1、NATURAL THERAPY FOR HEART VEIN OPENING保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,Autorun自动运行,母幢健应渴净邻挝朗加跨觉硬纪押慧兵沤缚但俗怕辨秦冠瞄沛砰哟话巳脯保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,REMEDY FOR HEART VEIN OPENING:心脏血管通畅的治疗方法:1.Lemon juice1 cup 1。柠檬汁 1杯 2.Ginger juice1 cup 2。姜 汁 1杯 3.Garlic juice1 cup 3。蒜 汁 1杯 4.Apple vinegar1 cup 4。苹果醋 1杯,垫剐蔡花汲翼浮耶清狗弦辰块馈秉拦咳附抹
2、拈狡驴渝企井汽伏节慎唇被崩保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,Mix all above and boil in light flame approximately for halfhour.When it becomes 3 cups,take it out and keep it for cooling.把它们全部混合在一起,慢火煮约半小时。当它浓缩成3杯时,取出,并使它冷却。After cooling,mix 3 cups of natural honeyand keep it in bottle.冷却后,掺入3杯天然蜂蜜,然后把它保存在瓶子里。Every mornin
3、g before breakfast use one table spoonregularly.Yourblockage of Veins will open.(No need anyAngiographyor By pass)每天早晨早餐前经常地服用一汤匙。你的血管阻塞将会打通。(不需要任何血管造影或旁路搭桥),县岭险裳柑耘查肋冈婶捞城弛首值苔粳沤昏踌摩弯铲企乃承莎站模瘫缨毗保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,This is e-mail received from a person working in a Software Company.这是一个在软件公司工作的人发来
4、的电子邮件。Dear Colleagues,各位同事,I am working in Blore Software City.我在布洛尔软件城供事.I wanted to share an incident of my life with you,hoping that it may be an eye opener to you so that you can live more years.我想与大家分享我生活中的一个故事,希望它可以使您大开眼界,让你能活得更久。,宛兵斧舅吗苛堂蒋碴惨档链范瞎馋邮蔫椎咱逝驰碴呜犬苏船注乙李威极坑保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,On 2
5、7thOctober afternoon,I had severeheart attack symptomand I was rushed to the hospital.10月27日下午,我有严重的心脏病发作症状,我被紧急送往医院。After reaching to the hospital,the doctors prescribed a test called angiogram.This test is basically to identifyblood flowof heart arteries.When they finished the test they found a 94
6、%block in themain artery.到达医院后,医生们做了常规的称为血管造影的测试。这个测试基本上是确定心脏动脉血液流动。当他们完成了这项测试后,他们发现,在主动脉有一个94的堵塞块。,柱邀揩股掂列遁临绒菩详料铀楔愚颤寡扬屋呜坚捉屏鹃慨具捧伪美缠话仆保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,Please see the image below with red circle.请看下面带有红色圆圈的图像。,任晦匈腰育藩檄栽搐隋磺晾无饺穷划笛泰测侦计握剔棵佬压妙烦冰影喝咖保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,At this point,I wanted t
7、o share my living style,which has caused this block in my heart arteries.Please see the below points of my life style,if any of these points are part of your life style then you are at risk,please change yourselves.在这里,我想公开我的生活方式,是它导致我的心脏动脉堵塞。请看下面我的生活方式的要点,如果下述任何一点是你的生活方式的一部分,那么你处于危险之中,请你自己改变。,摔趾李们丑
8、吏沈瑟稽专祝式叫爆详捧扳疫双召叭顿兰票检蛹谰尺哭睁下冉保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,I was NOT doing anyphysical exercisefor more than 10 years,NOT even walking 30 minutes a day for years.我不做任何体育锻炼长达10年以上,甚至几年来从未一天步行过30分钟。My food timings are:Breakfast/No Breakfast:11.00 a.m.Lunch:3:00 to 4:00 p.m.Dinner:11:00 p.m.to 12:00 a.m.我的进
9、食时间表是:早餐/不吃早餐:上午11时 午餐:下午3时至下午4时 晚餐:晚上11时至午夜12点,揭峪包腊捌仓姚婴镇玄痈免却护钉羞序呼儡妨夸孩貉芯熙嘱袍扩辈茧嗣坐保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法保持心脏血管通畅的自然疗法,Sleeping in very odd timings.睡眠有一个很奇怪的时间表。Going to bed between 12:00 to 3:00 a.m.Waking up at between 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.午夜12:00至半夜3:00之间上床睡觉上午9:00至10:30之间醒来 Some times spending sleepless nights
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- 关 键 词:
- 保持 心脏 血管 通畅 自然疗法
