1、difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. Take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes Li Dazhaos classic iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the n
2、ew situation of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. A good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. In my view, village chiefs in the new situation,
3、 we must first have five basic quality. One ambition is to pioneer. Who is handsome. People only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. Township and village party leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, political stability an
4、d economic and social development issues, decisions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. Everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the Organizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral and other qualities. Therefore, we must a
5、lways maintain the historical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. To have a feeling of closeness to the second. The people and country. Our business f
6、oundation in the peoples blood in the people power people. Advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, called first, and enjoy comfort about others, Zheng Banqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect i
7、s suffering. Cao County officials, little my, a total turn off. Old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold with on people of deep feelings, heart Department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions
8、 thoughts complained, always insisted put masses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, and Lee for peopl
9、e by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. As Township and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoint on power, position an
10、d values and Outlook, as fame is light like water, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to com
11、e to the library, workshops, into the villages, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in超深基坑地连墙钢筋笼吊装专项方案目 录第一章 编制依据1 工程相关文件和资料2 主要的现行相关国家、行业和地方规范、标准3 其它第二章 工程概况1 工程概况2 地下连续墙分类3 基坑周边环境4 工程地质条件5 场内现状第三章 工程重、难点及对策第四章 施工组织和部署1 实施目标(见表4.1-1)2 组织机构3 施工流程4 施工进度主要节点5 资源配置
12、计划6 施工总平面布置第五章 地连墙钢筋笼吊装施工1 钢筋笼参数2 吊装说明3 设备选用4 吊装方案5 地铁侧钢筋笼吊装验算6 吊机扒杆确定7 非地铁侧钢筋笼吊装验算8 钢筋笼吊装技术措施9 起重设备的安全要求10 起重前必须要做的检查第六章 安全管理与应急预案1 安全保证体系及措施2 安全风险管理及风险预案3 应急救援预案第七章 与相关单位的配合措施1 与监理单位的配合2 与建设单位的配合3 与桩基承包单位的配合措施4 与施工总承包单位的配合措施5 与检测单位的配合措施6 与基坑监测单位的配合措施7 与周边、在建工程的配合措施8 与政府相关部门的配合措施(见表13.8-1)第一章 编制依据1
13、 工程相关文件和资料2 主要的现行相关国家、行业和地方规范、标准3 其它第二章 工程概况1 工程概况1.1 项目简介XX中心广场项目基坑围护工程一标段项目基坑面积约6.74万m2, 位于XX园区XX街与XX路交叉口, 本工程地下3层,本工程外围护总延长米约1.2km,地连墙共227幅。1.2 参建单位序号项 目内 容1建设单位XX工业园区XX城市发展有限公司(XXXX有限公司)2设计单位XXXX研究院工程有限公司3监理单位XX建科工程咨询有限公司4勘察单位XXXX地质勘测院5施工单位XXXX有限公司2 地下连续墙分类本标段包括的主要施工为:地下连续墙、三轴水泥搅拌桩、高压旋喷桩、降水排水、基坑
14、土方开挖、钢筋砼支撑、试桩及工程检测桩截桩、分隔墙排桩、栈桥。本施工方案针对地下连续墙钢筋笼吊装,详见2.2-1地连墙分类图。图2.2-1 地连墙分类地下连续墙分类表详见表2.2.1。3 基坑周边环境基坑东侧为XX街,南侧为XX路,西侧为XX街及某施工办公区,均为城市主干道,道路行车流量属于正常,北侧为世纪广场、在施的XX之门项目及运营中的XX一号线,如图2.3-1所示。图2.3-1 周边环境3.1 基坑东侧基坑最外围三轴搅拌桩距东侧XX主干道邻XX街的人行道约5-7m,街对面为XX公园及XX别墅区,再远处为XXXX。3.2 基坑西侧基坑西南侧为占地约1万的某施工项目临时办公区,办公区西侧为X
15、X街及XX银行大厦;基坑西北侧为世纪广场(XX一号线上方)。3.3 基坑南侧基坑南侧为XX路,位于拟建场地南侧,湖左岸商住区,与拟建场地相隔XX路,距拟建场地最近距离约65m,现已建成投入使用。3.4 基坑北侧如图2.3.4-1所示,基坑东北侧约36m处为在建的XX之门项目,建筑主体为278m的双塔楼(其中北塔楼66层,南塔楼71层)。地下设5层地下室,埋深2022m。图2.3.4-1XX之门与本工程关系基坑距离运营中的轨道XX一号线站房最近距离约6.5m,如图图2.3.4-2所示。图2.3.4-2 地铁站房与本工程相对关系运行轨道距离约16.8m,结构底板埋深约17.5m,如图2.3.4-3
16、所示。图2.3.4-3 运行轨道与本工程相对关系3.5 周边地下管线分布(如图2.3.5-1)图2.3.5-1 周边管线分布基坑周围重要管线综合见下表。表2.3.5 基坑周边管线一览表4 工程地质条件4.1 地形地貌场区内地势较为平坦,自然地面标高约3m。场地已全部硬化。4.2 地基土的构成及特征根据勘察资料10个工程地质层,各土层分布特征表述详见表2.4.2。表2.4.2 主要地层特征 典型地质剖面示意如图2.4.2-1所示。图2.4.2-1地质剖面示意4.3 水文地质条件4.3.1 地表水常年平均水位为1.00m。场区周围地表水水位主要受大气降水和XX水位的影响。4.3.2 潜水孔隙潜水主
17、要赋存于浅部土层中,富水性差,透水性不均,初见水位标高1.01-1.25m,稳定水位标高1.211.55m。其补给来源为大气降水及地表水入渗补给,以大气蒸发为主要排泄方式。XX地区降雨主要集中在69月份,此期间地下水位一般最高;旱季为12月份至翌年3月份,此期间地下水位一般最低,年水位变幅为1.00m。潜水与地表水水力联系:因勘察期间相门塘水位变幅不大,地下水(潜水)受其影响不明显。当基坑工程降水时,巨大的水头差会加速地表水对潜水的补给。4.3.3 微承压水微承压水主要赋存于层粉土夹粉砂,富水性中等,透水性较好。主要补给来源为浅部地下水的垂直入渗及地下水的侧向迳流,以民井抽取及地下水侧向迳流为
18、主要排泄方式;勘察期间测得其稳定水位标高0.901.00m。XX历史最高微承压水水位为1.74m,最低微承压水水位为0.62m,近35年最高微承压水水位为1.60m,年变幅0.80m左右。4.3.4 第承压水上段本场地对基坑开挖有影响的承压含水层主要为第承压水上段,主要分布于第2层土中。XX地区第承压水上段水位标高一般在-1.00m,年变幅1m左右,由于场地周边对地下水进行了降水,该层水水位偏低;参考抽水试验结果,4月份测承压含水层初始水头标高-4.86m,8月测承压含水层初始水头标高-3.50m。4.4 不良地质现象拟建场地内未见到岩溶、滑坡、泥石流、活动断裂等不良地质作用。5 场内现状如图
19、2.5-1所示,现阶段场内主要为桩基础工程作业,整块场地已全面进行混凝土硬化,且B-1区正桩基施工即将结束。整个场地已沿建筑红线砌筑好封闭的临时围墙,东侧已设置一处大门,正对大门的道路两侧为钢筋加工及堆放区。图2.5-1 场内现状conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. Th
20、e complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and
21、 approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local lear
22、n, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peoples development approach, and then come back to guide our work.
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