈,我想起了1981年夏天奶奶生病的情景。After Chinas entry into the WTO,there are more and more opportunities for foreign businessmen to join in the development of the West.中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国西部开发的机会越来越多。,For the convenience of the passengers,Shenzhen Airport Administ
21、ration set up 4 change rooms.深圳机场为了方便旅客,设置了4间更衣室。,Practice:动词到名词,Thats why the stage appealed to her.这就是为什么讲坛对她有如此的吸引力。,Practice:名词到形容词/副词,Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity,but with a large minority in serious poverty,and a small number who are very rich.这些国家呈现出欣欣向荣的态势,只有极少数国家会两极分化,
22、要么极端贫穷,要么极端富有。,Supported by foundation grants and government contracts,they are a major source of the new ideas that are discussed in the policy-formation groups.有了基金会的资助和政府的合约保护,这些专家能够为政策的制定提供源源不断的新思维。,Practice:介词到动词,One way an organization can find a staff for job vacancies is to recruit outside t
23、he company.企业组织找人补充职位空缺的办法之一是外部招聘。She was a tireless activist for racial and sexual equality.她是一个孜孜不倦的活动家,呼吁种族和男女平等。,增词与减词,增词不增义,减词不减义,文字更加通顺。1)根据原文上下文的意思、逻辑关系以及译文语言习惯,在表达时增加原文字面上没有,但是意思上却包含的字词。2)增补原文句法上的省略成分。,The human brain weighs three pounds,but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a
24、 hundred billion smaller cells.人脑只有三磅重,但就在这三磅物质中,却包含了一百亿个神经细胞,以及一千亿个更小的细胞。,The difference between me and these daughters was that they saw me,because of my sex,as destined from birth to become like their fathers,and therefore as an enemy to their desires.我和这些女儿们的分歧在于:由于性别的缘故,她们认为我生来注定要成为他们父亲那样的人,因而也
25、就成为妨碍她们实现自己愿望的敌人。,Some had beautiful eyes,others a beautiful nose,others a beautiful mouth and figure,few,if any,had all.她们有的长着漂亮的眼睛,有的生着俏丽的鼻子,有的有着妩媚的嘴巴、婀娜的身段;但是,这样样都有的,虽然不能说一个没有,却也是寥寥无几。,I felt madly in love with her,and she with me.我疯狂地爱上了她,她也疯狂地爱上了我。纽马克:翻译需要讲求简洁流畅。因此,做翻译时要学会省略。,The Harrow custom
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