1、2023/6/10,1,中医学术论文写作,兰凤利 上海中医药大学,2023/6/10,2,中医学术论文英文写作,1 写作目的2 论文结构3 写作要求4 写作方法,2023/6/10,3,1.写作目的,发表在国际知名学术期刊,如SCI收录期刊。与中医药有关的SCI期刊(按2005年收录分析)(IF/2004年):(1)Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(1.401)(2)Complementary Therapies in Medicine(1.317)(3)Alternative Therapies in Health and M
2、edicine(0.971)(4)American Journal of Chinese Medicine(0.593)(5)Acupuncture&Electro-Therapeutics Research(0.341),2023/6/10,4,2 论文结构(structure/format),2.1 扉页(title page)2.2 正文(main body)2.3 附录(appendix),2023/6/10,5,2.1 Title Page 扉页(TAA),TitleAuthors full name and professional addressAbstract or Summa
3、ry Objective,Method,Results,ConclusionKey words(Supported/funded/granted/sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation(标书号、合同号等)/A project funded by the National“863”Program),2023/6/10,6,2.2 Main Body 正文(IMRaD),IntroductionMaterials and methodsResults(and)Discussion(Conclusion),2023/6/10,7,2.
4、3 Appendix 附录,Acknowledgement References,2023/6/10,8,3 写作要求(Requirements),The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals(URMSBJ,5th Ed.,1997)formulated by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors(ICMJE):,2023/6/10,9,3.1 Introduction 引言,The purpose of an intro
5、duction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study(move from the general to the specific).The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.,2023/6/10,10,Introduction200 words,背景Statement of general area or history of problem意义St
6、atement of importance or need进展Statement of previous findings,reports or studies(citations)目的Statement of purpose of current study范围Statement of specific area of problem to be studied,2023/6/10,11,3.2 Materials and Methods 材料与方法,Readers must be able to reproduce your results,evaluate the validity of
7、 your results and the soundness of your methods,and follow the logic in the paper.,2023/6/10,12,Materials and Methods,简要说明研究设计(Study design)详细说明研究对象:Patients,Subjects,healthy volunteers,animals(sex,age,species,breed,physiological state,etc.)随机分组方法和选择标准(Methods of any random assignment of subjects to
8、 groups and criteria for admission to study groups)药物(Drug),激素(hormone),试剂(reagent),其它化学品(other chemicals),商标(trademark),生产厂家(manufacturer)及所在地(location)简要说明测定方法(Method of measurement)简要说明统计分析方法(Method of statistical analysis),2023/6/10,13,Materials and Methods,Approval from“Institutional Review Boa
9、rd”(“informed consent”from patients and explanation on“Animal Welfare Act”)Randomized Controlled Trial,RCT:JAMA 1996;276:637-639 或 www.consort-statement.org/statement.HtmPast tense,2023/6/10,14,3.3 Results 结果,This section tells the reader what happened in your work.Remember:let your results speak fo
10、r themselves and dont embellish(leave that for Discussion section),2023/6/10,15,Results,Overview of the resultsStatistical significanceStatistical support,such as figures,tables,pictures,etc.,2023/6/10,16,Results,In chronological orderIntegrated,clear,pithy,correlated,and logicalPast tense(present t
11、ense:truth or well-known fact,e.g.Erectile dysfunction is common in men with diabetes.)Significant/significance:,2023/6/10,17,Points for attention:Such expressions as“The results tended to be greater than”,“showed no promising trends”,“It could/might be inhibited by”should be avoided.,2023/6/10,18,3
12、.4 Discussion 讨论,The author should tell the reader what the results mean by placing them in the context of previous published studies of the problem.,2023/6/10,19,Discussion,简要说明研究背景(Background)简要介绍总的发现(General findings)介绍具体要点(Introduction of points)与先有发现(若有)进行比较(Comparison in the context of other s
13、tudies)意义(Suggested meaning)结论(Conclusion):We conclude that前瞻研究(Future studies),2023/6/10,20,Discussion,Tense分清实验过程和结果(past tense)与分析意见(present tense);他人研究结果(past tense或present perfect)与本研究结果(past tense);普遍适用的结论(present tense)与只适用本研究的结论(past tense);,2023/6/10,21,Discussion,The Use of Parenthesis:how
14、ever,we believe/think/consider,to our knowledge,in our experience(practice)避免含糊的倾向:These results seem to suggest that oral sildenafil could be useful in some selected populations and certain conditions.,2023/6/10,22,3.5 Acknowledgement 致谢,Always get the persons approval of your intention to mention
15、him in the acknowledgement and of the form in which you will present the acknowledgement.,2023/6/10,23,Acknowledgement,This study was supported by Medical Research Funds from State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Dr.Wang was supported by a National Research Council Associate-ship.We t
16、hank Li Yunlong for his assistance with technical aspects of this study.We are grateful to Mei Mei for assistance in preparing the manuscript.,2023/6/10,24,3.6 References 参考文献,Reference styles should be specific to each journal.References:Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical
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- 中医 学术论文 写作
