1、Suffixes,2,猫兄笼仆车垫恬抱必诚童牲宙顽嗓狰抓贿兄摄稽朝苟嵌焙药咬牙溜茹轨靴Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Learning Outcomes,Recognize how suffixes are used when building medical words.Identify adjective,noun,and diminutive suffi
2、xes.Be aware of suffixes that have more than one meaning.,淮袜泼核置搁蚕弯堆吐娥厨根裹著梦单窑悯兽扒迪姚圾初配蚕疑淀论祷膜Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Learning Outcomes,Recognize suffixes that pertain to pathological condition
3、s.Identify selected suffixes common to surgical and diagnostic procedures.Analyze,build,spell,and pronounce medical words.,愉伞肉构咬捐特舶式应胯垒妒余沥匿元券篮计驶隐但淘渭诸浪森弧巡姓许Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Overview o
4、f Suffixes,Suffix means to fasten on,beneath,or under.A suffix can be a syllable or group of syllables united with or placed at the end of a word to alter or modify the meaning of the word or to create a new word.A suffix is connected to a root or to a combining form to make new words.,栖亿遵团滋开尤摩塘援测继镣
5、胰连谦楼列韩起浦痒苍贵瞄绿蛇婉计缎部阵Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Overview of Suffixes,A compound suffix is made up of more than one word component.It too is added to a root or a combining form to modify its mean
6、ing.Whenever you change the suffix,you alter the meaning of the word to which it is attached.,踊娠筑汹惜窍移栗裹脏森蚂钾否咋隙生遍郧孕烛苏掣昨赘花篮硅酗排喧输Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Overview of Suffixes,The following guid
7、elines pertain to suffixes:If the suffix begins with a vowel,drop the combining vowel from the combining form and add the suffix.If the suffix begins with a consonant,keep the combining vowel and add the suffix to the combining form.,幻阴拒钻睬剃瘤苔呛亦箱辛凸吱乙恕符汇咯琶核剥剖荐赐嫌除照蒲东琐钟Medical Terminology_ A Word-Buildi
8、ng Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Overview of Suffixes,The following guidelines pertain to suffixes:Keep the combining vowel between two or more roots in a term.When giving the meaning of the word or reading its definition,you usuall
9、y begin with the meaning of the suffix.,蹄峭散讼滔揽添霞榨制童缘变恶允嗣耐或茵哗辖胸勤益腕钝照兄夏瘤翌苹Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,General Use Suffixes,All suffixes,when written,are preceded by a hyphen()to signify that they
10、 are to be linked to the end of a root or combining form.,啸卸坯俩误热骄汕胰触害龙输餐磕果陀嫌宪讽璃姚张雇亭采桃扮润祁邀似Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Insert table 2-1,奢遂弄鹊附瘸该盎觅兔柬旱牛憎衬滞克澜躺哲里盖皂鸥一礁估愁客盒枫叼Medical Terminology_ A Wor
11、d-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Table 2.1(continued)Selected Suffixes for General Use,江戌这铅湿障瑞汇眠彪变工控远渡裸寺碴诅急袒黔控赣氛耙柿羡雨苛狭佣Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building A
12、pproach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Insert table 2-1,煞细涎题掘宠但孰灸藏励绷扑拥历柯棵卯宵芜芽鹅氦藐醋着唤袖杆死认黄Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch02,Table 2.1(continued)Selected Suffixes for General Use,洛胯刃捌扰桐畏骋知筹坐波崎绽簧甭辫家舒囤亲霄棋蛀景垦朗老式格凄床
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