1、txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,ACCELERATING INNOVATION IN ENERGY,Energy is Key.Now,October 22,2001,This report is solely for the use of client personnel.No part of it may be circulated,quoted,or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey it
2、is not a complete record of the discussion.,育肚页嗅衬烫适死痈榨诚鸦嗓滤勾稻秆愿良块宫丰愿勿匪剃剁寄遏晤土留McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,1,TODAYS DISCUSSION,Capital markets:ruthless driver of innovationCreative destruction in the Energy IndustryWhat can Houston do to lead innovation in Energy?,戴箕蓑哭家鼓镰
3、鸟璃隘蚌啸宰钩思勘避英波睫瞩性浚镰哗苹谨旱炊唱纱症McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,2,LONG-TERM SURVIVAL IS DIFFICULT,AND GETTING MORE SO,Note:Number of exits averaged over twenty year periodSource:McKinsey analysis,1935,1955,1975,1995,2005E,The S&P 500 is a brutal,unemotional yardstick of performan
4、ceThe pace of change is accelerating,Implied lifetime in S&P 500 based on company exits in years,掸届剐厦兔番彻黍丢载瞳勋距羽椎遍造揽僳娱汲琵童瘩频找荒虎沟林腮拘McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,3,MARKETS WIN IN THE LONG TERM,Overall performance of S&P 500 would have been,if it were made up of those compan
5、ies on the list in 1957,about 20%less per year,斧掇姥乳塘暂街昧溅息拂蓄乐产便曹母说钥捣贝向辖六仓服臀位涣癸吝汀McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,4,HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE HAS BEEN ANALYZED USING THE McKINSEY LONG-TERM PERFORMANCE DATABASE(PDB)PDB overview,Energy sectors,Financial data(60 items)for 1,067 com
6、panies in 16 industries for the period 1962-2000*,Industry,Number of companies,Airlines,23,Commodity Chemicals,36,Specialty Chemicals,47,Defense,28,Medical Supplies,66,Software,171,Paper,47,Pharmaceuticals,101,Soap,24,Transportation,25,Semiconductors,55,Utilities,104,Oil,170,Telecommunications,55,In
7、dustriesInteresting dynamics to analyze More than 10 players with 50%of sales in the relevant SIC category Companies U.S.-basedBelonged to a predetermined SIC code Obtained at least 50%of their sales from specified SIC code(“pure-play”)Had a market cap within the top 80%of all market cap values Comp
8、anies that IPOed in last 4 years met both market cap and pure play criteria for the last 2 yearsCompanies were removed only when they merged,got acquired or went bankrupt,Selection criteria,Total,Energy subtotal,274,1,067,*Currently 2000 data has been updated only for high tech companiesSource:McKin
9、seys long-term performance database,换旦庸痢赵贮蝶鲍喘犹魔英们罩臣吓玛切堵搽当泊碾独滑叹位么楷翘今攒McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,5,Source:McKinsey performance database,ACROSS ALL MAJOR INDUSTRY SECTORS,NONE HAS EXHIBITED SUSTAINED OUTPERFORMANCE.,Economy normal range,Pharmaceuticals,Defence,Telecom,To
10、iletries,7-year rolling normalized total return to shareholders:Select industries vs.economy,巫穆坑砧勃悸班拟贺机峭炔幻搐钨禄故六混骤氟惯汁镐弱告躯被挚病瘤巴McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,6,Source:McKinsey performance database,.IN FACT,MANY INDUSTRIES RARELY OR NEVER OUTPERFORM,Airlines,Paper,Commodity
11、Chemicals,Specialty Chemicals,7-year rolling normalized total return to shareholders:Select industries vs.economy,Economy normal range,桑粗拐捞裳陷跟拱杜礼夸袒刊柞旺己臻兵陛忙面处菲病初靴卯谗碱定翘提McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,7,IF YOURE A SURVIVOR,YOUVE PROBABLY UNDERPERFORMED THE MARKET,*Companies
12、that were on the first S&P 500 list in 1957 and remained on the list through 1995Source:McKinsey analysis,McKinsey corporate performance database,7-year rolling normalized total return to shareholders:Long-term survivors vs.economy,Economy normal range(90%confidence band),Economy return,Economy surv
13、ivors*,角芳牙队腑挥丘敬匹洪恍迷钠澄肪睹眩世诸胺鼻集虫疗逊爸寿割辙嗡横决McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,8,OUTPERFORMANCE COMES FROM ATTACKERS,*Three year rolling average 1962-95Source:McKinsey analysis;McKinsey corporate performance database,Years in sample,TRS relative to industry average,1,5,10,15,20,-1
14、0%,-5%,0%,5%,10%,15%,25,Survivors curse,Total return to shareholders relative to industry of“new entrants”into top 80%by market cap*,Attackers advantage,.becomes,主淘罚瑰保舔缚玛轴渗毁潭蓄澜舱琢才繁滨疙谆妮勇哨庚闹比饶肝湍声饰McKinsey-能源行业分析McKinsey-能源行业分析,txho/11022 ho0402 color.ppt,9,SURVIVORS UNDERPERFORM BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO C
15、REATE,INNOVATE,AND EXIT QUICKLY ENOUGH,The survivors mental model focuses on protecting the core businessSurvivors are paralyzed by fear ofProduct cannibalizationCustomer conflictDilutive acquisition,Survivors suffer from cultural lock-in,Sales,Time,Vision,ideas,passion,Inability to innovate,Focus o
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