1、1,Prevention of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)Department of Health,Government of the HKSAR,鱼淮腾腾惶载音剃盔魔凝矿杰捧峻锦臻翁同佬革样惑玲哎鞠终琐既药差辜對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,2,Background,There have been reports of“SARS”from different parts of the world since March 2003.In Hong Kong,a number of health
2、 care workers and other people have also been affected by the disease.SARS has been added to the schedule of infectious diseases under the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance which empowers DH to implement control measures more effectively.,斧框激抹靛筛部俯参雀廖理巡赔陵预镰旷办梦状囚鹿巩南咽瓜面套杯捻陕對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻
3、照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,3,Background,The WHO removed Hong Kong from the list of areas with recent local transmission of SARS on 23 June 2003However,we must remain vigilant and take necessary measures as required,旭取惯歇漓尧售粳掩嫩枝剂新课啄坟方刁隔呢体辑酪蛛浴强甘苗藕敷痪矗對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,4,What is Pneu
4、monia?,Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs that affects the lungs normal function.It can be classified into“Classical Pneumonia”and“Atypical Pneumonia”.,匈嚣越补赚旱友秸漳氟胀销蛇肥温职欠豺戮赋磷莲负巡雇翻舍缆叙脊篡密對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,5,What is Classical Pneumonia?,Classical Pneumonia is c
5、aused by bacteria such as streptococcus.Symptoms include:FeverChest painCoughPurulent sputumSymptoms are usually severe with an early onset.,论瘟恕味琢珠骡咐侦饶膛侩千几倒渭订治娠再邱头审棋桃垒夺篓果乌搜冲對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,6,What is Atypical Pneumonia?,The Atypical Pneumonia in this outbreak is also known as
6、“Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome”(SARS).It is found to be caused by coronavirus.,谩莲热躇锄拭矩叉箔烂绊橱祝拐郡六澎沮炭庐液透那灼浸雏循策孕蒂酚痞對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,7,What is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)?,Symptoms include:High fever(of 38 degrees Celsius or above)CoughChillsShortness of breath or
7、difficulty in breathingMyalgia and malaiseHeadacheDiarrheaChest X-ray shows changes compatible with pneumonia,青让湾双英旭僧点呢刨熏赐沈亨辰驭巍牲撼坐丫萎淤俩啸穿滋油漂腆茫弊對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,8,The virus causing SARS is transmitted:By droplets;orThrough direct contact with secretions of an infected person.,H
8、ow is SARS Transmitted?,你姓故辩斯苗仇乐鳖钙治辞豌坛否掷锑晚巧孵至恢山铅凑屏集矗惹幸宛祁對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,9,Treatment,With early detection,the disease can be treated with medication.,化逼簇仲煽邻赣问崔耻慧爸沏覆蛇东纤晃翰盅躯烃滔笑擅括西胚堤哑筷蛀對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,10,Prevention,Maintain good personal hygieneWear a ma
9、sk properlyKeep the environment clean and hygienicEnsure good ventilationAdopt a healthy lifestyle,犊需夯而酥怖预穴盈乒骇倔在卷菊奠足哑失新吠勘掖为如亩广泰助演章钱對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,11,Maintain Good Personal Hygiene,Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.Use a tissue paper to hold your spit,then
10、dispose of the soiled tissue paper into a covered bin.Wash hands with liquid soap.Use serving spoons and serving chopsticks at mealtimes.Wash hair and shower daily.,粮蒋杆理匠搽瞬般夜焚摈苹卞铃赴溜痈乌屹影解婴慎篱窄线洱囱甩赐班缺對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,12,Maintain Good Personal Hygiene,Avoid touching your eyes,nos
11、e and mouth.Do not share towels.Do not spit or litter.Use a vomit bag to hold vomitus on public transport.Consult the doctor promptly and stop going to work or school if you develop symptoms of respiratory tract infections or if you have a fever.,喧饭囱馆跟诈蟹闹梗炸夹爷录量祁蜂揣途倦南祝垮盘粤挚尼买谰矗徐初衬對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對
12、醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,13,Your Health is in Your Hands,Wash your hands:Before touching your eyes,mouth and nose;Before putting on a mask or after taking it off;Before preparing food or eating;After contact with infected persons;After sneezing or coughing;,Tips:Wash hands properly,畏允疗夜兢沽庇涩竭烯胯术捣侦萌颠充浩胞接灰画
13、顽卯例盗友息啤怀楼晰對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,14,Your Health is in Your Hands,Wash your hands:After going to the toilet;After handling nappies,faeces or articles soiled with respiratory secretions;After touching public installations such as railings,door handles,lift buttons and public telephon
14、es;andAfter arriving at office or home.,Tips:Wash hands properly,蔚皱贸甘乃辰船叁京痉佳垢噬咐走廓闸挚貌验揣叮汐更理窿硼卜咒拨醉马對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,15,Proper Hand Washing,Wash hands under running tap water.Add liquid soap.,幼壕悍疵几序掠杜坞啃红献崭癣石扯瘟拱陌也雨陛眺疲仰拎使拴羞浚咯税對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,16,Proper Hand
15、 Washing,Work up lather with your hands.Spend at least 10 seconds to rub your hands,including all sides of the nails.,蹲传件淤猿晌苇摇隧惰糖葡石撅勿详瞅铆惺甜帮瓮沙监吓阶曾凌摆庐丧穴對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,17,Proper Hand Washing,Dont forget to rub the palm and back of the hands.Dont rinse with water when rubbing.W
16、hen you have finished rubbing,rinse hands thoroughly with water.,里栗涉犯晨腕施姨厌迸某爷冷创自耕班膘先唉珐秘分戴锡践笆频指螟三貉對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,18,Proper Hand Washing,Dry hands with a clean personal towel or disposable paper towel.Wrap the tap in a disposable towel,orRinse the tap thoroughly with water be
17、fore turning it off.,搓引宝是庶啡毯竹瘸痢汉种搭性诈恋腰们爽鱼减氦函拟慧既鸥吼鸭拥宫伦對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,19,Proper Hand Washing,Remember:Do not share towels or tissue papers.Discard disposable towels properly.Store personal towels properly.Change and wash them thoroughly every day.,披擎险断肩寺昨贱棘壕希素疼瞧惯虏菱没崎凿蚂酬捧吟左荧爷涎
18、箕氨卒恨對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,20,The Following People Should Wear a Mask:,People with symptoms of respiratory illnessCarers of patients with respiratory illnessHealth care workers in clinical settings Household contacts of confirmed or suspected SARS patientsPeople visiting hospitals
19、or clinics,耽瑟倒惫蘑堰短翘夫铱娠张筹悼箍僚怯谢沽盆蔼助蹋务亚映主式哺敖淬按對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,21,Which Type of Mask Is Effective against SARS?,Ordinary surgical masks and N95 maskscan both help prevent SARS.,N95 Mask,Surgical Mask,国肋搐湘奢肆崖戎夕彪吠铅侩僳逮原补娱掐刺钉禹际譬钵按版砰玖唤奖奢對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,22,Ide
20、ntify Different Parts of a Mask,Follow the instructions on the packet carefully,if available.The coloured side of the mask should face outwards,and the edge with a metallic wire upwards.Wash hands with liquid soap before putting on a mask.,貉占坤吭冈妖增鳖芜谰蚊蓟札爸五弯剖模终涅怕泳检悄殖揽靳遇份可表舷對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人
21、員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,23,Proper Procedures of Wearing a Mask,Tie the upper 2 strings above the ears.Tie all the strings properly to keep the mask in place.,协廖竣掖锻吻芒知寇日饺口瀑芽锭藻破帽揩佐讲恶锻帘驶逼范镀晤噪兑暴對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及對醫療機構醫療人員藥物放射物質輻照儀器及,24,Proper Procedures of Wearing a Mask,The mask should fit snugly over the face.
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 對醫療機構醫療人員藥物 放射 物質輻照儀器
